Episode Unknown [IV]

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Rhea trained with Reiner for nearly three months before she began to notice the change in her body. She was gaining muscle and fast as her arms and legs became more defined. Her abdomen had toned to what it was before she had been captured as she worked continuously each day for hours on end on the training field.

She hadn't particularly loved training with Reiner but everyday reminded her of the 104th cadet corp. The long hours out in the hot sun was the highlight of her days here in Marley before she was taken back to her prison cell in the dull and musty basement. The doctors hadn't brought her back to the operating room since the incident of her breaking the head surgeon's nose.

Nevertheless, the change in her body meant that the doctors were also noticing her rapid change in stature which indicated the experiments would begin sooner rather than later.


Rhea barely managed to escape Reiners blow. She swiveled under his arm as she jabbed her right arm into his side, causing him to take a step back while he tried to compose himself. Rhea smirked as she began to unwrap her fists, tossing the cloth on the ground.

"Maybe you should take your own advice and focus on defense," Rhea said.

Reiner let out a breath as he made his way over to the bench where all their fighting equipment was. After a while of exercising using only her body weight, finally Magath had let Reiner begin to train Rhea with gear to increase her strength further.

"I may hate seeing your face everyday, but it feels damn good to beat on you, Reiner." Rhea chugged down water from her canteen.

"I'm glad you get some joy out of this predicament you're in." Reiner voiced as he packed up.

Rhea heard a pair of footsteps from behind her and when she turned, she came face to face with Zeke and Magath. Reiner stands up immediately at the sight of his Commander, nodding in the man's direction.

"Good evening Reiner and Rhea." Magath says which makes Rhea scoff in response.

Zeke fixes his glasses, smirking as he turns his attention to the girl in front of him. From the nasty look in his eyes, Rhea didn't like where the conversation was heading.

"Today marks day 60 of training and unfortunately for you Rhea, testing will begin tomorrow." Rhea's eyes went wide at Magaths words. "Reiner is needed on the frontline with Zeke and myself and the rest of the Marleyan army. However, from the looks of your stature, your body should be able to endure the blood manipulation perfectly fine."

Magath takes out a pair of metal cuffs from his pocket. Rhea felt her heartbeat quicken. She had dreaded this day even though she tried to mentally prepare herself for when it came. Magath clasped the cuffs around her wrists, her hands now clammy.

She didn't mean to but Rhea glanced back at Reiner in an almost pleading manner. Over the last two months even though she hated him with every fiber in her body, those days training with him made her feel like herself again since she had been captured. She saw his eyes soften in pity before he turned his gaze to the ground.

Rhea bit her lip and forced her gaze forward, to the vehicle, and eventually to her cell. She had remained quiet for the entire trip while Zeke went on and on about the experiments she would endure. The needles, the drilling, the infusion.

Rhea ignored him as she looked at the streets and saw Marleyans passing by, going on with their normal lives, while she would be poked and prodded the next day. Men, women and children enjoying each other's company, laughing and talking and eating.

She entered her damp cell and waited for the steel door to close before she undressed and climbed into bed. Even though she was exhausted from all the training during the day, Rhea's eyes remained open throughout the night. She was too scared to sleep, too anxious to stop her body from fidgeting as she tossed and turned.

Tossed and turned.

Tossed and turned.


The steel door creaked open, revealing the doctor she had headbutted in the nose. It had healed since she last saw him. Two soldiers entered her cell and bound her hands behind her back as the doctor maneuvered through the damp room. He tsked as he observed his surroundings before pulling his hand up to his chin in thought.

That's when Rhea noticed the large syringe in his other hand. The Doctor moved closer to her. Rhea was being held tightly as the man grazed her neck. She tried to back away but instead tried to show she wasn't scared. "I'm glad you feel you need your lap dogs to hold me down. Am I that much of a threat? How's your nose, by the way?" She smirked as she felt the needle prick her skin.

The doctor ignored her while he pressed the syringe in, injecting the unknown liquid into her body. "You'll only make me stronger... as an... Ackerman."

Her vision began to get blurry and her body felt heavier by the second.

The doctor smiled up at her, "until then dearie, you'll feel nothing but pain."

With the little effort she had left, Rhea spat in the Doctor's face before her vision was submerged in darkness.  


2 in one night! Slay!

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