PART 2: Chapter 24

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~2 Years Later~

"Only one more day." I huffed as I shut the front door behind me and leaned up against it.

"Maddie? Is that you?" His voice called from the kitchen.

"Yep." I said as I threw my purse onto the couch and walked into the kitchen.

"Hey babe how was work?" Eric said as he pulled me under his arm and kissed my temple.

"I never thought co-owning a dentist office could be so much work." I huffed as I leaned into his side.

"It'll get less stressful once everything is set into place and patients are coming in regularly. I guarantee it." He said making me feel a little bit better about my day. Recently I had just opened a new dentist office right here in Rhode Island and I couldn't believe how much work I was having to do. I would get there at 6 in the morning and stay till almost 10 at night. We were still having meetings with patients to discuss their insurance and what they would be getting discounted by coming to us and it honestly made me so overwhelmed. Knowing I was doing it for a good cause did help me make it through the day. "Now, try this." Eric said as he spooned me a mouthful of spaghetti sauce.

"Good." I nodded my head as he pulled bowls out of the cupboard and filled them with spaghetti. "Thank you for making dinner. I'm sorry I didn't know what time I'd be home." I said as I poured two glasses of milk and sat down next to him at the table.

"Babe it's fine. I know how hard you're working, but tomorrow is Friday and you'll have the weekend to relax." Eric smiled from across the table.

"Unless I decide to go in and finish the stack of licenses for the building. You'd think that since we've had this building for almost three months they'd lay off." I shook my head and closed my eyes. Then my phone started ringing from the living room. I quickly jumped up and looked at it to see the owners of the building we were currently leasing calling. "I have to take this! I'll try to make it quick!" I apologized as I ran upstairs into the bedroom to take the call.

"Hello Ms. Scott I'm sorry for such the late call-"

"Oh please it's fine! I just got home from work."

"I was just wondering if you could possibly tell us a date you'd be able to get our paperwork to us you see-"

"I am so sorry it's taken so long. We've been so busy filling in new patients and hiring new hygienists that the papers got pushed to the bottom of my desk. I've already set aside some time to go in on Saturday and fill them out. I hope to get them to you by Sunday if not Saturday night."

"Thank you for not forgetting and I wish your business well! Have a nice night."

"Thank you, you too." I replied as I pressed the hang up button and walked downstairs to find Eric on the couch. "I need to go in on Saturday, and I'm really sorry I-"

"Maddie calm down. It's not a big deal, go finish your dinner and just relax."

"That phone call made me lose my appetite. I think I'm just going to take a shower and go to bed."

"Alright. Well I just want to make sure you're not stressing yourself out too much. You've worked hard for the past three months. You might need to take some time off."

"No I can't do that because when I go back there will be three times as much work and-"

"Forget I said anything, go take your shower and go to sleep. I'll come up later. I love you." He said as he kissed my forehead.

"I love you too."

"I am so sorry Megan! I must've turned my alarm off in my sleep and-"

"Maddie, calm down, it's ok. You're still an hour early. We don't open till 8 today." Megan said as she came out in her white lab coat. She still looked like the pictures of her when she was younger on her desk. She had curly orange hair and freckles lined across her face.

"I've been so stressed out lately. This is crazy." I said as I set my file folder down and logged into my computer.

"Our first client isn't going to be in till 8:30 so we have some time to work on other things. Stacy should be in fairly soon to work the front desk and Jennifer along with Allison are working shifts today." Megan said as she read exactly what was going on from her clipboard. She was one year older than me and we met in Dentistry school. We completed it in two years together because we took double the summer classes.

"I need to come in tomorrow to file the building lease paperwork. I almost completely forgot about it."

"I was just talking to my husband about that yesterday and he said that when he opened his Doctor's office they were calling him non-stop to get the contracts signed, and the money paid. He barely had enough time to do anything else." Megan and her husband Craig were the cutest couple I had ever seen. They both had orange hair and I couldn't wait till they decided to have kids. They were going to look like spitting images of them.

"Oh my gosh! It's already eight! Is everyone here? Is the door unlocked? Do we have the open sign up-"

"Take it easy-"

"I can't!"

Ok people are getting confused so I'll post what Part 2 means here. Part 2 means the second part of the BOOK not part 2 of chapter 24.
There's been a 2 year time skip from Chapter 23 to Chapter 24 so Maddie is now speaking 2 years later since she's seen Harry. Hopefully this clears that up. I made a Part 2 of the book in On The Run also.
Heh so..... PART 2 EY!

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