Episode 94

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Later that night the rains and wind continued to ravage the state of Maryland in what the local tv weather people were passionately calling " The Freak Storm of the Century " and one created by climate change's effects on a dying planet.

School systems in the area were already closing for the following day. The governor was advising that people on the Eastern Shore evacuate their waterfront homes " just in case". The local power company was not loving Tropical Storm Casey either as over a thousand residents in the state began to lose power due to the storm that was still powerful even as the wind gust was starting to decrease in volume and ferocity.


Alfred slept peacefully in the arms of Gerald HighTower as they lay in Gerald's bed with the tv droning on about the storm and the search for the inmates. Gerald pressed a kiss to his forehead and Alfred smiled softly in his slumber.


Richard and Nigel's house were one of the few houses on their street to have lost power. They with their four children were actually enjoying the loss of electricity as they played a very competitive game of Monopoly via candle light. Although Skip Sands was never out of the two adults' minds as they regularly texted Spencer and Faith for details.


Being in the exclusive and expensive planned community of Evergreen Acres the Handel family did not lose power. Judge L.L. Handel listened to increasingly alarmist news station reports on the tv while his husband put their six year old adopted son Jamie to bed.


Joy Jones had a couple of surprise house guests on her sofa bed in her one bedroom apartment. Her friend Reverend Jas Lucas and his husband Devin had heeded the governor's plea to evacuate the shore so they had headed to her place along with two bags of groceries, batteries and bottled water.

" Just in case, right? ," Jas laughed as he played poker by flashlight and candles with Devin , Joy and Faith Lane who had dropped by to check on Joy in the storm.

" This storm could be very profitable for me," Faith said with a smile. " You're losing your shirt, Pastor. You too , Joyful. " She winked at her girlfriend who just rolled her eyes back.

Devin sighed as he threw his woefully inadequate hand of cards down. " WWWhy don't wwwe just play Old Maid or something?"

Joy smiled. " I have a fun idea ! Let's play Truth or Dare. "


The Norland - Lane house was blessed to have power but Sol told them they needed to conserve it while the storm was still raging so they still sat around the dining room table with the lights off and candles flickering as they attempted to put a thousand piece jigsaw puzzle together and made corny storm related jokes.

Spencer wondered if they should invite the uniform in out of the storm.

DuBuis barked out a harsh laugh as he said," Hell no. He's already sleepy as hell in the car. If he was inside he would be hibernating. And yet my sister is on trial. "


A hand slid the window in Miracle Norland - Lane's upstairs bedroom nursery shut once he had climbed into it.

He slowly crept over to the little girl who was laying awake in the crib. He smiled down at her. Then he lifted her up into his arms.

" Well hello there, cutie ," Skip Sands cooed at her. " Let's go find your so called daddy. Dr. Spencer Norland. "

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