"Huh! I'm so sorry-" I said as I walked out of the bedroom still half asleep and bumped into someone.
"I-uh it's ok." They said as I looked up and saw Harry wearing a tank top and some shorts. "I didn't expect you to be up this early. It's only 6." He said confusedly as he looked down at me.
"Nor did I." I sighed as I rubbed both of my eyes.
"Want some breakfast then? I don't know if the cooks will be up yet so I'll have to go-"
"What? No you don't have to wake them up. We can just make it ourselves." I said as we walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where the rain was still drizzling outside.
"Are you sure? I'm not a very good cook and-"
"Just tell me where the pancake mix is and we'll be fine." I said needing to get my mind off the rain outside. The constant thunder last night kept me awake because of my anxiety.
"Uh...let me just look around for a bit." Harry said as he went through almost every cabinet in the kitchen before he found it by the cereals.
"Have you ever cooked before? How do you not know where anything is in your own kitchen?" I smirked as he leaned back up against the granite countertop.
"I think I cooked once and then ate out until I hired everyone." He chuckled as he handed me the mix.
"Bowl, pan, butter, peanut butter, syrup, and spatula." I said as I helped him look around the kitchen for all that we needed. After adding all the ingredients into a bowl I started making pancakes as Harry watched. He sat down across the countertop from me and watched the pancakes simmer in the pan.
"Do you need help?" He asked as he snapped out of his daze and stood up from his stool.
"You could get plates and forks." I suggested as I made another pancake and stacked them on top of each other. Harry grabbed two plates and forks and set them on the counter as he walked towards the fridge. He pulled out the orange juice and poured two glasses before sitting back down. "Alright last one. Do you want to just eat in here so then we don't have to carry everything out?" I asked as he shrugged his shoulders and nodded. "Take whichever one you want." I said as I moved the plate full of pancakes towards him.
"You first." He said as I sat down next to him and picked two off the top. I spread some peanut butter on it before drowning it in syrup. Harry did the same as he took three pancakes and set them on his plate. "I think this is the first time-" He stopped to swallow, "I've eaten in here." He said making me furrow my eyebrows.
"You haven't eaten in your own kitchen?" I asked like he was crazy and he shook his head.
"Oh my! I didn't know you were up Edward! You should have called me! Let me clean this up for you-" Tim the chef gasped as he walked in already dressed.
"Tim it's fine, we made the mess we'll clean it up."
"Oh but sir-"
"No no now go on back to the servants quarters and sleep in, we won't be needing your service till lunch time." He commanded as Tim walked back out very quickly. "Why were you up so early?" He asked as a rumble of thunder shook the house making me jump.
"Uh-well...I have a slight fear of storms..." I said as I took a drink of my juice. "I finally got tired of lying in bed so I got up. Why are you up?" I asked as he took another pancake from the plate.
"Couldn't sleep either. Not because of the storm of course but because of my mind racing." He said as a giant roll of thunder was sent throughout the house making me jump and shake. "Why are you afraid?" He asked with slight confusion.
"I have no idea. The sound is just eerie to me and I don't like it." I said as I shivered just thinking about it.
"So you're not one of those 'let's go dance in the rain' people?"
"Are you kidding me? You could be struck by lightning!" I shrieked as he chuckled and took yet another pancake.
"These are the best pancakes I've ever had." He mumbled as he shoved a fork full in his mouth. "What's your secret?"
"Pancake mix in a box." I chuckled as I stood up and moved my plate to the sink.
"What're you doing?" He asked with his mouth full of food.
"Cleaning up."
"No stop." He said as he waved his hand at me and swallowed. "I'll clean it up." He said as he shoved the last bit of pancake in his mouth and stood up.
"I made the mess Harry I can clean it up."
"No I didn't even help all I did was watch. So you can go sit and watch me clean up." He said as I furrowed my eyebrows before walking back over to my stool. I sat down quickly and cocked an eyebrow at him practically judging him on how well he cleaned up. "Have an idea where soap would be?" He asked making me snort.
"Probably in the soap dispenser right there." I said as I pointed to the silver pump for soap.
"Oh-right." He stuttered obviously embarrassed. Usually he would've made some smart aleck comment that would've made roll my eyes. "You don't have to watch me do the dishes Madeline, you can go do whatever the hell you want." He said as he took the sponge and scrubbed the pan.
"No, you're keeping my mind off of the thunder." I said as another rumble sounded making me tense. "Keep talking."
DOUBLE UPDATE CAUSE I FEEL FLY AF FROM THE CHOCOLATE PIE I JUST ATE #ThankfulforThanksgivingleftoversQuestion of the chapter: How you liking Harry's new persona?

The Life I Want to Live ~Sequel to On The Run~
FanfictionMadeline has her life back on track now...or at least she thinks she does. Little does she know of all the twists and turns coming to her in the near future...