"I didn't want this life." I mumbled to myself as I moved my hair out of my face and looked out the window. "Not like I had choice though." I chuckled as the bathroom door slammed open.
"And you think I had a choice? Try again sweetheart." Harry said as he dried his hair with a towel and sat on the bed. I looked at him in fear as I turned back towards the window.
"Zayn told me-"
"Don't believe a fucking thing Zayn says. He doesn't know anything about my life...fucking bastard." He mumbled at the end as he stood up and put a shirt on. "What the fuck did you do to your hair?" He asked obviously referencing to the new color.
"Ryan made me dye it." I mumbled as I curled up into a little ball on the seat by the window. We were staying at this little hotel that rose above the trees and I had a partial view of Nashville.
"I bet he made you wear those clothes too?" Harry snorted as he rolled his eyes and opened the closet door. He pulled out a plastic bag before saying 'catch' and throwing it to me. I opened it carefully to find a pair of crop yoga pants and a white t-shirt. "At least you'll be comfortable in those...and not showing your ass off to the entire world." Harry grunted as I stood up and went into bathroom to change. I found it quite odd how Harry always wanted me to cover up when he said he liked skimpy clothing the most.
"Thanks." I mumbled as I tossed the bag full of the clothes Sharna gave me into the corner of the room. Just then Harry's cellphone rang causing him to curse and walk out into the hall.
"No I fucking told you-" He started as he seemed to get angry. "She wouldn't have-Fuck bye." He said as he walked back inside with his fists clenched. "Sit down on the edge of the bed. Now." He demanded as I slowly walked from the window and sat down. He sat right across from me on the back of the couch. "Why did Ryan host that party?"
"H-he wanted answers from the guys or something I honestly don't know." I answered as I looked him straight in the eyes.
"Did any of them approach you?" He asked making me think about how I got drunk and could barely remember anything.
"Chris? Or Chase or I don't remember I got drunk." I said as I groaned clutching my head which still hurt a tad.
"Chase Hamlin." Harry grumbled as I shrugged my shoulders not sure if he was asking or telling. "What did he ask you?"
"To be completely honest Harry I don't remember. But even if I did I'm not even sure I'd tell you because I had a better chance of getting home at Ryan's than I do here." I said as I crossed my arms and leaned back a bit. "Plus you treat me like a child."
"You're so sophomoric sometimes." He snorted as his eyes turned to glare at me. "Ryan was going to send you out of the country to Europe in hopes I would follow you there. Then he was going to try to send us to prison and keep you hostage in one of his buddy's crack-dealing houses. Sounds pleasant right?"
"I-I don't believe you! You're just using me to get answers! Ryan told me that you guys weren't actually sending me home when you put me on the bus you were-"
"I don't want to talk about that! I had no fucking idea they were doing that and if I did I would've locked them all up before they could lay a single finger on you!" Harry yelled as he stood up and pointed a finger at me.
"They were trying to keep me safe from you Harry! Do you realize all the stuff you've done to me in my entire life?! I can't believe you'd actually think that I would side with you over Ryan!" I said as my eyes started to tear up a bit.
"He just went to college to stalk you! He never meant any of the shit he said to you unlike me who meant everything!" He screamed back making me cower down.
"So I really am a useless bitch who could be replaced at any moment in your eyes aren't I?" I asked coldly as Harry's face dropped and he looked at me with solemn eyes.
"I was drunk when I said that."
"They say the truth comes out when you're drunk." I said shaking my head before continuing, "And you know what? I'd rather be slapped in the face with the truth than kissed with a lie." I seethed as I stood up from the bed and walked into the bathroom to take a shower. Harry didn't even follow me in as he stood there shaking with fury and anger. As I stepped into the shower I heard the room's door slamming shut as he left.
"Madeline!" Harry screamed about 25 minutes later as he came back in from wherever he was. "Madeline where the fuck are you?!" He screamed as I threw my towel over the shower to dry.
"I'm still in the bathroom!" I yelled back as I pulled my hair into a pony tail and walked out towards the bed to find him soaking wet. "What the hell?" I questioned as he turned around with a bag in his hand.
"Here." He said as he shoved the white paper bag towards me. When I didn't grab it right away he shoved it into my hands and walked soundlessly behind me into the bathroom.
"What?" I questioned as I sat down on the bed and opened it to find a cheeseburger and fries. I stared down in astonishment. "Why does he do this?" I said as I shook my head solemnly as I looked down at the bag. Every single time he would yell at me he would always think about it and do something in return. Example one: buying me a dog. Harry walked out with another towel on his hair. "Aren't you going to change clothes?" I asked referring to his wet ones as he obviously went out in the rain just to get me food.
"No. I don't have any. Eat your food." He commanded as he pulled off his soaked shirt and hung it on the coat rack.
"Put this one on. It's yours anyways." I said referring to the white t-shirt I currently had on.
"No. I'm going to bed. I don't need it." He said as he pulled off his shoes and then pants to hang in the bathroom. He then switched off the light and climbed into bed. I quickly ate the food before throwing away the empty bag. I then looked over at the bed contemplating if I really wanted to sleep in it. "Get in bed." Harry said as he made my decision for me.
I just wanted to thank you for your reaction to the last chapter it was absolutely amazing and I was so excited and happy when I read all your comments!Question of the chapter: Why do you think Harry brought her back food? Did it mean anything?

The Life I Want to Live ~Sequel to On The Run~
FanfictionMadeline has her life back on track now...or at least she thinks she does. Little does she know of all the twists and turns coming to her in the near future...