Chapter 64: FINALE

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Chapter 64: FINALE

 Alice suited up for the mission with Soot. She pulled on a pair of light grey fatigues. She was wearing light boots that were just a little higher than ankle-cut and were about the same colour as the pants. On her chest Alice wore a black tank top that was almost completely covered by her light-weight vest, which held several purple magazines for the VoidGun, her knife, a compact .45 defender and several five round magazines for said weapon. Alice had a canteen clipped to her tough fabric belt, as well as a smaller utility knife in a sheathe, just in case.

 For the first time, Alice let her hair out for a mission, tying it back in a tight ponytail but not covering it with a balaclava for once. She wore a pair of aviator sunglasses over her eyes, which hid the red eyelids and the sad pupils from the crying that had ensued after Angel had walked away.

 Alice felt like an idiot. She couldn’t believe she threw herself like that at Angel, and why? Because she was horny? She felt so childish. She may as well have been making daisy chains like a baby.

 Alice shook the feeling out of her head, and stepped out of the little changing booth, standing in front of Soot. She gasped.

 “Oh, Alice deary, you look beautiful! Slaughter some pigs for me!”

 Alice smiled. “You’ve got it Soot.”


 A minute or so later Alice was standing outside, her gun suspended from her arm on a black strap. Redd held his sniper rifle in his arms, and was next to Angel. Angel had most of the team’s gear in a large backpack, including two pairs of binoculars, food, extra ammo, and medical equipment.

 In front of the three soldiers was Kendo, who stood beside a large truck with LSF stencilled to the side.

 “Alright. This team will here-by be known as Sterling 1. Okay? We’ve also given all of you codenames. Disregard any earlier ones. Except you Angel. You can have your old one back at the end of this, but the names are;” He pointed to Angel, “Duchess.” To Redd, “Light,” And finally to Alice, “King. Do not, under any circumstances, refer to eachother by your real name, over radio or otherwise. The LSF have every channel covered and possess the technology to listen in on your transmissions.

 “Behind me, I’ve got a stolen LSF truck. The plates and serial numbers have been changed to another truck that shouldn’t have been reported as missing. You’ve already gone through your plan, so this is just to get you inside city limits. Stirling 1, do you understand?”

 The team nodded.

 “Alright, then get going. Good luck.”

 Alice jumped into the passenger seat of the truck, placing the VoidGun on her lap. Redd decided to drive, gripping the wheel in his hands, which were clothed in grey wool fingerless gloves. Angel sat in the back, his brand new MP7, an upgraded MP5, was cradled in his arms. Redd had a quick exchange with Kendo and Glass through the window before twisting the keys in the ignition and driving outside of the camp.


 Behind Alice’s head, Angel was pressing the tip of his knife into his lighter, which looked suspiciously like a Zippo. Alice took a glance, as she was curious but just not on speaking terms with Angel. From what Alice could tell, it said, If you’re searching my body, head to Hell!

 In front of Alice was just rocks and grey sky. They still had a good two hours before they got onto the highway that led into the once-great Threader City, so she lay back for a quick cat-nap, knowing she was going to need the rest.

 When they reached the main road, it had turned to one of those rare days in Landerwon when the sun was actually shining. Alice squinted until she slipped her sunglasses over her ears. On the horizon was a mass of buildings, huge skyscrapers with craters in the sides and jagged tops. Alice put her hand on the VoidGun but Redd shook his head.

 “We won’t be having any problems with LSF for a good while here.”

 Alice nodded and grabbed a ration from her backpack, eating the block of chocolate flavoured something. When she wasn’t hungry anymore she held her gun and looked at the sudo-desert landscape beside her. A damaged, sun-dried skeleton of what was most likely a cow came and went by as the truck continued to accelerate. Alice took a swig of water from her canteen and rolled over, napping for a moment.

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