Ch. 42 Tattoos & Magcon

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Meg's POV

A couple days after New Years Jc, Sam, and I decided to fly back to Cali before Magcon. For one they heard of this tattoo artist and wanted get new tattoos. I was always a little indecisive when it can to something permanent like that. I always wanted one but I was afraid that I would grow out of it or I would hate it in the future.

"Meg? Are you coming?" Jc asked. All day Jc had been trying to convince me to get a tattoo. "Yeah" I guess, maybe I well get a tattoo, I thought to myself. I grabbed my wallet. Okay if I am going to do this, I have to chose something I know I won't regret. As I was thinking, Jc grabbed my hand and we headed towards the car. I looked at Jc's only tattoo. A cloud on his wrist for his fans. Maybe I should get a star on my wrist and maybe a quote.

I thought about all the quotes on my way to the tattoo parlor. That's when one came to mind from one of Drew's songs 'When you lose what you love remember to stay strong. Look out the window and remember to stay strong'. These lyrics were from one of my favorite song Drew ever wrote and it helped me get through tough times. And I know it would mean the world to him. My decision had been made and I was getting a tattoo.

Once we reached the tattoo parlor, Sam was already waiting for us. We got out of the care and I grabbed Jc's hand. "I am scared" I admitted. "Its going to be okay. It doesn't even hurt that bad." he said. "Okay, let's do this" I said as we walked inside. Once we were inside we were greeted by Romeo Lacoste. "what's up guys! I see you brought your girlfriend, Jc" I smiled and awkwardly waved. Jc nodded and we went to take a seat with Sam. "Hey, so are you getting a tattoo?" Sam asked me. "Yeah, two actually" "awesome, what are you going to get?" he asked. "You'll see"

"Alright who's going first?" Romeo asked. "I'll go first" Jc said. I guess he wanted to show me, that it wasn't that bad. Jc told me to take a seat next to him, so I could watch. Jc was getting his third tattoo. A palm tree with seven tally marks under it. About in hour later they were done and now it was my turn. "Your going to be okay" Jc said kissing me forehead. "Okay so what are you getting" Romeo asked. "A star on my wrist and this quote on my ribs under my boob" Sam laughed when I said boob. We looked at him, "Sorry I couldn't help it" he said. Jc grabbed my hand, "Squeeze my hand when it hurts" I nodded my head and Romeo started working in the first tattoo.

It hurt but not as much as I though it was going to hurt. When he was done with the star, he asked me to lay on my side and pull my shirt up. "what's the quote?" he asked. I told him the quote and he got to work. The second tattoo hurt more I guess it was because it was on my ribs.

About two hours later, my tattoos were done. I pulled out my phone and told Jc to take a picture of my second tattoo so I could send it to Drew. "He's going to love it" Jc said handing me back my phone. After the picture Romeo patched the tattoos so I wouldn't scratch them.


We finally landed in Texas for the first stop. We headed to the taxi and on our way ther Casey almost fell. I laughed and she sent me death glare. We finally got in the car and i rested my head on Jc's shoulder. " I am so tried! i havent spent a week in my bed. I just want my bed" I whined. "Really, Meg thats what you miss" Casey said. "Yes! I have Jc right here so I am only missing my bed and then life would be perfect" I said hiding my face in Jc's chest. "Just go to sleep babe, I'll wake you up when we're there" he said kising the top my head. I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Jc's POV

The taxi came to a stop in front of the hotel. Sam paid the driver and Casey and Sam got our things. I looked at Meg and she looked so peaceful and comfortable, i didnt want to wake her up. I picked her up bridal style. Casey looked at me and smiled, "What?" i asked. "Nothing, I'll get her things" she said. "Okay but tell why you looked at me like that" i said. "Its just I've never seen Meg this happy. You make her smile and thats something she doesn't really do as much as she use to. I just wanted to thank you for making my best friend happy. Okay now don't you dare tell her that I got all sweet and gushy" she said.

I chuckled, in the time I've known Casey, she wasn't one to show affection especially in public and towards complete strangers. I carried Meg into the hotel and into our room. The four of us were sharing a suite. I laid Meg down on the bed and I was about to leave to get our things from the living room, when she said something "Babe don't leave" "I am not going anywhere" I said as I laid down next to her. She moved closer to me and and I wrapped my arm around her and she hid her face in my chest. I kissed the top of her head. "I love you" she said before falling back asleep.

Meg's POV

I woke up to Casey shaking me. "ugh what do you need?" I asked not moving at all. "The boys want to meet you and Jc" she said. "You couldn't wait til we were awake?" I asked. "You've been asleep since last night and its eleven in the afternoon" she said. "Oh well tell them well be there in a little" Casey left the room and I tried to wake up Jc. "Babe, baby! wake up" I said. "Fine then I am leaving without you" I said as I got of his grasp. I began to walk away from the bed only to be pulled back into it. "No don't leave me, let's just stay here and cuddle" he said. I smiled,

"I wish we could but Casey well probably come in and pull us out of this bed." We got up and I fixed my hair, I looked down at my outfit that consisted of chachi mommas and a tank crop top. I grabbed the beanie I was wearing eariler and pulled it on. Jc waited for me while I tried to look some what presentable.

I walked over to where Jc sat on the bed and I stood in front of him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I smiled down at him before kissing him. "Come on, we should go out there before Casey comes in and yells at us" I said. "Can't we just stay in here and do this" He said kissing me again. We pulled away, I bit my lip "I wish we could" i said as we headed to the living room.

We opened the door that lead to the living room and found that Casey had invited everyone. She smiled widly at us as she continued to talk to Shawn. "What up guys" i said. Each one of the guys got up and greeted us with hugs and "Welcome to the MagCon family". We thanked them but I really didn't need for them to say their name, I already knew who they were. "Okay Meg is your last name really Star?" Matt asked. In all the time that I've been a Youtuber no one ever asked me that. "Actually its my middle name. My full name is Megan Estralla Martinez, all I did was translate my middle name from Spanish to English" I said. "Thats so cool, I never knew that" Nash said. "To be honest no ones ever asked me that question, so not a lot of people know"

After just hanging around we went out to eat. I noticed that Casey was kinda keeping to herself well not just to herself, she was only talking with Shawn. I felt my phone vibrate as we walked into In N Out. I let go of Jc's hand and pulled out my phone. It was a text from Connor.

Meg is Casey with you she isn't answer my calls or texts. I am worried

I looked back at Casey and she was in a deep conversation with Shawn. I guess I'll take to her. We entered the building and we tried to get seats together. Casey sat next to me, Jc, Cameron, and Nash went to order our food. Shawn went to the rest room and Taylor, Jake, and Hayes were putting table together.

"Casey, why haven't you been answering Connors calls?" I asked. "Oh, I've been busy" she said. "Casey I am not stupid. I see the way Shawn looks at you. He's got a little crush and you have a boyfriend so stop leading him on" I said. "Who says I am leading him on" she said a bit offended. "It's obvious, yes the boy is cute but he's only fifteen and your eighteen and taken. I am your best friend and I don't want to chose sides but if I have to I will" I said. Just as she was going to say something Shawn came and sat next to her. "You should call Connor" I said before going on twitter.

The guys came back with our food and Jc sat on the other side of me. I rested my legs in Jc's lap and my back faced Casey. I grabbed some fries, "Babe catch" I said. He opened his mouth and I threw the fries and most of them landed in his mouth. I laughed, "How long have you guys been together?" Carter asked. "Eight months as of Tuesday" Jc said proudly. I giggled and kissed his cheek. "You remembered" I whispered into his ear resting my chin on his shoulder. "I wouldn't forget it. It's one of the most important days of my life" he whispered back before pecking my lips. We all finished our food and headed back to the hotel.

A/N what's up my beautiful people! I know two weeks late, blame writers block okay. Guys the comments and votes mean so much yesterday I reached 1.2k and that's crazy. thanks so much! I love your comments, they make my day, and they inspire me to write. You my friends are awesome! Vote, comment, share I don't know just do what you usually do. love you guys! bye and thanks 💋

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