Knock knock. "Come in!" I yelled as I quickly sat up on the bed. Once Harry had finished cleaning up the kitchen, I went back up to my room, changed clothes, and laid down on the bed to try and fall back asleep. I may have for maybe 20 minutes but I was already too awake.
"I just got a call. Your stuff is here over at the house." Harry said as I brushed my fingers through my now gnarled hair.
"Wait really?!" I asked in excitement as I cracked a smile.
"Yeah they're going to start moving it in any second."
"What? I want to help! That's the best part of moving into a new house! Unpacking and figuring out where everything should go!" I said as I stood up from the bed and looked in a mirror as my eyes went wide to how messy my hair was. I quickly grabbed a brush and flattened it out before looking back to Harry. He had changed out of his shorts and tank top and into one of his daily suits.
"Do you want to go over now?" He asked as I nodded my head.
"Yeah if that's ok."
"No yeah sure. It's still raining outside so I'll call Barry to drive you over."
"Wait! Will you come with?" I asked suddenly not even planning to ask, "I-mean uh if you're not busy that is. I could use some help unpacking the boxes." I stuttered mentally slapping myself for asking that.
"I'd be delighted to. I've got no other plans." He said as he smiled humbly, "I'll go get Barry." He said as he turned back around and walked down the stairs.
"Only 10 more boxes to go." I huffed as I fell onto the bed. Harry was somewhere else in the house unpacking boxes while I was looking for a room. I decided to leave the largest two for my grandma and mother and took the one on the opposite side of the hall. It had a beautiful small balcony off of it and an absolutely gorgeous view of the backyard.
"Need any help?" Harry asked as his head popped into the doorway as he looked at me sprawled out on the bed.
"Yes." I chuckled, as I sat up and moved a box towards him on the ground. "I have no idea what's in these but I have a feeling they're clothes so I need to hang them all up or put them in a dresser." I said as I opened up a box to find it full of shirts. I sorted them into piles as Harry opened a box.
"Uh you might have to do this box." He said as I looked down and it was full of my bras and panties.
"Uh well that's embarrassing." I said as I quickly shoved the box away from him and to the other side of the room. He then took another one and looked up at me again.
"I'm afraid I can't help you with this one either." He said as I looked in to find all of my makeup and toiletries.
"No you're right, I'll just have to do these by myself." I huffed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. I looked over at him in confusion wondering if I upset him by saying he couldn't help. After a few moments he finally spoke.
"Can we start over?" He asked making me furrow my eyebrows.
"Like with the boxes?" I asked confusedly as he chuckled and shook his head 'no'.
"No I mean with...this is a really stupid thing to ask," He started as he looked up at me, "Can we start over?" He asked as he pointed between us. Still confused as to what he was asking I remained silent. "I shouldn't have even asked that I-"
"No Harry it's fine, I'm just confused as to what you mean. I know that things lately, well forever haven't been the easiest between us, and now that you've got this whole" I said as I tried to come up the word as I waved my hands around at him, "Personality and aurora about you I feel like you're totally different and that I can't talk to you. The first time I ever felt like I was able to actually talk to you and gain a bit of closure was this morning when we were still half asleep. But if that's not what you mean when you say 'start over' then-"
"Took the words right out of my mouth." He cut me off as he stared right at me. We stared at each other in silence before I broke it.
"I'm still confused as to how we will 'start over'."
"We'll need to talk about everything that has ever happened to us...when we're ready. So I think we should start out as if you're moving into a new home and I'm a friend whose come to help."
"This sounds silly." I said doubtfully as I gave him a weird look.
"No it's not. Now hand me that box of your undergarments for me to unpack." He smirked as my eyes went wide from his serious to playful switch in tone.
"What? No! That's embarrassing! I wasn't going to let you unpack it before and I won't now." I glared as he chuckled and stood up.
"I'll be right back Madeline." He said quickly as he walked out of the door and down the stairs. Thinking I had offended him in some way I sat there just staring at the floor until he got back. About 10 minutes later Harry reappeared with a tray and sat down on the floor.
"Realized it's 3 in the afternoon and neither of us had lunch." He said as pushed the tray towards me. I took a sandwich and thanked him before he grabbed his own. "Hello, I'm Harold Edward Styles." He said as he reached his hand out for me to shake.
"Madeline Marie Scott..." I trailed off confused as to what his intentions were. "Wait, you took your middle name and made it your first name?" I asked confusedly as he nodded his head.
"My birthday is February first and I'm 27 years old." He said as he took a bite out of his sandwich and looked over at me.
"July 26th and I'm 26 years old." I said as he looked over at me.
"That's means you're birthday is coming up soon in the next month." He acknowledged as I nodded my head. "My favorite color is black."
"How can someone's favorite color be black? That's crazy." I scoffed as he looked towards me waiting for my answer. "Blue."
"I like black because I prefer black tattoos over colored ones."
"Blue brings out the color of my eyes."
"Sure does."

The Life I Want to Live ~Sequel to On The Run~
FanfictionMadeline has her life back on track now...or at least she thinks she does. Little does she know of all the twists and turns coming to her in the near future...