Ch.39 Digitour day 4

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Meg's POV

We've been on tour for about four days now and it's been going great. Jc and I have been having so much fun. In the four days of tour, I've collabed with Zoe, Caspar, Alfie, and Lohanthony. The bus came to a stop as we pulled up to the venue. I looked out the window and saw fans with signs already outside the venue. There were so many fans outside they had to bring us around towards the back so we could enter the venue.

A few guys came out of the venue, I am guessing there the body guards. The body guards escorted us into the building. "Okay show starts at five, here are your hotel keys. The hotel is across the street. You all have five hours to wander around. Be back by four" We nodded our heads and made our way to the hotel. We had body guards escort us out. But we still tried to take pictures with fans.

We finally made it into the hotel. Jc and I were holding hands, his touch gave me this sense of protection and he held my hand tight but fragile like as if he was afraid that if he held my hand any tighter he'd brake it. In a way I found it cute, the way he thought I was this fragile flower. I smiled down at our hands. He looked at me and kissed my hand. It's like he knows that the little things, he does are the things that drive me insane but there also the reason why I fall more and more in love with him. He sees the beauty in the little things and I love that.

"Babe did you bring the vlogging camera?" He asked me. "Yeah, why?" I asked. "I wanted to vlog" "You guys act like a old married couple. It's so cute, just get married already" Andrea and Connor gushed. I laughed, "I'll show you a married couple" Jc said as he picked me up bridal style. I laughed, "Jc put me down" I said, when I saw he was having a hard time opening the door. He ignored me and unlocked the door. "Jc put down please" I begged. Once again he ignored me and opened the door that lead to the bedroom. He gently set me on the bed. Jc walked to the side of the bed and laid down next to me and wrapped his arm around.

We laid there for a couple of minutes. Just enjoying each other's company. I looked up at him and kissed the tip of nose. He smiled at me and kissed the top of my head. "You know that was really cute" I said as I traced the logo on his shirt. He grabbed my hand and kissed my hand. "I love you" he said. I smiled, "No ,I love you" I said scrunching up my nose. He leaned in and kissed my nose before kissing my lips. He pulled me closer closing the gap between us, his hands rest on my waist as mine made there way around his neck. The kiss got heated and I pulled away to breath.

We eventually fell asleep, it was great to finally sleep in a bed. I mean we slept in a bunk but it wasn't as comfortable as a regular bed. I was woken up by a loud bang. I rubbed my eyes and moved Jc's arm from around me. I got out of bed and opened the door to see Connor. "We have an hour til the show starts and we're going to go eat out, do you guys want to come?" he asked, I rubbed my eyes and looked back at Jc. "Uh yeah, just let me wake up Jc and we'll get ready" He smiled and nodded his head. I walked towards the bed and sat next to Jc. "Babe, wake up" I said. "Jcccccc!!!!! Get up!" Still nothing, he didn't even move. I placed my lip on his and kissed him. He eventually kissed back and flipped me over. He hovered over me still kissing me. He pulled away, "Good morning babe" I laughed. "Actually its almost four and Connor wants us to get ready so we can go eat" I said.

I curled my hair and looked at my outfit that consisted of a oversized white sweater that hang of my shoulder, a light brown infinity scarf black leggings, brown boats, and a beanie. I love these outfits but I usually don't wear them that often because leggings don't have pockets and I like carrying a purse but Andrea bought me a bag or purse whatever you want to call them for my birthday and this is the first time I am using it. I pulled out my bag and put my phone, wallet, earphones, and my inhaler. I looked at my bag, is that all girls carry in there bag?

I walked out of the room and saw everyone was ready to go except for Jc. Jc eventually came out and wrapped his arms around my waist. "You guys ready?"Jc asked. My mind kept wandering off to the fact that I never told Jc , that my ex-boyfriend is touring with us. We never talked about ex's and I didn't know if bring it up was a good idea. I pushed my thoughts aside and followed everyone out and closed the door behind me. We ended up going to this really nice Chinese restaurant down the street.

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