" I would have plea bargained it out," Winston said as he ate his breakfast of burnt on the sides sausage and wet looking scrambled eggs from his hospital bed. It was disgusting but reminded him of Joe's own cooking style, he thought fondly as he looked at his lover and roommate while Joe was engrossed in watching the news interview of Lazarus Jones . " Of course I usually did. This one seems not to have merit. I'm surprised any prosecutor would bring it to court. Should have taken Norland's plea. "
Joe watched the minister on the tv with a smirk on his face. " He is just as much a bigot as anyone. Seriously. And I can't figure out what his game is really. Is he for her or against? "
Winston took a sip of milk. " I don't think it matters. Not to him. You used to.... date her brother. DuBuis Lane. Did you ever meet the sister? "
He didn't know why he asked Joe that. He never had asked questions about any of his lovers , past or present. His heart couldn't take listening to any of that. Too many of them Winston thought were way better than himself really. Joe went for younger mostly. Winston was in his forties. He went for gorgeous, good looking, handsome, buffed. Winston had been attractive, or so he had been told before the attack, but even then he was nothing to put in a porn video. His body was a little soft from being sedentary as a prosecutor and even now. Now with the scars..... Maybe it was not a good idea bringing up past lovers. He still was not sure that Joe could be faithful to him or even if he would stay once the bandage came off his face. He was wondering if he should still look for other jobs and a place to live. Just in case.
Joe looked at him and stole the remaining sausage from his plate, tossing it in his mouth and chewing it loudly. " DuBuis ? No. I never met his family. We were serious but not on my part. He wanted that Brady Bunch lifestyle and I did not. "
Obviously, his tone almost screamed.
Winston smiled bitterly. Yes. He would enjoy it while it lasted but he didn't expect Joe to change his true colors.
Joe asked," You're a lawyer. What do you think will come of the case? "
Winston shrugged his shoulders. " I think Faith Lane needs to pray Zoss goes over the one hundred eighty day rule to be tried. Because this is going to be a mess. A disaster of a mess. "
This, Winston thought, was why he always had taken pleas. He had had no time for disasters.
Fiction généraleThe ongoing soap opera about the trials and tribulations of disabled math professor and genius Spencer Norland - Lane , his doctor husband DuBuis Lane and their family and friends in the Washington DC area.