Chapter 25

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"So how was work?"

"I don't even want to talk about it." I chuckled as I climbed into bed next to Eric.

"Well let's talk about this nice long weekend ahead of us then."

"I need to go in Saturday morning to finish the building lease paperwork and I think after that I might go see my mom and grandma. Do you want to come with?" I asked as I turned over to face him.

"Mads I'm sorry, I promised my dad I would help him set up some new connections for his country club tomorrow, but he's hosting another party tomorrow night. Would you come to it after you come home from your mom's?"

"I can't help but think I'll be so tired-"

"Please babe? You haven't been to one since you've opened up the office. Everyone's wondering if you've fallen off the face of the earth."

"Alright fine." I said as Eric smiled and kissed my lips. "I'll see you in the morning, goodnight."

"These damn keys." I grumbled to myself as I couldn't get the office door open. "Why the-"

"Need some help?" Megan smirked from behind me making me nod my head.

"I think I grabbed the wrong keys or something, I can't think straight anymore." I said trying to wrap my head around how she stays so calm.

"Don't fret about the little things. Not being able to open one door won't change your life." She said calmly.

"It will if we're fined for not getting these papers in!" I said as I frantically sat down at my desk and began working on the almost foot-tall stack of papers. After about two hours I had finally finished entering all the information into the computer and filling it out on the sheets. "Hey Megan, I'm done with these papers so I'm going to go run it to their office building and then go see my mom."

"Alright Mads! Take it easy and tell your mom I say hi!" She said while typing into her computer.

"Will do! See you Monday!" I called as I got into my car quickly and drove uptown into the city to drop them off. I used their mailbox out on the side of road so I didn't have to go inside and would have enough time to see my mom. I drove for another 15 minutes before finally pulling up outside of their house and running towards it like a little child. I quickly knocked, excited because I hadn't seen them for almost three weeks.

"Madeline!" My grandma exclaimed as she welcomed me in with open arms. "How are you feeling?! How's business?"

"Very stressful!" I said as she pulled me inside.

"Well I hope you're getting enough rest. You look like a zombie." She said shaking her head at me in disapproval.

"Oh believe me. All I do is eat, work, and sleep." I said as I turned the corner and Dawn came bounding towards my feet. "Hey girl! How's my sweet little Dawn?" I cooed as she rolled over onto her back and let me pet her belly.

"Is that Madeline?!" My mother called from the kitchen as we walked in seeing her sitting at the table with a cup of coffee. "There's my darling! How have you been?!" She said enthusiastically as I walked over to her and gave her a tender hug.

"Quite busy actually how about you? You look like you've lost a bit of weight." I said seriously as I sat down across from her.

"This hasn't been my best week. But doctors say I will be getting mine soon. Depression varies, and you can't predict it so it's hard to say when I'll be feeling good or not."

"Why don't we go sit outside in this beautiful Rhode Island air? Much warmer than Wisconsin." My grandma suggested as we all stood up to go outside on the porch. After Harry dropped me off randomly at the police station two years ago my mother's condition had significantly worsened but they refused to move until I came home. So when I finally did, we moved right away to Rhode Island close to one of highest regarded treatment facilities for mental illness. My mother has been improving very steadily and is at one of the highest peaks I've seen her in years. Plus she loves the warm weather which always makes her day brighter.

"How's Eric been?" My mother asked as we sat down on the deck with our glasses of lemonade.

"Busy too. His dad and him have been setting up a lot of meetings."

"When will we get to see him again? We live practically 20 minutes away and haven't seen him for almost two months." My grandma frowned.

"I asked him if he wanted to come today but he said he already promised his dad he would help him."

"Whatever. Everyone is busy these days in this new technology-filled world. I hate it." My grandma scolded as I smirked at her.

"So you wouldn't like it if I got you a computer? They have been around for almost 20 years now."

"No! Never!"

After we ate lunch and had chatted for a while longer I decided I needed to go home to get ready for the party I promised Eric I would attend tonight.

"Now make sure you and Eric come see us soon. I will not stand for this absence." My grandmother joked making me roll my eyes at her. "And make sure you're getting enough sleep and eating healthy and-"

"Alright doctor doom! I'll see you soon! Goodbye!" I said as I walked to my car. My grandmother always tried to tell us how to live our life so when she started diagnosing us when we were sick she coined the name doctor doom.

"Drive safely!"

The Life I Want to Live ~Sequel to On The Run~Where stories live. Discover now