Ch. 23 Airports and Goodbyes

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Meg's POV

Summer's over! School starts in a few weeks and Jc leaves today. I knew this time would come but love is love and you can't stop it. I knew that once summer was over, are relationship was going to change. I was pulled out of my thoughts when the car stopped. I looked out the window and saw the airport. I wish Jc didn't have to leave, I know he'll be back but not for a while. "Babe, cheer up. I hate seeing you like this" Jc said as he tightened his hold on my hand. I sent him a weak smile as we got out of the car and walked to the airport.

We stood in the airport and I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I rested my head on the crock of his neck. "I don't want you to leave" I whispered. "I don't want to leave, everything I love is here, the weather, the people, you" he whispered back. "Meg, stop hogging Jc, we want to say goodbye to" Kian said. Jc and I pulled away and I walked over to the bench where Sam was siting at. I sat next to him and rested my head on his shoulder. "I am going to miss him" I told him. "I know you are, but he'll be back before you know it" he said while rubbing my back. For some reason I believed him, there was this feeling inside that told m, Sam was right. Everyone said their goodbyes, Jc walked over to me and helped me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I took a deep breath, this is the last time, he'll be able to hold me like this. "I wish you could stay" I said into his chest. "I wish we could stay like this forever" he said into my hair.

"Flight 220 to San Antoonio Texas, gates will be closing in ten minutes" they said over the inercom. Ten minutes! My heart sank. Okay focus Meg, make the best of this moment. He held me tight, he leaned in and pressed his lips on mine.Our lips moved in perfect sync, I could still feel the fireworks and today they felt stronger than ever. We pulled away and let our noses touch. "Flight 220 to San Antonio, gates close in five mintues" A tear slid down my cheek. He whipped away the tear making me loook up. I looked in his eyes and they were watery. "Don't cry, I'll be back. I love you" he said as a tear slid down  his cheek causeing me to cry. "I love you more, now go before your flight leaves" I said. He nodded and kissed my forehead. He pecked my lips and headed towards the gate.  As he walked he looked back, which was a bad idea. He ran back to me and picked me up and kissed me. We pulled away, "Love you, forever and always" he whispered. "Forever and always" I said back.  "Last Call for flight 220" 'Go, call me when you land" I said, he nodded and ran off.

Once he was out of sight I let the tears fall. The guys came and pulled me into a group hug. I whipped away the tears  and we walked to the car. We all pilled into the car and I held in tears that threatened to fall. I didn't see a point in crying anymore because crying wouldn't get me anywhere. Suddenly my phone rang, telling me I had a message.

From Jc
Miss you<3

I smiled at my  phone and put in my back pocket. The drive home was quite and it felt like the longest ride ever. Today, I just wanted to stay in bed, watch Netflix, and sleep. And I might also curl up in a ball and cry.

By the time we got home it was three on the dot. My morning conceited of cuddling with Jc until  we had to get ready to leave. And now I stand in my room. I let out a sigh, maybe I should do something more productive today. I grabbed the keys to my car and headed outside. I went to my P.O Box and picked up my mail.

After picking my mail, I went home and put my mail in my room. My phone started ringing, I pulled it out and saw it was Drew. It's been five days since I tried calling him. "Hello" I said. "Hey Meg, I'm so sorry I couldn't answer your call. I was in a interview." He said. "It's okay, I understand you were busy" "Cool, so you what did you want to talk about?" he asked. "I got accepted to California Institute of Arts!" I screamed. "Oh My God!! For Reals?" he asked. "Why would I be lieing?" "I'm so proud of you. You have no idea." He said. "Thanks" I said. "Meg is something wrong?"he asked. "Jc went home today" I said. "Meg it's okay, he'll call. You guy's have so many ways of communication." He said, I guess he was right. "I know, its just hard. I've never been, well in the time we've been together. We've never been this far" "Meg, just remember he loves you and nothing is going to change" he said. "I know" "Meg look I gotta go. I have a interview, I love you. Take care and I'm proud of you" "I love you to, bye" I said before he hanged up. I laid down in bed and let sleep take over my body.

~ A/N Surprise!!!!!! What? Two updates in one day? Well enjoy guys.

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