Mini One-Shots 6

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(Warning: sexual, swearing)

No One's POV:

Chapa and Bose were walking on the train tracks. Bose had said earlier that it was a dangerous idea, but knowing Chapa is all about danger and wouldn't back down, Bose changed his mind, including reminding himself that he does what she does, anyway.

As they were walking, Chapa made the attempt of trying to balance on the edge of the tracks. Unbeknownst to her or Bose, her boot accidentally slips into the track, and wouldn't you know it, it gets stuck. She starts to get mad at Bose.

Chapa: "Damn it, Bose! Why didn't you warn me?"

Bose is taken aback a little.

Bose: "Sorry... I was just too distracted by you. You're so hot."

Chapa can't help but blush.

Chapa: "You're lucky that I'm forgiving you, now get me out of here."

Bose: "Yes, ma'am."

Bose gets down on his knees to try and get Chapa's foot out from inside the track. The space was pretty tight, so it was taking a while. At the same time, Bose didn't pull too hard, knowing that Chapa has delicate feet and doesn't want to hurt them, and also not wanting to damage her boot.

Bose: "Hang on, let me try to untie your boot so that you can slip your foot out."

Chapa: "It's worth a shot... but my boot will still be stuck, though."

Bose: "Not for long, hopefully."

Bose unties Chapa's boot, and she's able to wiggle her foot out. Once she's free, Bose tugs on the still-stuck boot. After a few seconds of carefully moving it around, he's able to get it out. The slight force ends up making him stand up and almost fall backwards. Once he regains his balance, he kneels to give Chapa her boot back.

Bose: "Your boot, my Queen."

Chapa giggles and pats his head, then takes the boot. Surprisingly, the tracks didn't leave any scuff marks on it.

Chapa: "Thank you, my little helper."

Chapa puts her boot back on. She motions for Bose to stand back up. She gives him a kiss on the lips. She pulls away and smiles at him.

Chapa: "Mi Héroe..."

Bose looks both confused and into it at the same time.

Chapa: "It means my hero."

Bose: "Oh... that was actually kind of hot."

Chapa giggles again.

Chapa: "Gracias, Mi Amor."

Bose is the one to blush this time. Without realizing, he kisses Chapa back. They both engage in the kiss. However, they hear a train horn blowing, and they quickly get off the tracks.
Bose and Chapa are playing Truth or Dare.

Chapa: "Okay, Bose... truth or dare?"

Bose: "Hmm... truth."

Chapa: "Ooo, okay, I've got a good one... would you ever let me hit you with my car?"

Bose's eyes widen a bit. He didn't expect her to ask something like that.

Bose: "Uh... are you sure you'd wanna do that to me?"

Chapa: "Hey... I'm asking the questions around here, now answer the question."

Bose: "Okay, okay... yes, I would."

Chapa was also surprised.

Chapa: "Really? You would?"

Bose: "Did what I said surprise you?"

Chapa: "That one was just a test question. I didn't think you'd really be into that."

Bose chuckles.

Bose: "Well... I am."

(Despite writing this one, I still have no idea why people would want to be hit by someone else's car, so sorry if this one wasn't that good)
Chapa (as Volt) makes a video where she reads thirst tweets. She comes across a tweet and knows that it was from Bose, but she pretends not to know in order to tease him.

Volt: *reading* "I would let Volt step on me with her boots and I would thank her everytime she does it."

Chapa instantly blushes at the tweet. She looks up at the camera, knowing Bose would probably see this video.

Volt: "Well... let's just say that I better get some boots with a bigger heel, then."
Bose: "Do you have a happy memory in mind?"

Chapa: "I do... it was from when I was the happiest."

Bose prepares himself for his next question.

Bose: "Was... I... there?"

Chapa smiles.

Chapa: "That's presumptuous of you."

There is a few seconds of silence.

Chapa: "But yeah... you might've been there."

Bose is the one to smile this time.
In this one, Bose (as Brainstorm) reads thirst tweets this time.

Brainstorm: *reading* "I would let Brainstorm lift me into the air and back me against a wall with his mind."

Bose blushes. He sees the account name and knows it's Chapa's tweet. He looks at the camera.

Brainstorm: "You better prepare yourself, then."
Chapa: "To be or not to be, that is the question."

Bose: "Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the swings and arrows of outrageous fortune."

Chapa: "Or to take arms against a sea of troubles."

Bose: "And by opposing end them."

Chapa: "To die..."

Bose: "To sleep..."

Chapa: "No more..."

They end it there because that's all they know of it. Also because with each line, they got closer to each other. By the end, they kissed.

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