Chapter 17 - CVA

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Chapter 17: CAV

 After Alice listened to the man tell her about everything, she killed him, making that man her third kill. She went on her way, going the way the man had told her would get her to CVA, whatever that was. She continued on, thinking about everything. This place was called Landerwon, the entire world as he called it, was Landerwon. This place was aptly named the forest. The man she had shot twice hadn't been screwing with her. All well, no regrets. They were the LSF, and they had mistaken her for Alice, which is what he did to make her snap and blow his brains out.

 She had grabbed the mans vest, knife, handgun, and the MP5. It was weighing her down, and she was sweating water she couldn't replace. As she began to get on the verge of collapsing, from the weight of her weapons and clothes, the thought that soldiers probably had had canteens and rations, and from the constant thirst, she saw an end to the forest, where light broke through, almost blinding Alice. She ran out, and saw a stream. She unclipped the vest and stuck her head in it, drinking deeply from the clear running water. As she lay down on her back from almost a minute of gulping it down, and thinking that things couldn't get any better, she saw a tree with red fruits on it, accompanied by beautiful red and white flowers. She picked one of the fruits, which was about the size of her fist, and bit into it. The purple juices ran down her chin as she greedily gobbled the entire thing in just a few moments. About a half dozen fruits later, Alice felt satisfied, and went to get her vest and move on. As she walked over, her vision suddenly turned sideways, and her back hit the green grass heavily. She felt light headed, with all attempts to get up failing.

 As Alice tried to get up, she unvoluntarily closed her eyes, and fell into a deep sleep. She dreamt of creating daisy chains by a river.

 When Alice awoke, she did so to a yellow rod with red stripes, pointed at her face. As she tried to understand what it was, it opened a little, and let out a short (italics) squawk!(Italics). As she sat up, she saw it belonged to a bird, sky blue plumage, beady black eyes, about the size of herself, and standing on a single, lime-green leg. As Alice took a gander at this bizzare avian variety's leg, he spoke, in an upper class, 'butlerish' voice.

 "Please, don't stare."

 "What?!" Alice said, flabbergasted by it speaking.

 "I asked you not to stare." He repeated politley as a light flashed, underneath the blue plumage in his forehead.

 "You're... A bird..." Alice said. 

 "Yes, I am Saddif, pleased to make your acqauintance." He curled up into an akward bow, remarkably not falling over. "Now," He looked at the stains on Alice's shirt from the fruit. "Did you eat the fruit?"

 "Yes, I did." Alice said, "What of it?"

 "And the water?"

 "Yes, I did."

 "The fruit, as not many people know this, is anti-paralasys fruit, the water cancels it out, which is actually polluted with anti-sleeping powder, better known as benazedrine. They both cancel eachother out if consumed within an hour of eachother, and cause the exact thing they are supposed to prevent, which would explain why you may have found yourself very much asleep, and not really in control of your body."

 "Okay... Umm... I'm Alice." As she said this, the light in Saddif's head flashed furiously.

 "Oh, I already know." 

 "Right... Where are we?"

 Alice looked around as she listened to Saddif speak. "I am in Clock Alley Valley, I understand you wish to leave the forest."

 "Didn't I just do that?"

 "Nearly, take two steps forward," Saddif said as the light blinked in his forehead, shining through his sky-blue plumage. 

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