"I still can't fucking believe him! How dare he betray us and bring her back!"
"Zayn calm down, we're all angry but if you get even more mad you're going to go murder someone."
"Damn right I am! And it'll be Harry!"
I was standing at the top of the stairs watching Zayn pace around the living room as Niall and Liam were trying to calm him down. As Zayn started another rant Liam looked towards me.
"Oi Maddie! Come on down!" He said as he waved me towards him. I slowly nodded my head and walked down the steps towards them as they turned their attention towards me. Niall noticed I looked a little uncomfortable and looked back towards Zayn.
"Uh-so what were you saying Zayn?" He asked mainly trying to get the attention off of me. They went back into their conversation as I shuffled towards Liam.
"Here Maddie sit down." He said as he patted the spot next to him making me slightly uncomfortable.
"Can I just-" I started as I looked back towards the basement door but was cut off by Liam.
"But it would-"
"No. Sit down and let me put this on your arms. You're as red as satan and I'm not going to let you stay like that." He said as he pushed me slightly towards him so I would sit down. "Now hold out your arms." He demanded as he put some cream on his hand and rubbed it on my arm. It hurt at first like my skin was being ripped off but the cream slowly soothed it making my arms cool down. "There. Better?" Liam asked after he was done, I nodded my head silently thanking him as he went upstairs to put the lotion away.
"Niall that doesn't make any sense he said he was over Maddie! Why the fuck would he bring her back?!" Zayn yelled at Niall making him shrug his shoulders.
"I'm not the one who you should be asking that question." Niall replied as he looked over at me. "Do you know why he brought you here?" He asked as I shook my head no rapidly. "Well then the only person who can tell you then Zayn, is Harry. Now Maddie, how about we get you something to eat." Niall said as he flicked his head towards the kitchen as a sign to follow him.
I followed Niall into the kitchen as he rummaged through multiple cupboards simultaneously. "Fuck, we need to go grocery shopping." He said to himself as he looked in the pantry. "How about soup?" He asked making me nod my head and sit down at the table. He poured a pot of hot water and set it on the stove as he came back and sat down by me. "How are you holding up?" He asked as I shrugged my shoulders. "No speak'a de English eh?" He smirked making me slightly smile.
"Have you seen anything about my family on the news?" I asked quietly making Niall quit smirking and pull on a serious face.
"No, no cell service or television. Have to go in town for that-where I haven't been for days." He said as the stove timer beeped signaling he could put the soup in. He then grabbed the grocery list and sat down in front of me. "What food should I buy?" He asked making me shrug my shoulders. "Ok pop tarts, spaghetti, bacon, cereal, grapes, bananas, beer, milk, juice...Hey Zayn what else do you want?!" Niall yelled out to Zayn getting a simple "cigarettes!" In response. "Cigarettes, bagels, shit what else..."
"Meat." Liam said as he came in and took the soup off of the stove and brought me over a bowl.
"Thank you.." I mumbled quietly as I sipped the nice, hot soup warming me up immediately. Liam and Zayn grabbed their own bowls and sat down engaging in a conversation with Niall about going shopping tomorrow morning or at night.
"Well if we-" Zayn started but was cut off by the sound of a car door slamming which made me drop my spoon. My eyes went wide immediately and I started panicking as all three of them stood up and looked towards the door. I started to scoot my chair out but Liam stopped me.
"Don't fucking move." He said to me as they walked towards the living room-Liam standing in the kitchen doorway blocking my view of the door. A couple of seconds later it slammed open-footsteps trailing in immediately.
"What're you doing here? Come to greet me at the door like a dog?" Harry grunted as he threw his jacket on the ground.
"So when were you planning on telling us?" Zayn asked casually.
"What're you talking about? Oh you mean how we got new information on Ryan?" Harry asked tapping his foot.
"No-when were you going to fucking tell us you were keeping a hostage?!" Zayn yelled making me whimper.
"What are you talk-who the hell are you talking about?!" Harry screamed making Zayn, Niall, and Liam all move out of the way so I was staring straight at Harry and Louis.
"What the fuck?! You already brought her here without telling me?! You fucking liar!" Louis said as he punched Harry in the arm making him glare at Louis.
"What?! You knew about it?!" Niall yelled while balling his fists up.
"Of course I did! You think I was going to go all the way to Wisconsin and not figure out that she was handcuffed in the artillery shed?!" Louis countered making Liam's eyes go wide.
"You kept her in the fucking artillery shed?! Why the hell didn't you tell us Louis?!" Liam yelled making Harry roll his eyes.
"Because he said I could watch over her once she got here! But he forgot one detail-TO FUCKING TELL ME WHEN HE BROUGHT HER HERE!" Louis screamed.
"How the fuck did she get up here?! Did she fucking try to escape?!" Harry yelled as he pointed towards me and started moving closer.
"Fuck you-we brought her up here." Zayn retorted as he moved in Harry's way.
"Why the hell are you trying to defend her?" Harry said through gritted teeth.
"Why the hell are you trying to kill her?" Zayn countered making Harry clench his fists.
"Is that true Maddie?" Niall asked confusedly as I stood up and backed away slightly shaking my head, unable to form words.
"And if you fucking think you're going to get away with this." Harry said slyly as he walked towards me making me back up into the wall. "You're wrong." He said as he practically jumped for my throat making me faint and fall to the ground, hitting my head on the counter and black out.
Watch Drag Me Down on YouTube.

The Life I Want to Live ~Sequel to On The Run~
FanfictionMadeline has her life back on track now...or at least she thinks she does. Little does she know of all the twists and turns coming to her in the near future...