Ch.33 Trust

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Meg's POV

I woke up to kids hugging me. I heard the door open and saw Vivian watching us. "Hey" I mouthed, I moved a little and I guess I woke up Erica because she said "No, Meggy don't leave" I smiled. A few minutes later they were both awake. "Come on let's go wake up Connor" they giggled and followed my to his room. I opened the door and they ran inside. Jacob jumped on the bed, "Daddy!!! wake up!!!" He shouted. Connor jumped up. "You need to stop calling my daddy. Say Connor" He said. "Daddy!" Jacob shouted. "I give up" Connor said. "Come on Jacob let's go" I said. "No daddy come" he pouted. "You heard him, come on" Connor pulled his his shirt and we went down the stairs. All the way downstairs Jacob held both mine and Connors hand. When he got downstairs, he let go of our hands and ran after Erica. He saw Andrea and Kian. "Hi mommy and daddy" he said as he sat between them. "Who's kid is this? He's so cute" Andrea coed. "He's Vivian's nephew" Kian said.

Jc walked into the living and Jacob ran up to him and hugged his leg "Daddy!" he screamed. I laughed a little, Jc picked him up and played with him. I know this is dumb but he looked so cute holding Jacob. I walked by them, Jacob saw me and squealed. "Come to Meg" I said. He raised his hands towards me and I took him. "No! you mommy" he said poking my nose. "Alrighty then" I said. Just as I was going to feed Jacob. The door bell rang and Jacob. Opened the door and it was Ariel. "Hey, am here for the kids" she said. "Come in" I said, she came inside and followed me into the living room. "Mommy" Erica said as she ran over to her mom and hugged her. I grabbed the diaper bag and gave it to Ariel. "You don't know how grateful I am. Thank you so much for taking care of them" "Anytime, we had fun right" I asked Jacob. "Yeah fun" he said with a laugh. I gave Ariel, Jacob. "Bye mommy" he said waving. "Bye Kiki" Erica screamed. He smiled and waved goodbye to her. I walked them to the door. "Thanks again Megan" she said. "Your welcome, just call me when you need a babysitter" I said.

We said our goodbyes and went to the kitchen. "Meg your phone was ringing" Andrea informed me. I grabbed it and saw it was a message from Alex.

From Alex
Hey, we need to practice our dance. My place or yours? Oh and when?

Yesterday we were assigned homework for dance. We had to pick a partner and do duet, I guess you can call it that. except we weren't singing, we were dancing. On Wednesday, when he apologized for his behavior, he asked me to be his partner and I said yes.

To Alex
Mine, see you in thirty

"Guys I have a friend coming over. I am going to shower if I am not out by then please let him in" I said They nodded their heads and I ran upstairs. I quickly showered, after I was done I blow dried my hair. I am so grateful my hair is straight. I changed into a of chachi mamas and a gray tank crop top. I heard the doorbell and I quickly pulled on my converse. I ran downstairs and opened the door. "Hey come in" I said, he smiled and followed me to the living room. "Alex, I want you to meet my boys" I said. "This is Kian, Connor, you already know Jc and that guy over there chewing on his girlfriends face it Ricky" Ricky and Vivian pulled away and they both turned bright red. Kian walked up to him and they shakes hands. Jenn walked into the room and my mood went from happy to I might kill someone.

"Alright, wanna start" Alex asked. Jenn walked over to Jc. "Well, we'll leave you to it" Kian said as him and Connor, Vivian, and Ricky left. "Mind if we watch" Jc said. "No, but we still have to pick a song" Alex said We walked over to my laptop. "Okay since you said I could pick I was thinking last night and I am stuck between to songs" "Which ones?" he asked looking over m. "Okay can't get enough by Becky G and Something we're not by Demi Lovato" I said. "What if we mixing them together" he said. "That's a good idea but how?" "You never asked what I majoring in. I am studying to be a music tech, I dj on weekends to make money" he said. He sat on the stool next to me and worked hi magic.

A few minutes later, he was done. He played the song. "Oh my god, it sounds good" I said. "Okay let's get to it" he said "Follow my lead?" I asked. He played the song. It started with Becky G. It started with
"We dance in the street
We rock to the beat
We think from our hearts
Got this on repeat
We're all off our seats
We just want the stars" and then it switches to Demi. The song started from the beginning. I walked around him and we went along with the lyrics. I poked his chest then I faked I was holding a phone.

Towards the end it ended with Becky G and we did the salsa in the end. We were so close, you could've thought we were going to kiss but he spined me. I laughed and he stopped me. I looked at Jc who was fuming. Jenn has her hand on his knee. That was the last straw, you can do whatever you want but don't ever flirt with my boyfriend. "Stop the music" I said. Alex let go of my hand and stopped the song . "Okay I wasn't going to be rude but I couldn't help it. What is Jenn doing here?" I asked. "She's my friend and she's welcome in this house" Jc said. "Well a true friend wouldn't pretend she likes your girlfriend or flirt with you" I said. Alex grabbed my shoulders and pushed my back. "She nice it's not flirting" he said. "Oh my god, it's obvious that she likes you! You know what I am tried of fighting and you don't trust me and I don't trust you. What are we doing? This isn't a relationship anymore, I don't even know what we are" I said. "I think I should leave and so should you" Alex said pointing to Jenn. Alex left and it got really quite. "Jc answer me ,what are we with out trust? Is your friendship with her more important then our relationship?" I asked.

A/N cliffhanger lol well that's the last chapter for this week. Happy birthday to me thanks for kinda spending my birthday with me when no one else would. Hope you liked it! Well byeee Muah 💋

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