Ch10. San Antonio Day.1

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Jc's POV

I woke up to sun shining in my face. I got out of bed. Meg was fast asleep, I let her sleep and grabbed clothes before heading to the bathroom. I pulled the covers over her walked to the bathroom. I got in the shower.

After I was done, I got dressed and headed to my room and grabbed my camera and went downstairs. I decided to vlog.

I turned on the camera.

"Hey everybody, Jc here! Alright so if your following me on Instagram, you have probably seen the picture of Meg and I. And I wanted to tell you guys that Meg and I are dating, I didn't want to hide this from you guys. Actually I'll let her tell you guys, she's upstairs." I picked up my camera and headed upstairs.

"Babe, wake up" "Jc what do you want am trying to sleep" she said pulling the covers over her face. "Babe come on please" I pouted. "Fine, but am only doing this because I love you" she said as she sat up and ran her hand through her hair. I smiled and she looked at the camera. "Why are you recording me?" she said with a raised brow. "Because I love you" I said. "If you really loved me, you would give me a good morning kiss" she said with a pout. I put the camera on the stand and crawled over to her and pecked her lips. She smiled, I sat at the edge of the bed and looked into the camera. "Well that was it, love you all so much" Meg wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my cheek. "Stay Cloudy" she said with a smile. "See you Thursday" I said before turning of the camera.

When I turned off the camera, Meg tackled me. I laughed, "That's what you get for waking me up" She said before getting off me. I picked her up and throw her on my bed and tickled her. "Jc... stop!.. I am..... ticklish" she said in between laughs. "What do I get if I stop" I asked. "Any..... thing" she said. "Anything huh?" I said as I let her go. "Alright what do you want?" she asked as she sat up. "Well, for one I get a kiss and you'll go with me and the kids to the movies" "Fine sounds good to me" she said as pressed her soft lips against mine. I kissed her back and pulled her closer. She played with my hair and I deepened the kiss. She pulled away and pecked my lips and got up and walked to her suitcase. She pulled out some clothes and headed to the bathroom. I just sat there and smiled, am just so lucky to have her.

Meg's POV

I got off the shower and changed into a maroon skirt, a white and black stripped shirt. I tucked in my my shirt and curled my hair. I walked out of the bathroom and went into Jc's room and grabbed my 'I'm sexy' snapback. I remember when Kian got me this hat, last year for my birthday, which reminds me, my birthday is next month. I can't believe I forgot. Jc was on the computer, I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Lets go make breakfast" I said as I kissed his cheek. "Alright, lets go" he said. He turned his chair around and got up. He looked at me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "You look beautiful, I can't help and agree with your hat" he said as he kissed my cheek. We walked into the

kitchen. "So what are we making?"he asked. "I was thinking pancakes, bacon, hash browns, and eggs" He took out everything I needed in order to cook.

Almost a hour later, Jc and I finished cooking. Right now he was setting the plates. "Jc go wake up the kids and your mom" I told him, he nodded and ran upstairs. I started to serve the eggs then I put the pancakes, and bacon on the table. I pulled out the orange juice and milk. I served Jc's mom coffee, that's when I saw Jc come with them. They were all yawning, I laughed and put the pans away and cleaned my hands on the apron Jc gave me. "Megan, you shouldn't have" Ms Caylen said. "I wanted to I've always wanted to cook for a big family. Back home it's just me and my mom, but she's usually at the hospital working" "Still Megan, you could've just sent Justin to go buy something" she said as she sat down at the table. The kids were already eating and that included Jc. We all ate, after everyone was done eating I began to clean the table, but Jc's mom stopped me. "I can do this, thanks for breakfast" she said taking the plates from me. "Guys go get ready were going out" I heard Jc say. I headed into the living where Jc was watching tv. Jaylyn and Joe Felix coming runing downstairs. "You guys ready?" he asked. "Yeah lets go" i said

Jc laced his finger with mine and we headed to his car.

Once we got there, we decided to watch Epic the movie. We, I mean Jc bought popcorn and candy. He wouldn't let me pay. The movie wasn't that bad,but then again I have the same sense of humour as a little kid. When the movie was over, we left the theater and headed to the ice cream shop. As we walked to the shop Jc grabbed my hand, it was actually a pretty sight watching Jc's siblings skip in front of us. They were just so cute.

When we got to the ice cream shop, we each picked out our flavor and sat at one of the tables. "So are you guys having fun"I asked. "Yeah" they said in unison. I giggled, Jc came sat with us. I was so tempted to smash his ice cream on his face so maybe I will. We got up and headed to the car while eating our ice cream. "Babe let me taste your ice cream and I'll let you taste mine" he smiled and gave me some of his ice cream so I gave him some of mine and smashed in his face. I broke into a fit of laughter. "That's not funny" he said with a smirk. "Um I think it's funny" I said as i walked in front of him. "Oh no you don't" he said as he pulled me into him. He smashed his ice cream cone in my face. "That wasn't very nice" he chuckled. "Don't worry I can fix that" he said as he leaned in and let our noses touch. He pressed his lips against mine. I kissed him back intil we heard "Yuck!!!!" the kids yelled. We pulled away and laughed. "Does anyone have a napkin?" I asked. Jaylyn handed me a napkin and I cleaned up Jc, and kissed his cheek. Then I cleaned up my face. He grabbed my hand and we headed to the car.

When we arrived back at the house, I just wanted to shower and watch TV. I jumped in the shower and you know i don't have to explain myself. i changed into basketball shorts and a sports bra and walked into Jc's room. I laid on my stomach. "Babe what should I do for this weeks video" he asked. "What's the theme for this week?" I asked. "Relationship week" he said as he sat on the floor by the bed. "We could do the boyfriend/girlfriend challenge and challenge Kian and Andrea, to see who the best couple" "Your a genius, thanks" he said. I bent over and kissed him. "Your welcome, love you." I rolled over. Jc got in bed and we cuddled. He kissed my forehead "You owe me a kiss" he said as our noses brushed against each others. "Nope, I am tried" I said and I rolled over. "Come on, just one" he pouted. "Fine" I said as I rolled over to face him and pecked his lips. "Oh come on that wasn't a real kiss" he pouted. He leaned in and kissed me. Soon enough our lips moved in perfect sync. I smiled into the kiss. We both pulled away a little breathless. He chuckled and pulled me closer, I rested my head on his chest. He pulled the blanket over us and I slowly drifting of to sleep.

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