Chapter 58

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It's been almost three days since I've last seen Harry. He's called me multiple times asking if I'd like to come over, but his sister is there and I don't want to intrude anymore. Besides that, my mother still isn't doing well so I've turned him down every time. My grandma and I have spoken few words to each other also. Mainly because I've been in my room most of the time or have been running random errands to get my mind off things.

"Maddie, can I come in?" My grandma knocked as I yelled back a 'yes' and the door opened quickly. "I brought you a bowl of spaghetti in case you haven't eaten lunch yet." She said as she walked in and handed me the bowl before sitting at the edge of my bed. "I wanted to apologize for our little argument a couple days ago, I know what I said wasn't right-"

"It's ok grandma, they're things I really need to think about. I mean I'm dating one of the most wanted criminals in the world who could be put in jail any minute." I said bluntly as I took a forkful of noodles into my mouth.

"It's scary, I'll admit it. Terrifying, but seeing as to how he's treated you now, you could barely tell the difference between a cold hearted criminal or a determined business man. I really do think he means well Maddie, and that's why I haven't made the move to ruin his life. The second he hurts you he's-" She stopped as she pretended to slice her throat making me chuckle.

"Yeah, I understand that." I said as the doorbell rang from downstairs.

"Ooh I'll get that!" My grandma said as she trotted off downstairs to get the door. I heard her speak to someone before shutting the door and footsteps coming back up the stairs. Expecting her to come back into my room, I was surprised when I heard a knock and looked up to find not my grandma, but Gemma.

"Oh, hi Gemma! Come in!" I said as I set my bowl on the table beside my bed and patted for her to come sit down.

"Oh ok, I don't want to intrude I'll only be a minute!" She said as she sat down on the bed and flung her purse down beside her. "I just wanted to say goodbye before I left, my plane leaves back for England in about two hours."

"Oh you're leaving? Already?!"

"Well yeah, when I booked my plane tickets here I hardly knew if I'd even find Harry so I didn't want to stay too long in fear of being stranded." She chuckled making me nod understanding what she meant. "Harry doesn't know I'm here, I just wanted to thank you for being there for him. He told me everything all up to this very moment over the course of the last few days and I honestly can't imagine what you've gone through." I just nodded not really knowing what to say. "And I know my brother is a pain in the ass, I don't know how you put up with him." She said making me laugh.

"Wasn't easy at first, you just have to play your cards right and he beckons down to you. He's under control now that he's come to terms with his past and making my life way more fulfilled than I ever imagined. I bet he's even better off now that he has gotten the chance to explain everything to you."

"Yeah he said talking things through really helps him now, he said he learned that from talking to you." She smiled making me blush as to the thought of him talking to her about me. Right when I was about to speak up I heard the paws of Dawn scampering through the hallway as she ran right into my room and jumped up on the bed. "Agh Dawn calm down! I hope you're not afraid of dogs I'm terribly so-"

"Is that a husky?!" She asked with wide eyes making me nod my head already thinking she knew about Dawn. "That's my favorite type of dog, I always used to beg my mother for one when I was little and Harry used to step in and say 'don't worry sis, I'll buy you one when I'm rich someday' whenever my mother would say no." She explained as she looked at Dawn in astonishment as she pet her absentmindedly. Dawn quickly settled down easing into her touch and laying across the bed to keep being pet.

"Harry got her for me when we were in Norway as an apology for being such a hard ass." I smiled as she looked at me and smirked. "He probably thought through which kind of dog he wanted to get because of you and your wish for a husky."

"Well that's a nice thought, maybe he didn't completely forget about me for ten years." She chuckled making my smile soften at her semi-heartbreaking sentence. "Oh my, well I should be going, do you mind if I get a picture of you before I leave so I can show my mother? She's been absolutely dying to know what you look like." Gemma smiled making me nod my head.

"Actually I have a better idea." I said as I stood up and walked over towards my desk, rummaging through my papers until I pulled out what I was looking for. I walked back over to her and handed her the picture Harry and I took with Dawn when we had our photoshoot out in the snow. "Take this back with you so then you can have a picture of us all." I smiled as Gemma looked down at it in awe. "That was when we were in Norway and he was still apart of his gang."

"Really? So you were still technically kidna-" I cut her off by nodding my head. "Wow, shows he was still quite soft even when faced with the brutality of possibly being caught 24/7." She chuckled making me nod. "Well it was very nice meeting you for the first, and hopefully not the last time." She said as I walked her down the stairs to the front door.

"I'm glad I got to meet you and that Harry finally got to explain everything, he needs to get things off his chest every once in awhile." I said making her shake her head in disbelief.

"You're an absolute angel Maddie, I don't know how he got so lucky. If he loses you he's never going to get over himself, he loves you so much I can just tell by the way he looks at you and how he talked about you. I've never seen him like that before. You have finally cracked his cold exterior and brought out the Harry we once knew and loved and I can't thank you enough for that." She said making my eyes start to well up at her beautiful speech. "Don't stay away too long, these last couple of days without you have been killing him."

"And don't you stay away for too long, I need someone to let me in on how used to be and how he talks about me." I smirked as she hugged me once more before walking out of the doorway and to Barry's limo. She waved her hand out the window as he drove off and disappeared onto the street.

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