"Are you sure you have everything?"
"Yes mom, I cleaned out my entire desk today at the office and it's all packed into a box that the property movers will take down with your stuff. I have enough clothes because I never unpacked my suitcase from when we went down there."
"What about dinner? When does your flight leave again?"
"8 pm. So I have about two hours and I'll eat dinner here, I think I'll be too excited to eat down there though. I can just go grocery shopping in the morning."
"Are you sure you're going to be alright down there by yourself?" My mother asked worriedly as she scrunched her face up thinking hard.
"Mom I'll be fine. If I need anything Edward will be right across the street." I said as I set my hand on her shoulder. "You worry about yourself. Go see the psychologist, or the psychiatrist or anyone you need to see." I said as she nodded her head and there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it!" I called as my mom sat down on the couch. "Megan?" I asked confusedly to see her standing there.
"Maddie!" Megan said as she burst through the door. "You forgot something!"
"This!" She said as she bulldozed me into the tightest hug and practically squeezed me to death. "Oh yeah well you actually did forget this." She said as she handed me a picture of Dawn, Harry and I that I took almost four years ago when we were in Norway.
"Oh my god. Where was it?" I asked dumbfounded.
"Between the wall and where your desk used to be. It must have fallen down awhile ago." She said as I nodded my head and thanked her.
"I probably forgot a bunch of other stuff too." I chuckled as Megan shook her head at me.
"Nope the place is completely bare except for that. I hope you enjoy it down there Maddie and I'll send you an email later this week if you're ready to work."
"Of course!" I said as I hugged her one last time before she walked out and climbed into her car. "Oh! Dawn! Where have you been?!" I cooed as she licked my face as I knelt down. "When did you bring her back home mom?" I asked as this was the first time I had seen her since we had gotten back.
"We brought her home this morning when you were cleaning out the office." She said as Dawn went and jumped up in her lap. You could barely see my mom because she was so fluffy and big. At almost five years old she still had the energy of a puppy.
"Oh my! I need to eat dinner and get going!" I said as I looked at my watch which read 6:45. I quickly ate some macaroni and cheese before saying goodbye to mom, grandma, and dawn and climbing into my car. I was told to leave my car at the airport because the property movers would be bringing it down with my mom's stuff. Once I reached the airport I parked my car and rolled my luggage to the security check. I got through fairly quickly and about 20 minutes later I was approaching gate E12. "Madeline Scott." I said as I walked up to the desk and the man checked me in. He directed me towards my gate and I quickly stepped in the jet. It was very quiet being on it all alone and I wondered how Harry couldn't fall asleep, it was so peaceful.
"Hello Madeline, I'm your captain John Berg tonight." He said as walked out with his fancy uniform around 8:30. "It seems that we aren't going to be able to fly out for another 45 minutes because of weather delays. Beverages and other commodities will be coming out early." He said as he disappeared back around the corner. I quickly grabbed my phone out of my pocket to text Harry and tell him I was going to be late but then realized I never got his number. I mentally cursed at myself as I laid my head back and prepared for the bumpy flight.
"Oh my thank god! Barry!" I yelled as I saw him leaning up against the limo door. There were no other cars in the lane because almost all of the flights had been cancelled. "I'm so sorry I made you wait! My flight was delayed because of the weather!"
"Maddie it's no problem. Let me get your luggage for you so you can get on home and get some sleep. It's past midnight." He said as climbed into the front seat. "Oh yes and Edward just called me, he said he wants to speak to you at his house quickly before I drop you off." He said making me furrow my eyebrows.
"He's still up? Why does he want to speak to me at this hour?"
"He said he'd explain everything when you got there. That's all I know. So let's get going." Barry said as he sped off into darkness. After about a half an hour we finally reached his neighborhood and pulled into his gigantic home. It looked even prettier at night. It was still down pouring so when Harry walked out into the rain without an umbrella I shrieked.
"Come inside before you get drenched." He said dressed in a suit as he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the limo as we ran up to the front steps.
"What're you doing up dressed like that and out here?" I asked as I moved my now damp hair out of my face.
"Because of the weather delays your stuff isn't going to be down till tomorrow so I want you to stay here." He said quickly completely ignoring my question.
"I don't want to intrude Harry, I have a suitcase full of everything I need and-"
"No I insist. We haven't installed the security system yet and we're in a severe thunderstorm warning. I'd feel much better if you'd stay here knowing you're safe." He said making my face drop.
"You still haven't slept have you?" I asked seriously as he shook his head 'no'. "Well damn it, if me staying here will make you sleep then I will, but go get in bed before I drag you up there." I said as Barry brought my luggage up beside me and drove the limo away.
"Are you hungry? You can have anything you'd like made-"
"I'm just tired that's all. And you should be too. I'll see you in the morning. Goodnight Harry." I said as we reached the top of the stairs.
"Goodnight Madeline."

The Life I Want to Live ~Sequel to On The Run~
FanfictionMadeline has her life back on track now...or at least she thinks she does. Little does she know of all the twists and turns coming to her in the near future...