Ch. 27 Surprise

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Meg's POV

It's been two weeks since I moved in with Vivian. It's been fun but Vivian's been acting really weird. She's comes home from practice, she eats, we take in tel she gets a call. She changes and before she leaves she says "I'm off to do some errands" and she closes the door. It's almost like she's hiding something from me. Eventually I call Connor and then Casey comes over with food. And that's a usual day at Casa de Vivian and Megan. Now I'm getting ready for bed.

I was woken by my phone. I looked at the screen and it was Sam and it was also three o'clock in the morning. I picked my phone and answered it, "Hey" I said with a yawn. " Oh my god, did I wake you up?" he asked. "Sam, it's three o'clock in the morning. What did you think I was doing? Wait have you been crying?" I asked him. "I knew I should've waited til the morning to call you." he was about to hang up. "Sam wait, I am wide awake now. Now were going to facetime or I am going to drive to your house right now" i said. "Fine" he said before hanging up. I sat up in bed and waited for his call. Soon my eyes became heavy but then my phone rang. I answered it right away knowing it was Sam. On my screen I saw a puffy red eyed Sam. "What happened?" I asked. He looked down at his pillow. "She... She. Alicia cheated on me" he said as a tear rolled down his chubby cheek. "Oh my god, Sam!I can't believe it. How and when did you find out?" I asked him. "I saw her and Jarred sent me a picture" "Do you know who with?" " It was your ex Brandon" he said. My mouth dropped, what? Brandon knew they were together. Brandon is known as one of the member of the boy band project. After our break up, we promised stay friends. "What are you sure?' I asked him. That's when he sent me the picture. I didn't bother looking at the picture, I believed him. "I couldn't believe it either" he said. "You know what, we don't need them. Well have breakfast and then we'll hang out. You have me to yourself all day" "Sounds good" "Now before I hang up have you talked to her?" I asked. "No, I'll dump her later today" he said. "Fine, but you better dump her in front of me" "I will Meg, goodnight and love you" he said. "Love you to bro, goodnight"I said before hang up. I don't think I'll ever get sleep after that, I was mad scratch that I was pissed and ready to kill someone. I tried sleeping but all I did was toss and turn for about an hour. The last time I checked the time was five thirty.

Jc's POV

It's nine o'clock and I just arrived in Cali. I am excited, happy and ready to get my new life on the road. I can't wait to get to Meg's place and surprise her. Connor and Ricky picked me up and took me to their apartment, where I unpacked. Eventually I finished and asked Connor to walk with me to Meg's. On our way there I asked Connor if he told Meg about me coming. "No, you said, you wanted it be a surprise. So we didn't tell her" he said.

We finally reached her apartment and Connor headed back home. I walked up to her door and rang the door bell. The door opened and there in jeans, a superman tank stood the girl I love. She looked surprised and closed the door. I laughed and rang the door bell again. She opened the door again but this time her eyes were watery. She ran up to me and hugged me, wrapping her arms around my neck. "Oh my god, your really here!" she said. "I missed you" I said as wrapped my arms around her waist. " "I missed you to, but why didn't you tell me you were coming, I could of picked you up" she said as she pulled me inside her apartment.

Meg's POV

I can't believe he's here. Now we were on the couch, just cuddling. I missed this. Soon we heard a door open, I turned my head and saw it was just Vivian coming out of her room. She looked at us and her eyes nearly popped out of her head. She quickly covered her eyes. "Oh my god, I'm sorry! I should go to my room" She said. I quickly got up and grabbed her arm. "We weren't doing anything! Plus I want you to meet my boyfriend" I said. "Oh thank god, he's your boyfriend because this would of been more awkward then it already was." She said. "Vivian, meet my boyfriend Jc" Jc went to shake her hand but Vivian pulled him into a hug. "It's nice to finally meet you, p.s. hurt her and I'll kill you" she said sweetly. "Vivian!" I whined. "What? I was just being honest and honesty never hurt anyone" "Go to your room, please" "Fine, I have to get ready for practice anyways. Have fun you two love birds" She said as she walked to her room. I was about to sit down when I heard a knock at the door. I walked over to the door and opened it to see Sam. "Hey you ready to go?" he asked, oh my god I totally forgot. "Babe, who is it?" Jc called. "Is that Jc?" he asked. He walked inside and saw Jc. They hugged, oh the awkwardness. "So I guess I'll go" he said. "Hold on, you can't leave. I promised that we'd hang out and you need me now more then ever" I said. "No, it's okay. You can make it up to me later" he said. "Did you guys have plans? I should've called instead of just dropping in" Jc said. I looked at Jc. "No, I thought it was cute and sweet" I said as I pecked his lips. "Okay, how about we all hang out together, just three friends hang out. And two of those friends are supporting their friend after he found out his girlfriend cheated on him. No couples." I said. "Alright wait, what happened?" Jc asked. "I'll fell you in, when we get to Sam's house."

On our way to Sam's house we bought breakfast and bought some junk food. We finally reached Sam's house and there on his footstep sat Alicia. I felt my blood boiling, really. Did she think Sam was never going to find out. I walked up to her and I know this isn't my fight but I let her in and I let her date my best friend who is basically family. "Wow, you really have some guts showing up here" I said. "Meg! Oh my god, haven't seen you in awhile" she said. "Well maybe it's because your to busy, enjoying my sloppy seconds" Her eyes grew. "What are you talking about?" she asked. "She's talking about this!" Sam said showing her the picture. "That could've been photo shopped" she said. "Well it's not, I saw you and we're done." he said. "Sam, you can't break up with me. I love you" she said. "Listen, I think you should leave. Do us all a favor and disappear." I said "Meg, I don't know why your on his side. Your my best friend not his!" she yelled with tears rolling down her face.

"Think again, Sam was my friend first. You disgust me, look at yourself. All I have for you is these last words. Your pathetic it's not even funny, now bye bye" I said as I walked inside. She looked at me as if to say something but I closed the door in her face.

After spending the rest of the day with Sam. Jc and I headed home. "Spend the night over, please" I begged. "I will, anything for my princess" he said kissing my forehead as I unlocked the door. "How long are you staying?" I asked. "Actually about that, I moved in with Connor and Ricky. We're thinking about getting a house so you and Casey can move in" he said. "What?! Oh my god, really?" "Yeah, but it'll be awhile before we all move into a house" "That means you don't have to leave anymore" I said before opening the door. "Yeah, I don't ever have to leave your side again" he turned me around and kissed me. This moment was perfect, dispute the fact that I just had a fight with my ex best friend.

We pulled away and I opened the door. We walked into the living room where we found Ricky and Vivian kissing. I dropped my keys, making them jump apart. "Meg, your home" she said like if nothing happened. "Um, is this what you've been hiding from me?" I asked a little hurt. "Um um, I didn't mean to" was all she said. "Why were you hiding this from me?" "I don't know, its just.." "You know, I'm just tried of all these surprises and secrets" I said as I stormed to my room with Jc behind me. I closed the door behind him and locked it. Then there came the knocking, "Meg, Megan open the door" she said "No" I laid in bed and Jc laid next to me. "I am sorry" I said as I rested my head on his chest. "Don't be, nothing was your fault" he said as he kissed my forehead. I held his hands in mine and listened to his heartbeat, which is the best song and way to fall asleep if you ask me.

~ A\N Hey guy's hope you liked the chapter. Talk about drama. Wow! Anyway make sure to vote, comment Well byeee guy's Muah!

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