Ch. 41 New Years

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Meg's POV

After Christmas and my mom's birthday which was the day after, I flew out to New York where Jc was waiting for me. I felt the plane land and I rubbed my eyes. Everyone got up and got there things from the little compartment above us. I pulled out my backpack and zipped up my jacket. We all made our way off the plane and into the airport. Oh my god was it cold in New York. I got my luggage and headed for the main entrance. I yawned as I made my way to the entrance. I looked around the entrance and I didn't see Jc. I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and in front of me was a man holding big bouquet of flowers . I looked up at him in confusion. He moved the flowers down and reveled his face. I smiled when I saw Jc's face. I pulled him into a hug. "I missed you" he whispered into my ear. "I missed you more" I said before he kissed me.

After Jc picked me up, we headed to the hotel where Jc and Sam were staying. "Babe, let me help you " he begged as we got out of the taxi. "Fine" I said handing him my suitcase. There wasn't much to hold. I only brought my backpack, duffle and a suitcase, I could easily carry them myself, but Jc wouldn't have it. We made our way into the hotel and when I was hugged by Sam. "What's up" I said smiling. "nothing much I was just wondering if you guys wanted to meet up with Jenn, Anthony, and Jack" he said. "Uh yeah sounds fun. Let me just change" I said as we entered the elvator.

Jc and Sam showed me the room where they were staying. I set my things down on the bed and opened my duffle and pulled out black jeans, a white long sleeve Young and Reckless shirt, yellow scarf and my leather jacket. I quickly changed into the outfit. I showered quickly before getting dressed. Once I was dressed, I turned around and saw Jc standing there dazzed. I looked at him confused. "Jc? How long have you been standing there?" I asked as I ran a hand through my hair. He looked at me, lust in his eyes. "Uh, I never left" he said walking closer to me. He was finally in front of me, he placed a hand on my cheek and moved in closer. "You don't know how much I missed you" He bit his lip as he looked down at my lips. I smirked before biting my lip, I knew he wanted to kiss me but i was wondering when he was going to make a move.

"Are you going to kiss me or not?" I asked (I was so tempted to put 'or nah'). He chuckled and lended in. This kiss was different, I think its because it was full of passion. Soon after the kiss became heated. We pulled away breathless, Jc whispered in my ear. "Jump and wrap your legs around my waist" I did as i was told and continued to kiss Jc, he gently set me down on the bed and he hovered over me. "Guys, whats taking..... uh yeah I'll be outside" Sam said. Jc and I pulled away., I covered my mouth embarrassed. My cheeks turned bright red and I let a laugh escape my lips. "Yeah next time close the door." I said. As I stood up, and walked to the mirror so I could fix my hair. That's when I realized that Jc saw me naked. "Jc when you said you never left" I began to say. "Yes, I saw you naked" he said with a smirk. My cheeks flushed a bright red. I throw a pillow at him before leaving the room. "Don't worry, I enjoyed the view!" he yelled after me.

My cheeks turned bright red as I got a cold pizza slice and began to eat it. "Meg, we'll grab something to eat on our way there." Sam told me as he stole my pizza slice. "Hey!! That's mine!" I yelled as I chased him around the room. "Sam just give me back my pizza and I won't hurt you" I said. "Its mine now" he said licking the pizza. I covered my mouth in shock. "I can't believe you did that" I said as I sat down in the sofa pouting. Jc walked into the room and sat next to me. "How about we go out for Chinese food? Just me and you" he said. "What? That's not fair! I want Chinese to!" Sam pouted. "No because you stole my pizza" I said sticking out my tongue.

Around six we left to Jenn's hotel room, where we would celebrate the New Year. On our way there we stopped to buy chips, snacks, and drinks. We finally walked up to the hotel and made out way to Jenn's room. The door was opened by Anthony, he smiled at us before letting us in. Heys were passed around the room as we walked into the living room.

~Couple minutes til midnight

I looked at the clock and saw we were two minutes away from the new year. Right now I sat in Jc's lap drinking Jc's soda because he drank mine. We all sat on the couch and watch the ball drop as we counted down from 10. Once the clock hit twelve, Jc and I kissed. I bit his lip softly as we pulled away. He rested his forehead on mine and let our noses touch. "I love you" he said before kissing me again.

~A/N what's up guys! I know I haven't updated in two week but I have a very good excuse and that begin I was working on the first chapter of the sequel. I needed to know if I could write a sequel and guess what the first chapter is done. Btw if I don't update weekly it's usually because I am writing or working on future projects. A few days ago I reached 1k votes and I just wanted to thank you. Anyhoodles I hope you liked this chapter and I absolutely loved the comments on the last chapter. Make sure to vote, comment, follow show me the love. Well bye!! Muah💋

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