Chapter 20 - HEART

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Chapter 20: HEART

 Alice was in an unfathomable amount of pain, but still alive. She could not see anything, but could hear almost perfectly. Her mouth was full of blood and sand, and she could not even open her mouth to let the concoction fall out. 

 She felt herself being picked up carefully by her shoulders and waist, and put over a shoulder. The pain from her chest being pushed so close to the man's -who she guessed was Nine from the standoff that she had heard- shoulder, but there was nothing she could do about that, she was somehow still breathing tiny, fragile, shaky breaths through her nose. Alice was not sure how she was still alive, but she was grateful for it. Hopefully, Nine and Kendo wouldn't kill her, but that was out of her hands, at least until she could defend herself. Alice felt her pen in her pocket pressing against her thigh, and felt reassured that she still had a weapon.


 Alice had slipped away at some point, and woke up about an hour later. Apparently, someone up higher then her had plans for her, because she was consious again, and her hearing came back. Now she could hear boots walking in pebbles instead of sand, and there was a second set of breaths beside her, steady, but raspy and very worked, he smelt different then Nine, more like an army surplus store, so she was fairly sure the other man, Kendo, was carrying her.

 After about another hour, Alice was laid down against a rough surface. She was sitting on pebbles, smooth, round. 

 "We need to wake her up if we're going to get anything out of here."

 "No, really?" Nine said in a sarcastic, bratty tone.

 "I'll still kill you." Kendo said threataningly. "Right, get the needles ready, I'm gonna need two morphine, one CAVCFG, four adrenaline shots, one rebuild, and a big syringe of Willy-Wack anti-OD."

 "On it."

 Alice heard plastic screeches, presumably Nine prepping needles, and then felt a prick in her solour-plexus area. She gasped as adrenaline ran through her dry veigns, and her eyes snapped open. Alice was panting, and here she was thinking that she had no adrenaline left. All at once, the pain was worse by tenfold, it felt like her torso was being dipped in acid and lava and the same time. She looked down, her breaths going shaky and shallower, and saw a strange surface in her chest. It was grey, rough, it looked like a rock. And then it hit her. There was a hole in her chest, and she was seeing the rock behind her. She saw the top half of her heart, making irregular beats.

 "Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!!!" Gah was the best she could do with the unimaginable pain and the sand in her mouth. It dropped out in a wet, bloody clump with a Smack!

 "Ahhh!!! Oh my god, oh my godomygod." Was all she could get out before her mouth filled with blood and she started choking again.

 "Nine! Morphine, now!" Kendo said. Alice didn't get a look at either of the men, since she was occupied with figuring out this hole in her.

 Alice felt a needle in her neck, close to or on her jugular vein. The pain dulled signifacantly, but was still unbearable. Alice's eyelids drooped, her hearing dulled, and BANGBAPOW!!! MORE ADRENALINE AHHHHHHHHH!!!

 Alice was in hell, she just wanted to die, but these bastards wouldn't let her. She was given more morphine, and the pain dulled again. She tried her best to keep her eyes open, but she couldn't help it. SHAPOW!!! AHHHHHHHH KILLLLLLLLLL MEEEEEE!!!

 "The VCCFG, and the rebuild, stat." Kendo said.

 Two needles were pushed into her actual heart, and Alice felt a peculiar growing feeling, which was CAVCFG (Clock Alley Valley Clock Face Glass) rebuilding a sort of glass heart, that would work for her, until the rebuild from Willywack Inc, which would build a better, more permanent heart. Would slowly build a new heart for her over the course of a few months.

 It was going to be a crazy few months.

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