Chapter 49

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"Have a good night sleep mom. The flight probably wore you out." I said as I gave my mom a loving squeeze and sent her off to her room. "You too grandma. I'll see you tomorrow morning."

"Love you dear." She said as she disappeared into her bedroom. I turned off all the lights downstairs before walking towards Dawn's crate and giving her a pat on the head. She was so big now that we had to leave her crate door open in order for her to sleep comfortably.

"Sleep tight baby." I cooed as I scratched her head one more time and retreated up to my room on the opposite side of hallway. I didn't even bother taking my makeup off as I pulled on a pair of pajamas shorts and threw on a gigantic t-shirt that went below my waist. "We're all finally here." I said as I turned the light off and crawled into bed.

Two hours. Two hours I've laid in bed trying to fall asleep. I looked over to the clock to see it read 11:30 and groaned before laying my body back down. My mind was racing. I hadn't spoken to Harry for two days since our awkward encounter on the front porch and was still trying to figure out his intentions. I laid there for about five more minutes before I heard a strange noise. Chink. "What the hell?" I mumbled as I looked towards the window. Chink. I then heard a voice from outside.

"Madeline..." Chink. "Madeline!" Chink. The voice called as things continuously hit my window. I quietly crawled out of bed and over to the window peeking out of the curtain. Down below I could see Harry throwing pebbles up at my window.

"Dear lord." I grumbled as I flicked on the lamp next to my bed and pulled back the curtains abruptly shoving the window open. "What the hell are you doing?" I whispered down trying not to be heard by my mother or grandma.

"I'm sorry if I woke you!" He said as he looked up in surprise and dumped the rest of the pebbles out of his hand.

"You didn't, I couldn't fall asleep." I groaned as I rested my forearms on the window and rubbed my eyes.

"I needed to talk to you."

"Harry we have these things called phones now-"

"I know but I never got your number!"

"Is it really necessary for you to sneak over to my house at 11:30 just so we can talk?" I asked looking down at him.

"Yes! Now let me in. You said you felt closure when we talked early in the morning so now we're trying late at night!"

"My mom and grandma are sleeping Harry I-" I started not wanting to let him in, in fear of being caught.

"Nonsense we'll be quiet. I just want to chat." He said as he walked under the deck. "Now open this door so I can come in." He said as I groaned and shut my window before walking down the stairs and to the sliding glass door. I unlocked it as I shook my head at him the entire time. "Lovely to see you Madeline-" He started as I heard someone running up behind me. I turned around to see Dawn bolting at us at lightning speed.

"No! Dawn!" I yelled as quietly as I could as she leaped directly towards Harry almost knocking him over. "Calm down Dawn! You're going to wake them-"

"Maddie? Is that you?" My grandma called from the top of the steps.

"Shit." I mumbled as I pushed Harry and Dawn outside. "Yes it is grandma! Dawn was whining so I let her outside and I'm going to let her sleep in my room!" I called back up.

"Ok dear, if everything is alright then." She said as she walked back into her room and closed the door. I quickly opened the sliding glass door back up and ushered Harry and Dawn back inside. Dawn was still jumping up on and around him obviously remembering who he was. "Let's go up to my room before we get caught." I said as we walked as quietly as we could up the stairs and into my room. I turned on my light as Harry shut the door behind him. I climbed onto the bed and patted it signaling for Dawn to come up on it. She eagerly climbed up and into my lap as I laid her down so I could see.

"She's gotten big." He said as he came and sat down on the corner of my bed.

"Sure has." I agreed as I stroked her fur making her close her eyes.

"I wanted to apologize about what happened on the front steps." He said after a few moments making me look up at him. "I don't know what came over me and it was very inappropriate."

"You need to stop apologizing Harold." I said using his full name making him glare at me. "I miss the witty remarks when you didn't give a shit about what you said or who heard it."

"I never liked your dirty mouth." He said shaking his head at me as I rolled my eyes.

"Cause I give a shit what you think." I smirked as I leaned back up against the headboard and pulled my legs under the covers as best I could with Dawn sprawled across me.

"You're nothing but a little princess, you know you didn't mean that."

"If you don't like it leave." I smirked as I hid my face under the covers. I heard Harry sigh as the bed rose back up. I was about to uncover my face to tell him I was joking when I felt his body weight suddenly lower onto me. Too scared to uncover my face to see what kind of proximity we were in I stayed hidden until I felt him pull the blankets back.

"Can I take you out sometime?" He asked as he hovered above me with his weight on his arms almost in a push-up position.

"I guess?"

"I'm taking that as a yes." He said as he pushed himself off the bed and towards the door. Right as I thought he was about to leave he turned the light off and crawled back onto the bed positioning Dawn in between us.

"What're you-"

"Go to sleep. You're about to pass out any minute now. I can tell."


"I fall asleep faster when I'm around you and I know you fall asleep faster when there's someone else in the same room." He said making me feel embarrassed. It was true though, I always felt safer with someone else in the room while I slept. I turned over and petted Dawn absent-mindedly in the dark as I closed my eyes. I was brushing my fingers through her fur when I felt Harry's hand suddenly on top of mine making me stop and keep my hand still. "Would you ever let me take you out on a date?" He mumbled with his eyes shut. Curious as to why he was asking these questions he spoke again before I could respond. "You don't have to say yes I just thought I'd ask, as you're the only one I see myself with."

"Harry-" I choked as I sat up removing my hand from underneath his, "It'll never work out. I don't want to lead you on by saying yes when I truly believe that it won't work out-"

"Madeline, I have worked my ass off for the past two years trying to become a successful normal man in hopes that I would be able to change your perspective about me. I realize now that we will never be able to erase the past but I'm trying to make it up to you." He said as he sat up slowly staring his piercing green eyes right into mine.

"I-uh." I stuttered not knowing how to reply. "I guess I just-" I started again as Harry stood up from the bed and towards the door.

"When you're ready to let me back in I'll be waiting, because we both know the connection we had was the strongest, most powerful one we'll have in our entire lifetime." He said as he shut the door behind him leaving me stunned as to what had just gone on.

Question: Think she's ready to let him back in?

In other news,
I need Winter break and I need it now.

The Life I Want to Live ~Sequel to On The Run~Where stories live. Discover now