Chapter 3

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"Thank the lord it's the weekend." I grumbled as I rolled over in bed at about 10 in the morning. A couple seconds later I heard footsteps and someone jump on my bed. I looked up and saw Dawn licking my face. "You have bad morning breath Dawn." I laughed as I pushed her off my face. She just whined and looked down at me. "Oh you're probably hungry...I should feed you and myself." I stated as I stood up and threw on a robe before walking out into the kitchen where my mom and grandma were having coffee.

"Oh hello darling, how did you sleep?" My grandma asked as I came into view.

"Great! It's good to see you out of bed mom, are you feeling any better?" I asked as I dished some dog food into Dawn's bowl.

"Mornings are rough but this coffee is making it better." She smiled slightly as she took another sip. I poured myself a bowl of cereal and sat down at the table before texting Ryan asking him why he brought an empty folder over last night that wasn't mine. When he didn't respond I tucked my phone away and joined the conversation with my grandma and mom.

"So Madeline, have you any special interest in that young man you brought over last night?" My grandma asked making me choke on my cereal.

"Wha-what?! Grandma he's just a friend from college! You know that! We have Chemistry and Math together. We only get together for projects." I said flabbergasted at her question which made my mother smirk.

"No I was just wondering-he's quite cute you see and he's been over here more than once-"

"No-nothing more than a friend. I promise you grandma."

"Well I need great-grandchildren! You have to put yourself out there!" She said making me facepalm.

"What I need to do, is take a personal day." I said as I stood up from the table and went to go lay back in bed for the rest of the day.

"Madeline-Karen is on the phone asking if you are sick!" My grandma yelled into my room as I sat up abruptly in bed. "And I have to leave soon! Your mother and I are going out to dinner for the first time in ages!"

"Oh my gosh! I totally forgot that I told her I would work today! Tell her I'll be there in 10 minutes!" I screamed as I pulled on a pair of jeans and a flannel shirt before grabbing my purse and bolting out the door. Thankfully the office is only about a 10 minute drive from our house.

"I am so sorry Karen! I fell asleep and-"

"No need to worry dear! Maggie is out so I was wondering if you could fill her spot and run the front desk. Does that work?" Karen asked as I set my stuff down in her office.

"Yes! I sure can!" I exclaimed as I made my way back to the front desk ready to check-in patients and answer phone calls. It wasn't until about 30 minutes later that the first patient walked in. "Hello! How are you?" I asked cheerfully as a man in his late 20's walked into the office.

"I'm fine-you?" He asked with a bit of an accent.

"Great! Who am I checking in?"

"Josh-Josh Devine." He said as I typed his name into the computer and found his 4:15 appointment.

"Alright you're all checked in! Have a seat until Karen comes and gets you." I said as he sat down and looked at a magazine.

"Thanks for coming in Maddie! I really appreciate it!" Karen called out to me as I left the office at about 7:00.

"Why is it so cold-GAHH!" I screamed as I slipped on some ice and landed right on my butt. "Why just why-"

"Woah let me help you up there." A man said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

"Thank you very much si-Hey-Josh, I just checked you into the dentist about two hours ago!" I exclaimed as he chuckled.

"Yep, that was me!"

"Hey well don't forget to floss! I'll see you at your next appointment!" I called as I walked towards my car.

"Ok phone, purse, mittens, hat-oh wait my paperwork from the office is in the back seat." I said as I ran over my checklist in my car in the middle of my driveway. I try to make the least possible amount of trips inside because I hate coming back out into the cold. "Ok maybe if I run out quickly, grab the paperwork then stuff it in my purse and grab the rest of my stuff I can make it in one trip. Well, here goes nothing." I said to myself as I hurriedly jumped out of the car and opened the back door, grabbing the paperwork, slamming the door and bending back over the drivers seat. I almost had all the paperwork stuffed in when someone grabbed my arms and pinned them behind my back.

"Don't make a fucking noise!" The person said into my ear making me scream out loud.

"Help! HEL-" I started to scream as he pulled a hand over my mouth.

"What the hell did I just tell you?!" He snapped as I struggled in his arms. I tried stomping on his feet vigorously as my hands were being held behind my back, but it didn't seem to affect the man at all.

"Let me go!" I screamed as tears poured down my face and I started to panic. I kept struggling and the man pushed me up against the backseat window. In the reflection I could see it was the same man who I checked in at the dentist's office making me gasp. He placed handcuffs on my hands and shoved me far up the car window as he pulled out his phone.

"Yeah-I got her. Go back to base. K I'm calling him right now." He said quickly as he hung up and dialed someone else. I struggled and tried to push myself off the car but he pushed me tighter. "Don't make me put a bag over your head." He said as the person on the other end of the line picked up. "Yeah I got her. Fuck why? God damn one second." He said as he held up the phone to my ear.

"It's ok baby're safe now." The voice said making me scream out bloody murder as the call was cut and I was once muffled again by his hand.

Yeah I don't know if you guys have noticed but I'm not one to draw out conflict. I like to get straight to the point as soon as possible. YAY DRAMA

Oh yeah and is it true that if you type Criminal Harry Styles into the search bar on Discover that my book shows up first? Or does it only show up on mine because it's my book...


The Life I Want to Live ~Sequel to On The Run~Where stories live. Discover now