Ch.2 His Arrival

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Jc's POV

I had just gotten the weirdest phone call from Kian. Well weirder then usual. He was with some girl, I think her name was Megan? Yup and she was a YouTuber, but how come I hadn't seen or heard of her. I pulled out my phone and clicked YouTube and searched Megstar. I clicked on her latest video. I began to watch the video and boy was she cute.

Meg's POV

I woke up to my phone ringing and telling me that someone had just followed me on twitter. Ugh I pushed myself off of Kian's bed and noticed he was on the floor. I stood up and and reached for my phone. I unlocked my phone and opened the Twitter app. I looked at my notifications and saw that Jc was following me, I gotta admit i died a little on the inside, but i played it cool and I decided i would wake up the boys.

Alicia had gone home yesterday after the movie and i stayed with the boys, hey it was summer and i wanted to spend it having fun with the people i love as in Kian, Sam, Alicia, Casey and Connor. I was so excited for Connor to come to spend the summer in Cali and i think he arrives in Cali tommorow. Yay my favorite person is going to be spending the summer with me, or his girlfriend. He'll properly pick his girlfriend. Being the only one awake is boring time to wake up the boys. I connected my phone to Kian's IHome and clicked on the song 'Here's to never growing up by Avril Lavigne' and put it on full blast.

I jumped around the room and sang alone until i was attacked by Sam and Kian. I was on the floor with both boys on top of me, Sam got up and lowered the volume. "Why are you so loud!??" he asked, I laughed at the way he asked the question. "Kian get off of me. And because being quiet is boring and i wanted to wake you guys up" i said trying to push Kian off of me. "You didn't have to do it that way!" they both said in unison. "Okay, Wanna go get breakfast its ten so my mom's probably done making breakfast" i said as i put my phone away and jumped out the window. "Alright" Sam said jumping out the window.

We made it into my room and headed towards the kitchen, where i found my mom. "Mom, Sam and Kian are having breakfast with us" i said. She looked up and smiled at us. "Okay grab a plate boys!" she said as she headed to the dinner table. I gave each of the boys a plate and headed to the kitchen. The table was already set with pancakes, eggs and bacon.

I was so hungry and happy my mom was an amazing cook. "Sorry Meg but i can't eat with you guys. I got a call from work saying they need me. I"ll see you later, be good! that goes for all of you" she said as she kissed my forehead and headed out the door. The boys serviced themselves and we all ate at least until Kian's phone rang. Kian pulled out his phone and answered it. "Hey" he said and then his face expression changed, he looked confused. "Sorry I forgot, I am on my way, see you there" He said. "Guys we gotta go, that includes you Meg. Go get ready" he said as he ran to his house.

I walked to my room and closed the door, i pulled out my shorts and my Dodgers jersey and put it on. I grabbed my Obey snapback and put it on and walked to my closet where i found my converses. Sam looked at me and i looked back at him. "Why are you looking at me like that?" i asked. "Where you going?" he asked. "After Kian does whatever he's going to do, I am making him drop me off at the skate park" I said as i grabbed my skateboard. "I can i come?" he asked making a puppy dog face. "Ugh fine why do you have to be so god damn adorable" I said handing him my back up skateboard.

We walked out to Kian's car. He looked at me, and smiled when he saw my skateboard, actually thanks to him i know how to skate. I opened the door to the car and sat in the back with Sam. Kian got in and drove we began to pass houses and i noticed that we were headed to the airport. "Are we picking up Connor?" I asked excitedly. "you'll see" Kian said. I really hope it's Connor, he's so much fun and I love him, we've been friends since he meet Kian.

We arrived at the airport and sat down on a bench. "Come onn! Tell me who were waiting for!!" i said jumping up and down in my set. "Hold on, he'll be out in awhile" Kian said trying to clam me down. "So its a dude!" I almost yelled. "Clam down! "Sam said. "Fine but he better hurry up because Drew is waiting for me at the skate park" I said resting my head on Kian's shoulder only for it to be pushed off because he was standing up. "What the hell? Why did you move?" I question. I look up and see a guy walking toward us, I don't understand why i have to come, I don't know who were picking up. Ugh!

Once the guy comes into view, I see its Jc, my heart literally jumps out of chest well almost, I am so going to kill Kian when we get home. Jc sees me and smiles at me, which only makes me blush, i look at shoes and wait till someone says something. "So Jc this is Meg" Sam says pointing at me. I look up and he smiled and nods. "Um Hi" i say a little nervous. I look at Sam, "So are we going to the skate park or not?" I say picking up my skateboard. "Oh yeah lets go! We'll see you later" Sam says as he picks up the skateboard I let him borrow. We skate out of the airport and to the skate park.

Jc's POV

I was finally in Cali and today I finally get to meet Meg. I grabbed my things and headed towards the exit. Then I saw Kian, Sam and a girl siting with them. I headed towards them and Kian came over to me and pulled me into a hug. We walked towards the group and I noticed that Meg was standing with Sam. She wore a Dodgers jersey , shorts and converses I smiled at her and she blushed and looked down. "So Jc this is Meg" Sam says. "Um Hi" she says looking up and then turns to Sam.

"So are we going to the skate park or not?" She asked Sam. "Oh yeah lets go! We'll see you guys later" he said as they skated away. Meg left the best impression on me. I guess you can saw I was starstruck. Kian and I headed to his car. "What do you think about Meg?" Kian asked, i couldn't help but smile at the sound of her name. "Um she seems cool" Actually she seems more then cool. "What's with the goofy smile?" Kian asked. I looked at him confused, what was he taking about.

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused. "Never mind" he says as he focuses on the road. "So how long have you known Meg" i ask braking the silence. "Since third grade, she's such an amazing girl, any guy would be lucky to have her" he says as he parks in the driveway. "Is there any chance we can go to the skate park?" I ask wanting to see Meg again. "Um yeah lets just put your things inside." He says. We put my things in the guest room and headed to the Skate park. Once at the skate park we see Sam and walk over to him and he's watching Meg skate. She's not bad, She rides the ramp and does an olly. She stops and a group of people surround her.

Meg's POV

Skate park was fun, I meet up with my friend Drew. When I finally landed my first olly all the guys came towards me and hugged me. So maybe i was well known at the skate park. It was mostly because I was the only girl who skated. When everyone finally let me walk to Sam I noticed he wasn't alone. "Meg, I gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow" Drew said before kissing my forehead. Drew wasn't just my friend, he was my cousin but he acted more like my brother then my cousin. I walked over to the boys and stood their awkwardly.

"Who was that?" Jc asked. "Oh that was my cousin Drew" i said as i sat down on the wall. This was pretty awkward, I sat there in complete silence. I stood up and dropped my skateboard and skated away, Sam caught on and followed me eventually they all skated after me. I stopped at the liquor store down the street from the park. I picked up my board and walked into the store, I headed for the Arizonas and pulled out four and paid for them.

The guys waited for me outside and sat on the curb. I walked over to them and handed them each a Arizona. I sat down next to Kian, "So what are we doing tomorrow?" i questioned. "Um how about the beach?" Jc asked. "Sounds great! but we have to pick up Conrad first, he arrives tomorrow. I want to hang out with him before his girlfriend hogs him. You'd think she'd be greatfull to the person who got her with him in the first place. But no, I don't get to hang with my best friend" I said sarcastically.

"Ouch, I thought I was your best friend" Sam and Kian said in unison. "You are but i meant my best YouTube friend" i said as i chugged my Arizona. "Race you guys home" i said getting on my board. We all raced home but Jc wins. "What do I get?" he asks. "The rest of my AriZona" I say as I hand him my AriZona and run to the front door. "I am tried I'll see you guys in the morning" I say as i walk to my house. "Bye!" they saw in unison. I walk inside and put my things away, i walk to my room and jump in bed. I instantly fall asleep

~~Authors note

Hey guys well i hope you liked this chapter. So yeah Jc's in Cali what do you think is going to happen. Mkay gotta go, so this chapter was about Jc's arrive and Skateboarding. haha i had to pull a Connor. So yeah bye!

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