"Are you sure you're going to be able to handle everything? If you need some paperwork just check in my file-"
"Maddie, I told you if I needed help I'd call you, not for you to call me." Megan said through the phone as I entered the airport already dropping off my suitcase.
"Ok well please do call if you need something we're entering security I'll see you soon!"
"Have a nice trip! Don't worry about me! Goodbye!" She said quickly as she hung up before I could get another word in.
"Please set all carry-on items in separate bins including any liquids, jewelry, wallets, and shoes." The security guard said as we grabbed bins and placed in our valuables.
We went through security fairly quick and found the itinerary displaying all the flight numbers and gates.
"Looks like we're at gate E12." I said as I looked all the way down at the bottom noticing ours was the last gate. Because I didn't want my grandma to walk that far we hailed a cart and hopped on before reaching our gate at the opposite end of the building.
"This airport looks larger now then when we flew in." My mom said as she climbed off and thanked the driver.
"Well where are we supposed to sit?" My grandma asked confused as we looked around and found no chairs around E12. The nearest gate was about 50 feet away and we were afraid if we went and sat over there we'd miss our flight being called.
"Excuse me sir, could you tell us where we're supposed to sit for flight 8897?" My grandma asked the man working at the desk in front of our gate.
"May I see your tickets?" He asked us as we handed them all to him. He scanned them under the computer before looking back up at us with a smile. "Your flight is already here. Are you expecting anyone else to fly with you?"
"No, not with us, but what about the other people on the plane? We're an hour early."
"No you have a private jet booked for you. The jet leaves whenever you're ready." He said as we looked at each other in astonishment.
"A what?" I said trying to comprehend what he just said.
"We had no idea we were flying on a jet." My grandma said as the man chuckled.
"Well whenever you're ready you can follow Marcus down the aisle and he'll take you to your seats." He said as we thanked him, still in shock and proceeded to follow Marcus.
"Alright ladies take any seat of your choice and have a lovely flight, the captain will be announcing departure any time now." He said as we sat down in the most luxurious seats I've ever seen.
"This is amazing, this must've cost a fortune. Who is this friend of yours Maddie?" My mother asked slyly making me laugh.
"I had no idea he could afford this. I thought we were just going on a plane like you. I'll have to ask him when we get down there." I said as I pulled out my phone and took pictures of the interior of the jet just for keepsake.
"Hello and welcome aboard. I'm you're captain Danny Bloom. We will be taking off shortly here and arriving in about three hours to your final destination of Miami, Florida. Please enjoy the flight and the attendants will be out 20 minutes after take off, thank you." The captain said over the intercom as we slowly started pulling out of our slot.
"I wonder what else is in store for this trip."
"Right on schedule, it is 2:35 pm right here in Miami, Florida. 89° and sunny. Thank you for flying with us and I hope you have a wonderful trip." The captain said as we pulled into our slot at the Miami airport. The seat belt sign went off and we unbuckled before standing up to exit off the plane.
"Thank you very much! Wonderful flight!" My grandma said to the captain as we exited past him and onto land.
"That was the smoothest flight I've been on in years. Absolutely no air-sickness." My mom said quite thrilled as she was still feeling good even after the flight.
"Ok well Edward said he was going to have someone waiting to pick us up in a car by the luggage." I said as we made our way down to the corner of the building where our three pieces of luggage were standing next to a guard.
"Here you go ladies, I hope you had a wonderful flight." He said as we nodded our heads and took our luggage from him. We walked through the doors and outside onto the sidewalk where the humid warm air immediately radiated our skin.
"Oh it feels good to be back." My mom said as she closed her eyes and looked up at the sun.
"Ok I don't know exactly who we're supposed to look for but-wait do you see that?" I asked as I pointed down to a man in a black suit in front of a limo holding onto a sign that read 'Madeline Scott'.
"Oh my gosh. This is just like in the movies." My grandma said making me laugh as we pulled our luggage down towards him, but before we even reached him he looked up and smiled.
"Awh Madeline! How nice to see you! I am Barry and I am going to be your butler today. Edward has strict rules that I am to take you immediately to his house. Let me grab your luggage for you, go ahead and get in the limo." He said quickly as if he had memorized the line.
He then grabbed our suitcases and stuffed them into the trunk as we climbed in. "If you need anything please ask, air flow controls are on that touch screen there." He said as he pointed to a screen on the cup holder of each chair and shut the door.
"This is crazy." I said dumbfounded as to what Harry had gone through. "I had no idea he would do this I can't believe the money he shelled out for-"
"Oh one more thing Madeline, Edward also said he doesn't want you complaining about the money spent on this. He said it was all worth it." Barry said from the driver's seat making me shut my mouth right away as my mom and grandma laughed at me.
"He knows you too well."

The Life I Want to Live ~Sequel to On The Run~
أدب الهواةMadeline has her life back on track now...or at least she thinks she does. Little does she know of all the twists and turns coming to her in the near future...