Ch.30 Moving in With 4/6 of O2L

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~A Week Later

Its been a week since I first started school. I walked into my room to find Jc putting things in boxes. "Hey babe" he said as he tapped a box that read 'Camera Lights'. "Hey, I can't believe I am moving out again. When I've only been here a couple of weeks" I said as I throw my backpack on the bed. The wasn't mine, so we weren't taking that. "But this time it's different, your moving in with me. We're going to live together" he said as he walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Your right" I said as I cupped his face and kissed. We pulled away but he kept his hands around my waist. He moved a hair out of my face. "What was that for?" he asked. "It's was for being the best thing that has happened to me" He smiled and rested forehead on mine. "I love you more then you know"he whispered before kissed my nose. I giggled, "what's so funny?" he asked. "Nothing, your just so cute"

"Hey Megan..." Vivian said as she opened the door. Jc and I pulled away from each others grasp. "Sorry to ruin the moment but you and Prince Charming have to finish packing. Oh and the guys are here to take thing to our house" she said excitedly. "I like the sound of that, our house!" she squealed as she closed the door. I turned pick up a box, when I felt Jc's arms wrap around my waist and kissed my neck. "Jc not right now, we have to finish packing" I said looking up at him. "Come on, just one kiss" he pouted. "Fine, just one" I said as turned in his arms so I could face him. He leaned in and kissed me, I kissed him back. My hands slowly mad there way to his neck. The kiss became heated, we pulled away breathless. I looked down at the floor knowing that my cheeks were bright red. He put a finger under my chin and made me look at him. He smirked, "You said only one kiss so I had to make it count" he said with a chuckle.


We had just finished unloading the truck. Uhh unpacking and packing is a pain in the ass. Everyone had there assigned room. We'll the couples were sharing a room together. So Jc and I were sharing a room together. The house only had six bedrooms. One was the guest room and the other one was Vivian's room, she wasn't ready to share a room with Ricky and I guess it made sense because they've only been dating for a few weeks. Most of the rooms are upstairs except for the room Jc and I are sharing. I walked into our room with a box. There's no furniture except if you count a inflatable bed furniture. I began to hang up clothes weather it was mine or Jc's. "Babe, you in here?" I heard Jc call. "Yeah" I said. He walked in with the last box. " When are we going to get furniture?" He asked setting on the floor. "I don't know, all we need is a bed, somewhere to put the computer and maybe some drawers because I don't think all our clothes is going to fit in the closet." I said. "Babe, come over here. We can unpack tomorrow. It's late anyways" he said. "Fine but you have to help me" I said. "I will, come let go to bed" I walked over to the bed and laid down next to him. "Babe? Do you miss home?" I asked as I rolled over to face him. "Yeah, I do a lot actually." "Why'd you move out here?" "Because, your here. Yes, I miss home but you make it all worth it" he said as he creased my cheek. I smiled and moved closer to him. "I love you and you really are Prince Charming" I said as my eyes became heavy. "I wouldn't be able to be Prince Charming without my princess, I love you more" he said before kissing my forehead. I soon drifted to sleep.

~~A/N Hey guys, I know late update. but hopefully soon I'll get back on schedule. junior is stressful. Anyways to make it up to you guys I'll bring in a little drama in the next chapter. Btw Alex from the last chapters is played by Robbie Amell, from the tomorrow people. Well hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, make sure to vote and comment, it means loads. Anyhoodles, love you guys, muahhhhh💋

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