Chapter Fifty Six

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Everything was perfect and fine. Orianna, Valerian and I were drinking some elven wine in the wine cellar we were laughing; the atmosphere was perfect, and it was magical, we were even thinking of surprising Clarity when she come back to open a music room here for her when she is writing her songs and music. But that all changed so quickly and fast.

Saga came running down with Morgan and Eldric in her side telling she heard Clarity, and she was not breathing. Something has happened and we need to inform Glassandra straight away.

All of us every single one of our group were running down the hall not caring if the knights stop us on our way we keep running until we stop right outside Glassandra's chambers doors.

"Glassandra!" I shout out our Queens name, bursting through the door.

Glassandra was sat near the fire place reading a book in her night dress. She stood up looking at us confuse in what the meaning of this.

"What's wrong? Has something happened?" She asked.

"Something has happened to Clarity; I heard her scream from the distance then her heart stop beating" Saga said with her face full of worried and sadness. The poor girl has come to love Clarity and her hearing in Clarity is dead break my heart.

"Morgan and Valerian go out and find them. And what about Xavier?" Glassandra worried and panic was written all over on Glassandra's face.

"We don't know, I can't hear him, but we think he is alive" Eldric explain.

"There's more" Orianna started looking at Glassandra with a serious look on her face.

"The demon elves are marching here. Clarity did say the war is happening and it's happening now. The Demon King is coming" Valerian explain crossing his arms which made his arms show his buff muscles.

"Ser Fredrik send my maids to get me ready and inform every elf and warrior and knight and Lord around this castle that war is starting, and we need to fight" Glassandra said to the knight sanding guard at the open door.

"Yes, Your Grace" Glassandra then turned back to all of us.

"As for you five go and find Xavier and Clarity" Glassandra said leaving Saga out of it she shouldn't come while this war is happening.

"What? I want to come and find Clarity, Your Grace" Saga said in her innocent soft voice.

"Saga it's dangerous" Glassandra said.

"Hey, Saga" I said dropping to my knees to be down in her level.

"In Clarity, chambers room there is a bookshelf if you pull the last book on the third shelf it will open to a secret library with all the magical books you could read" I said which made Saga gasp in amazement.

"Why don't go and read in there" I suggest moving a piece of her hair out of her eyes and behind her ear where her elf ears have grown through.

"Will you find Clarity?" Saga asked still worried to the person that is another sister to me.

"We will find her; she is our sister" Orianna stepping in when I could not answer. Orianna never say the words sister she has a hard time. saying it but hearing her say gives us hope.

"And when we bring her back, she will come and give you a big hug and sing you to asleep" I said smile at the sweet innocent girl.

"Promise?" She asked, this part might hurt but I don't know for sure if Clarity will be fine.

"I promise you, Saga with all my heart and love" I said. Saga then hugged me before she ran off to Clarity's chambers.

I stood up wiping the tears I did not know I was crying; I hate to do this to people even to the innocent children that love me.

"Hespeta, you did not know if Clarity is even alive to promise to a little girl that she is fine but if we find her dead body to carry back, you're going to break her heart" Orianna hiss at me glaring at me. I did not know what say.

"I know! I did not have a choice" I snapped as I turned my head to look at my friend.

"Can we please don't fight" Valerian said stepping in.

"Clarity life depends on it" Eldric said.

"The vision is coming true what Clarity saw" Morgan said looking down at the floor feeling guilt.

"Right, go now and whatever happens stick together you are a team" Glassandra said looking at us all.

We all nodded at her words as we when to leave the room but more like run.

"Use your powers if you need too" That was the last thing Glassandra yelled before we all ran out to the entrance to the doors.

Knights, warriors, Lords, and Elves past our way waking up and getting ready to fight for our Queen and for Mireworth Fortess, to protect our home.

But the one thing in the back of my mind is Clarity. I need to know if she is safe.

She cannot die here, die not now. I have know her for six moons and I can not lose that someone that is my sister.

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