"Madeline...wake up." Someone said softly as my arm was slowly shaken.
"Huh? What?" I grumbled sleepily as I stretched my arm out and hit something. I opened my eyes and saw Harry's white t-shirt and my hand placed directly over his abdomen. I quickly retracted it as I sat up and rubbed my face where I could feel my dried tear stains from last night...I didn't remember crying...
"Go to the bathroom and do whatever you need because we're going downstairs to have breakfast. I'll be leaving in five minutes." He said as I nodded my head slowly and walked into the bathroom. Apparently I was taking too long because Harry knocked on the door threatening to break in if I didn't hurry up.
"I'm coming." I grunted as I opened it and was pulled into the hallway. Harry linked his arm with mine aand walked us through the winding hallways and into the elevator. Once we reached the lobby I could smell the fresh fruit and sizzling sausage being served up. My stomach growled in excitement when I realized I hadn't eaten a full meal for almost 24 hours. We walked into the breakfast area where Harry stopped abruptly near the seating area.
"Find us a table while I go get the food...I know where you'll be." He said slowly as he brushed his fingers across the tattoo on my wrist giving me chills. He then walked towards the food as I looked around for a seat. I had thought about running out the front doors of the hotel, but realized I'd probably starve to death on the side of the street if I didn't eat first. Right by a front window there was a small table for two which I grabbed quickly before anyone else could. "Here. Eat what you want." Harry said as he sat down with two fully stacked trays of food.
"Thanks." I mumbled as I looked down at the giant pile of food. Sausages, bacon, apples, cereal, orange juice, and bagels. Anything you could've asked for was at this breakfast. I quickly picked up the bacon devouring it all in under a minute as Harry ate his scrambled eggs. I knew now would be the time to ask Harry the question I had been planning to ask all morning. I had hoped since he was content with his food he wouldn't mind me asking, "Did you happen to find a note at all in the room last night? I wrote it before I went to bed but couldn't find it when I woke up..."
"Possibly. I threw away a couple scraps of paper last night. Was it important?" He asked casually as he brushed off the question as if he didn't know what piece of paper I was talking about.
"No. Just a list." I said as I looked at him carefully. I could tell he was thinking really hard about what I had just said.
"Are you done?" He asked as he slid his empty plate towards the middle of the table.
"Yeah just let me throw this-"
"The maids clean those up not us."
"Then how come everyone else-"
"We're going." He said as he pulled me up by the arm and headed towards the front desk. He turned his key in making me furrow my eyebrows.
"Why are we leaving?"
"Because we don't need to stay here anymore."
"Well then where are we going?"
"I think you know how I'm going to answer that. Get in the car." He demanded as I huffed and climbed into the car. As we were driving I looked over and I could see him whispering words to himself as he drove hastily. Before I knew it he had pulled into the back of a neighborhood and stopped the car. I looked over at him confusedly as he stared straight out the windshield.
"What're you-"
"I'm letting you go." He said as he stared forward out into the road making my jaw drop open.
"You're free."
"You're joking."
"You're going to make me get out and then right when I pass the perfect position in your line of fire you're going to kill me."
"Ha. Never thought of that." He said making my eyes go wide.
"Well where the hell am I supposed to go? It's not like I know this place like the back of my hand."
"Walk until the first intersection, take a right then walk to the next intersection and take a left and you'll be at the police station."
"You're not joking are you?"
"Never was." He said as I tried to open my door. "I have to unlock it from the outside, one second." He grumbled as he got out of his door and walked over to mine unlocking it and letting me out.
"Why are you letting me go? Wait, I already know don't answer that." I said making him cock an eyebrow, "Cause I don't serve a purpose for you anymore and you've found someone else." I said as Harry chuckled.
"I can't keep you hostage anymore. It's not right." He said making me look at him in shock and choke on my spit.
"Are you going insane?!"
"Probably. Leave before I change my mind." He said putting his guard up making me shake my head at him.
"Uh...well...goodbye?" I said unsurely as I turned to walk away but he put his hand on my shoulder stopping me. I turned around and looked at him to see what he wanted.
"I hope your mom gets better." He said with sincerity as he looked directly into my eyes.
"Me too." I said as he dropped his hand from my shoulder and nodded his head beckoning me forward. As I walked about 20 feet I heard him call out one last thing to me.
"Tell the cops whatever you want! They'll never find me!"
Plot twist ey

The Life I Want to Live ~Sequel to On The Run~
FanfictionMadeline has her life back on track now...or at least she thinks she does. Little does she know of all the twists and turns coming to her in the near future...