Ch.32 Babysitting

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Meg's POV

I woke up to Vivian shaking me. I groaned, "What do you want?" I asked. "We want to know why you sleeped on the couch and not in your room with Jc" Casey asked. "You to, dude I am sleeping couldn't you wait til I woke up?" "No, we're your best friends and we need to know what's happening with Jegan" Vivian said. I sighed and sat up. Just as I sat up Jc walked into the living room. Uh what do I do? Okay, I know! Pretend your asleep.

Vivian's POV (sort of flashback)

Last night was crazy. When Megan came home, her and Jc started arguing. I really didn't pay attention to what they were saying. But it got to a point where Megan wasn't even speaking English, and that mean't something. When Meg was in the middle of an argument and she was really mad she'd start yelling in Spanish. Spanish was her first language and it was always her last in a heated argument. Meg hardly ever got mad but when she did it mean't she wasn't going to forgive easily. I was in the hallway pacing back and forth, when Kian came out of his room. "What's going on down there?" He asked. "There fighting and Meg's really mad, she's going off at him in Spanish" I said. I wonder what their fight about? I guess I'll just have to ask her in the morning. That's when I heard a door slam and then door open again. "I forgot my keys" she said, I laughed Meg would forget her keys. Then there was a slam. Kian and I both looked at each other. "I am going after her" he said. "Maybe you should wait. Give her some time, you can go after her in an hour" I said. "But then I won't know where she went" he said. When Meg was upset there was always one place she'd go. Kian never knew about the place because she never let anyone follow her. But Casey was the only one that knew about Meg hide away. "Casey knows where she went" I said as we ran to Connors room.

"Casey open the door!" I said as I knocked on the door. She opened the door and I saw two laptops in their bed. Connor was on the bed, he saw us and pulled out his earphones. I smiled, they really are one weird couple. I bit their both on Tumblr. "Okay let's get to the point okay? Remember Junior year when Meg had a hard time getting use to Drew not being home and she would miss school" I said. "Yeah" "Where did you find her?" I asked. "I don't know if I should tell, when I followed her that day she got mad and went all Mexican on me" "Casey just tell us where she is" Kian said. "Okay, we all know Meg has this big obsession with nature and the beach. Point is she's at Huntington Beach, there's this part of the beach that no one goes to. Kian you might know where I am talking about. It's the last place Meg's dad took her before he died and Drew still takes her, when he can. This place means the world to her, that's why she got mad at me the last time, she wasn't ready to share this place with me. But she's known you longer, Kian. I don't think it well bother her" Casey said. "Thanks Casey!" Kian yelled when he was half way to the stairs. Ugh this boy well never listen I said wait an hour. I sighed, "Why did you want to know about that?" Casey asked. "She got in a fight with Jc and I guess it was pretty bad cause she went Mexican on him as you would say and then she stormed off" I said

Meg's POV (present day)

I closed my eyes and pretended I was asleep. Then Vivian woke me up again. "Ugh! I need my sleep" I said. "Hey, if you get up we'll buy you Hot Cheetos with cheese and a AriZona" Casey said. I opened my eyes. "Fine" I looked in the kitchen and Jc was still there. "Ugh how about we go shopping. Then you can ask me" I said. They smiled and nodded there heads. I quickly ran to my room before Jc went to his room. I grabbed clothes and stuffed it in my duffle bag. I closed my bag and headed out of the when I ran into something hard. I groaned and looked up, I ran into Jc. Just what I need. He looked at me, I looked down and pushed past him. I walked upstairs to the guest room and set my bag on the bed. "Meg get ready! We leave in thirty minutes. " Casey yelled as she walked by. I nodded my head and curled my hair.. I looked at myself in the mirror and ran a hand throw my curls. I closed the door and changed into a white tank with a wolf on it and black jeans. I looked through my bag to find my leather vest. When I found it, I pulled it on. I sighed remembering I left my all my beanies and snap backs in Jc's room. I walked out of my room and to Kian's room. I stopped in front of his door and knocked. "Come in" Andrea said. I opened the door and found Andrea laying on Kian's bed and Kian at his desk.

"Kiki, can I borrow a snapback? All of mine are in Jc's room" I asked. "Yeah, there in the closet" he said. I opened his closet and grabbed the one that said 'Obey' I put it in backwards. "Thanks" I said. "Your welcome" he said. "Bye Kiki, see you later" he smiled before I closed the door. I walked downstairs and waited for the girls. Which I knew would take awhile. I walked to the living room and opened the fridge. No food, what is this? I guess we're stopping for food on our way to the mall. I sat on the couch and waited and waited. I heard foot steps coming towards me. I turned and saw it was Jc and Jenn talking like it was nothing. Like nothing happened yesterday. I looked down at my hands, don't let it get to you! Deep breaths, clam down or else your going to do something you don't want to, I told myself. They sat down on the couch not to close to but close enough to set me off. "Qué bonito! Después que te deje como me sienta te, no te importo, vete al infierno. (This is so nice, especially after I told you how I felt. but you didn't care, go to hell)" I got up and walked to the front door. I'll just wait for them in the car. I walked over to my car and and honked the horn, basically telling them if they didn't come down in five minutes I'd leave with out them.

A minute later, out came running Casey and Vivian. "You couldn't wait another minute?" Casey asked. "No, plus Jenn, Jc and I were in the same room and if I would've waited longer, I might've killed someone. Someone being Jenn." I said as I turned on the car. "Okay I thought your fight was with Jc not Jenn" "Oh it's with both of them" I said as I pulled out of the drive way. I stopped at red light and connect my phone to my radio. The first song that played was love the way by Ariana Grande, I quickly skipped it. "Hey why'd you skip it, I love that song" Casey said. "Casey shut up, do you ever listen to Meg when she tell you about Jegan's first date. God Casey!" Vivian said. I laughed a little. "Okay guys, Ricky asked me on a date. We're going on a date tonight! You guys have to help me find the perfect outfit for tonight" she squealed. I smiled at least someone's happy. I guess I spoke to soon because Vivian's phone rang. She answered it, "Hey sis, what's up?" she asked. "Oh, yeah I'll babysit. Just drop them off at my place. I'll see ya then"she said before hanging up. "What your going to babysit? What about your date?" Casey asked. "Rain check?" Vivian said. "I would take care of them but I don't like kids" Casey said. "I'll take care of them. I love kids plus I need the company" I said. "Oh my god Meg! You will?" she said. "Yeah, it'll be fun. We'll watch Lilo and Stitch and other kid movies" I said as I parked the car. "Meg, your a life safer!" She said.

We got out of the car and walked to the entrance of the mall. "Where to first?" I asked. "Let's go to the salon, I have to re-dye my hair." Vivian said. As we walked. "Guys, I think it's time for a change" I said. They looked at me weirdly. "I am going to dye my hair black with blue tips" "Ow, I like it. Megan's finally going rocker" Casey said. "I am just dying my hair, I am not getting piercings plus I've always wanted to dye my hair those colors."I said. "I think it'll look good" Vivian said.

~After shopping

"We're home!" Casey shouted. "And we have food!!" I yelled. Down came running the boys and took the bags out of our hands. "Thanks, I think?" Vivian said. "Hey! save some for us!!!" I yelled. I looked at the clock. It read 6:00 pm. I can't believe we spent five hours at the mall. I mean we ate to besides shop but that's why to long. "When is you sister coming with your nephew and niece?" I asked. "She should be coming in minute" Vivian said. Kian came running into the hall. "You look different!" he said. I laughed, wow. "I'll give you a clue, I left the house with dark brown hair and I returned with black hair and blue tips" I said as we all walked to the kitchen. "Oh! It looks good! I like it" he said. I smiled, it actually looked good well better then I thought it would turn out.

I ate with boys and they all looked at me strangely. "You look different!" Ricky pointed out. I looked at him before face palming myself. "Boys really are dumb" I said as finished my Chinese food. "Not all of us, cause I know what's different" Connor said. "Alright mister smarty pants, what's new?" I asked. "Its your hair, it black and blue not brown" "Ding ding, we have a winner, so maybe all guys are dumb except for Con" I said with laugh. "I'll see you guys later, I have to go get ready for my date" Ricky said. We all waved goodbye to him. He went upstairs, then I heard the door bell ring. "I'll get it" I said as began to walk to the front door. I opened the door to see Vivian's sister, Ariel. "Hey Ari" I said. "Hi Meg, Vivian told me your going to watch the kids for me" she said. "Yeah, no big deal plus their so cute" I said. "Oh my god thank you, its just they called me for a extra shift and I need the money" she said. "I said its no big deal, I love kids." "Okay this is Jacob" she said handing me a little boy. "And this Erica, here's the diaper bag and once again thank you. You didn't have to" she said. "But I wanted to. Just keep me in mind when you need a babysitter am all for it" I said. "Thank you, I have to go now. Erica, Jacob mommy loves you" "Love to mommy" Erica said as she blow her mom kisses. "Stop saying thank you, please" I begged. "Okay, bye. I'll pick them up first thing in the morning" she said. "Bye, I'll see you then" I said. She walked away towards her car. I closed the door, "Bye bye mommy" Jacob said, I smiled. "Come on Erica, let's go watch The Little Mermaid" I said as I took her hand and walked to the kitchen. "Yay!" she squealed. We walked into the living room/ kitchen. "Yo, who ordered kids" Kian said as I set down Jacob. "I am babysitting and please don't swear in front of them" I said. Jacob walked over to Kian and pulled on his pants. He raised his hands "Up" he said. I smiled, can this kid get any cuter. Kian looked down at him confused. "What do I do?" he asked. "Wow, really Kian. Come here" Connor said. Jacob walked over to him and Connor picked him up. "He wanted you to pick him" Connor said as he played with Jacob. I opened my laptop and played The Little Mermaid. Erica squealed as the movie began. Casey came running downstairs and then saw Connor caring Jacob. She walked over to him but kept her distance from Jacob. "Babe, look at him. He's just so cute" Connor squealed, I laughed. "Meggy?!" Erica said. "Yeah, mamas" I said. "I am hungry" she said. "I give you something to eat" I said as I walked around Connor and Casey. I made Erica a sandwich. "Casey can you give this to Erica" I asked. "No, look at her. she's evil" Casey said. That's when Jacob started crying. "Oh my god, I didn't do anything to him, I swear" Connor freaked. "It's okay, Kian give this to Erica" I said. "Come here papas, it's okay. Casey won't hurt you" I said as I carried him. He instantly stopped crying and played with my hair. "Mommy hair blue" he said. I laughed when he called me mommy. I sat him on the counter. "No, I am Megan" I said. "No!! you mommy" he insisted. "Okay, then" "Oh, let me try" Connor said. "Say, Connor" "Mommy" Jacob said. I laughed and he squealed. "Connor" Connor said stretching out his name. "Daddy!!!" he screamed wrapping his arms around Connors neck. "At least, he knows the difference" Connor said as he played peek-a-boo with Jacob. I guess he's at that stage where he calls everyone mommy or daddy. I looked over at Erica and saw she was glued to the laptop and so was Kian.

"Connor, come on let's go upstairs and leave Meg with them" she said. Casey never liked kids and kids didn't like her so I guess there even. "No, I wanna play with him. He's so cute! How can you not like him, look at this face" he said. "But their evil" she said. "Fine, we have to the market anyway. Meg need anything?" He asked as he gave me Jacob. "Do you want cookies?" I asked Jacob. "Yummy ya!" he screamed. "Daddy! cookies!" he screamed. Connor laughed and headed for the front door with Casey. Jacob played with my blue tips as we walked over to where Kian and Erica sat. She sat on Kian's lap as they watched the movie. I opened the diaper bag and found some toy cars. I set Jacob on the floor and let him play with the cars. I walked to the kitchen to finish my food.

Jc's POV
When I got home, I heard a little kids laugh coming from the living room. Followed the sound and found Meg playing with a little boy. "I am going to get yew" she said. The boy ran around laughing. I gotta admit Meg looked really good. And the fact she was playing with a little kid was a turn on. I just wanted to wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her check and leave a trail of kisses down her neck, making her laugh. The little boy came running towards me and hide behind me. She ran over to where I was and stopped in her tracks. Anger, sadness were in her eyes. Meg was like a open book, anyone could read her. We just stared at each other. "Ha ha you no find me" the little boy giggled. She snapped out of her thoughts and smiled. "Oh yeah?" she went around me. "Found yew" she said with a laugh. "Mommy, where daddy" the boy asked. I couldn't help but smile when he called her mommy. "He's not here" she said. "Meggy? I am tried can you sing?" Another voice asked. I looked over at the couch and saw a little girl yawning and Kian fast asleep. "Yeah, come on Jacob" she said. He walked over to her and held her finger which was the cutest thing by far. He sat next to his sister. Meg grabbed her guitar and sat on the floor. She began to strum the cords to 'Two Pieces by Demi Lovato'

"There's a boy, lost his way, looking for someone to play. There's a girl in the window tears rolling down her face
We're only lost children, trying to find a friend
Trying to find our way back home

We don't know where to go, so I'll just get lost with you
We'll never fall apart, 'cause we fit together right, we fit together right
These dark clouds over me, rain down and roll away
We'll never fall apart, 'cause we fit together like
Two pieces of a broken heart" she said pausing and looking.

"I know where we could go and never feel let down again
We could build sandcastles, I'll be the queen, you'll be my king
We're only lost children, trying to find a friend
Trying to find our way back home

We don't know where to go, so I'll just get lost with you
We'll never fall apart, 'cause we fit together right, we fit together right
These dark clouds over me, rain down and roll away
We'll never fall apart, 'cause we fit together like
Two pieces of a broken heart

Now I can lay my head down and fall asleep
Oh, but I don't have to fall asleep to see my dreams
'Cause right there in front of me (right there in front of me)
There's a boy, lost his way, looking for someone to play

We don't know where to go, so I'll just get lost with you
We'll never fall apart, 'cause we fit together right, we fit together right
These dark clouds over me, rain down and roll away
We'll never fall apart, 'cause we fit together like
We fit together like
Two pieces of a broken heart

There's a boy, lost his way, looking for someone to play"
She stopped singing and sighed. I wonder what she was thinking about. She looked over at the kids and smiled. They were fast asleep, she picked up Jacob and began to walk upstairs. I think, I should help. I carried Jacob's sister upstairs to the guest room. She looked at me surprised before kissing Jacob's forehead. "Night night mommy" he said before falling asleep. She laughed a little before he let go of her finger. I set Jacob's sister down next to him. Meg looked at me "Thanks" she said. I nodded my head before leaving. I know she's still mad at me but what she saw was for a video and it's not like it was my idea it was Jenn's idea. Jenn's my best friend who happens to be a girl. I tell her everything especially when I need advice. But when I told her what happened between me and Meg, she kinda seemed happy about it.

Jenn's POV

When Jc told me that he and Meg got in a fight, I was surprised and I little happy. Yes, Jc is my best friend. But I've always had feelings for him and I mean am supposed to be happy for him and Megan. But truth is I wasn't, who wants to see the guy they like being happy with someone that's not you. Now that that their fight, I might have my chance.

A/N Here is the first chapter of today. Happy birthday to me.! 🎂 well I hope you like this chapter see ya in the next one. well byeeee Muah💋

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