"Morning angel face." Harry said, his voice still gravely from just waking up. I rolled over quickly to face him as he pecked my lips softly. "How'd you sleep?" He asked, his lips still faintly touching mine.
"Best night sleep I've had in a while." I admitted as I closed my eyes and pushed my face into his chest.
"Me too." He said as he kissed the top of my head before laying his head back down on the pillow.
"I need to go home." I groaned into his chest.
"No not yet." Harry whined as he pulled both his arms around me tightly.
"My mom and grandma will be worried-"
"Will you make pancakes first?" Harry asked making me snort and look up at him. "Please? I told you last time they were the best pancakes I had ever had." He said as he stuck his bottom lip out like a child.
"Fine." I huffed as I rolled my eyes and sat up. "I need to call my grandma first and get changed." I said as I pulled the covers off and removed myself from Harry's arms. He got up as well, sighing as I walked to the bathroom to change out of his clothes. I walked out and grabbed my phone off the bedside table quickly calling my grandma. "Hi grandma, yes I had a good night sleep, no of course not...I'm going to eat breakfast and then I'll be home ok? Love you bye." I ended the call and looked over to see Harry smirking at me.
"No of course not?" He repeated as he raised an eyebrow making me blush.
"Uh so pancakes?" I said as I turned around and raced down the stairs as Harry chased me. "Let me go!" I screamed playfully as he picked me up from behind and carried me all the way into the kitchen before setting me on a counter.
"Alright what can I help you-" Harry started to ask as his phone rang in his back pocket. He quickly pulled it out, looking down at the screen and back up at me. "Oh man ok I really need to take this, I need to check up on how we're doing on software in Europe. I'll be back down in no longer than 20 minutes ok?" He said as I nodded and he kissed me quickly before running back up the stairs and into his office. I dismounted myself off of the countertop and started to gather the ingredients we needed for pancakes. I found the pancake mix neatly placed right in front of the stove and the rest of the ingredients scattered throughout the kitchen. Once I had finished mixing everything together and was about to pour my first pancake I heard a knock on the door. Not knowing if the servants were on duty yet I decided to get it by myself. I opened the door to find a brownish-blonde haired girl standing there with a suitcase, looking up confusedly at me and back down to a piece of paper in her hand.
"Oh I'm so sorry I must have the wrong house." She apologized as she looked at the note in her hand and turned back around to leave.
"Can I help you find anyone?" I asked as she turned back around and nodded her head.
"Please yes if you could. I'm looking for a Harold Styles." She said making my eyes widen.
"Oh uh yeah I know who he is...can I ask how you know him?" I asked worried as to who she could possibly be and why she doesn't call him by his code name of Edward.
"Oh I'm his older sister, Gemma!" She smiled brightly making my jaw drop.
"S-sister?" I stuttered with wide eyes as she nodded cheerfully, "H-he never told me he had a sister." I said as she looked at me confusedly.
"Oh so you've talked to him before then?!" She asked with hope in her eyes as I nodded my head.
"I-I'm his girlfriend." I replied making her eyes go wide and jaw drop.
"Girlfriend?! I didn't know he had a girlfriend!" She screamed as she dropped the piece of paper in her hand and quickly scrambled to pick it back up. "C-can I hug you?!" She asked as tears started brimming her eyes and I nodded quickly. She wrapped her arms around my neck almost instantly crying into my hair. "I haven't s-seen h-him for almost t-ten years." She sobbed making my heart drop.
"T-ten years?" I asked as I pulled away looking at her sympathetically. She nodded her head as she tried to wipe away her tears but they just kept falling. "Well please come in I was just about to make some pancakes for breakfast. Harry is in his office on a conference call." I said as Gemma lugged her suitcase in behind her and set it next to the door.
"Oh does he have an actual job now?" She asked obviously knowing that he didn't always have a 'job'. "Oh wait do you know about-" she started as she followed me to the kitchen.
"Yes, yes I know." I chuckled making her breathe out a sigh of relief.
"I thought for a second there I just was going to have to spill to you about his entire criminal record, thank the lord." She said as she sat down at a stool in the kitchen. "What is his job?" She asked curiously as she looked around the giant kitchen.
"Well all I know is that he owns three computer software companies in the U.S. and one in Europe, but other than that I'm as clueless as you are."
"Still likes to keep to himself ey? He's never been one to share secrets. How long have you two been together?" She asked as I poured a pancake into the pan.
"Well...we've been on and off in our relationship for a long time. I'm just surprised he never thought to tell me about-"
"Sorry Madeline I got-" Harry said as he came into the kitchen and stopped almost immediately once he saw Gemma sitting on a stool. He stood there for what seemed like hours just staring at her as if she wasn't real. "G-Gemma?" He stuttered his voice cracking a bit at the end as she nodded quickly and ran over into his arms in a split second. "How, why-" Harry started as he wrapped his arms around her.
"I got grandfathers note. How in the hell could you not tell us Harry?! Mom can't bare seeing you all over the news! She's been shamed and blamed for all your destruction I can't believe you!" Gemma exploded as she pulled away from Harry, tears that filled her eyes moments earlier were replaced by worry and anger. "And what you did to that terrible Madeline-wait...what did you say your name was?" Gemma asked as she turned around to me making my eyes go wide.
"Gemma I know I have some explaining to do-" Harry tried to reason.
"Damn right you do! A lot if I may add!"
"And Madeline will stay and-"
"Harry I really need to go home. I told you that, my grandma's expecting me home any minute actually." I interrupted solemnly, not meaning to be rude.
"No Madeline please-"
"Well she can just talk to us in the car ride home." Gemma said as she looked between us.
"I just live right across the street, but Harry I really need to go and you two need to talk alone, without me here."
"Now eat these pancakes. If you need me I'll be back later but I really need to get home ok?" I said as Harry nodded his head solemnly.
"Let me walk you out." He huffed defeatedly as he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the front door.
"Why didn't you tell me you had a sister?" I asked confusedly as I looked up at him.
"It's just-well-every time I talk about her I go on a rampage and I didn't want you to see me like that. You've already seen me mad enough times." Harry confessed as I wrapped my arms around his torso and pulled him in for a hug.
"Everything will be fine Harry."
"I don't even know what to say Madeline, words can't make up for ten years-"
"Words made up for six between us." I stated as I looked up at him referring to our own situation. "Just tell her the truth. Call me if you need me." I kissed his lips softly, seeing the pain in his eyes when I pulled away before walking down the front steps amazed as how to vulnerable he had become in such a short amount of time.
Lol no one expected thatAnd can someone explain to me how tf Conchobar is supposed to be pronounced like Connor?
CON-CHO-BAR & CON-CO-BAR are legit the only way to pronounce it unless somehow the fuckinf CHOB is silent.

The Life I Want to Live ~Sequel to On The Run~
FanfictionMadeline has her life back on track now...or at least she thinks she does. Little does she know of all the twists and turns coming to her in the near future...