Ch 18. Vidcon Day 1

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Meg's POV

I felt the bed move, I groaned and hide my face in Jc's chest. He groaned and held me closer. "WAKE UP GUYS!!!!! VIDCON IS TODAY!!!" Kian yelled. Jc and I both groaned and kicked Kian off our bed. "Ow!!" All of a sudden I couldn't feel the bed or Jc. Then my face hit Jc's chest, we both groaned in pain. I opened my eyes and looked at Jc and he kept his eyes closed. I kissed his cheek but he didn't move or wake up. So I placed a kiss on his lips. He immediately kissed, I giggled into the kiss. "Ew PDA my virgin eyes!!!" Kian yelled as he ran out of the room. Jc and I pulled away and I laughed. "Good morning sleepy head" I said. "That was a nice way of waking me up" "I'm glad your a wake but I'm going back to sleep" I said getting up but Jc stopped me. "Oh no your not, you woke me and that means your staying awake" I groaned got up and helped Jc up. "Come on lets grab something to eat" he said grabbing my hand. "It's to far" I groaned. He picked me up and through me over his shoulder. "This isn't what I meant" I said as we made our way to the kitchen. He sat me on the counter and serviced us cereal. "Here you are my beautiful princess" he said before kissing my forehead and handing me my cereal. "I like the nickname" I said kissing his nose. He sat on the counter with me.

After breakfast I went home to shower, change and pack for Vidcon. After showering and I changed into a young and reckless tank, shorts and my checkered spenders. I let the spenders hang at my sides. I grabbed some snapbacks and put them in my bag. I grabbed my backpack and penny board and headed back to Kian's. "Ready to go?" Kian asked. "Yeah let's do this" Jc yelled. We all got into the car and made our way to the hotel. Everyone else was meeting us there.

We finally reached Anaheim and we had just parked the car. Everyone was already there so we headed for our room. We unlocked the door and saw every in the room. "Um Kian, is there something you didn't tell us" I asked as we made our way in the room. "We're all sharing a room" he said. "What?! nine people and two beds in one room!" I said. "Yeah" he said looking down at the floor."Okay but I'm not sleeping on the floor" I said as set my things down. The guys greeted me with hugs. "So babe, since Vidcon doesn't really start til tomorrow I got us tickets to Disneyland" he said. "Awesome when do you want to leave" I asked. "Now would be great" he said taking my hand and grabbing the keys from Kian.

We headed to the car and drove to Disneyland. Today is going to be amazing, no cameras, and no friends just me and him. We parked and headed to the entrance. We made into the park and just walked around. "Babe you hungry?" he asked. "No, I thought maybe after this we could go to Taco Bell" I said as we walked around. "Have I ever said that I have the best girlfriend ever" he said. I giggled, "Your only saying that because I said taco bell" "No I am not, the fact that you like taco bell is just a bonus" he said.

After Disneyland we went to Taco Bell. We got the usual and ate inside the restaurant. "Stop taking my nachos" I whined. He just laugh and kept taking my food. Fine then. I grabbed one of his tacos and took a bite of it. "Woo woo that's my food" he said. I laughed, "Really that's coming from the person stealing my food" he laughed and took a drink of my soda. I sighed knowing that he would never learn his lesson. After we finished our food we headed back to the hotel. When we walked into the room, no one was inside so Jc and I decided to watch a movie in Netflix. "What do you wanna watch?" he asked. "Well Mr.Caylen I would like to watch Grease" I love that movie, best movie ever that's based on the 50's "Alright my princess" oh god I love it when he calls me his princess. We got changed into something comfortable and cuddled on one of the beds. Must suck to be the guys, there's only two beds and Jc and I already took one. My head rested on Jc's chest. Listening to his heart beat was the best thing ever. I played with his fingers while I watched the movie and he played with my hair. He kissed my head and whispered, "I love you more than you'll ever know" I guess he thought I was asleep because he turned off the computer and pulled the blanket over us and held me tight.

~~*~ A/N Hey guys, what up my pretties. So get ready for arguments and drama. I know this wasn't a long chapter but I hope you liked it. Muahh!!!! love you guys

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