"Alright ladies we should be there any second now." Barry said from the front seat as we looked out the windows in awe.
"See I knew Edward shouldn't have spent that much money, he probably lives in one of these houses." I said as we passed through a small neighborhood by the name of Fairview Springs. The houses were small but had beautiful growing gardens.
Right as we turned a corner into what I thought would be Harry's house we entered another neighborhood, but this one was gigantic.
"Palm Ridge Drive." My grandma said as she read off the giant concrete sign. The roads were lined with towering palm trees and the houses were extravagant.
"We're here ladies." Barry announced as we pulled up to a driveway with a large metal gate. The guard standing in front of it pushed a button and it was opened immediately. Barry drove the limo around the circular driveway until we stopped in front of the most beautiful mansion I had seen in my entire life.
"Holy shit." I mumbled to myself as my grandma smacked me on the arm apparently hearing my profanity.
"Right this way." Barry said as he came around and opened up the limo door. As I climbed out I could see Harry walking down the front steps in a suit to greet us with a warm smile on his face.
I stood up and spun around trying to get a full 360° view of the house, but it was so large you couldn't look at the entire thing at one time.
"Hello Madeline, I'm glad you decided to come." Harry said from the last step as I walked towards him.
Right then I could finally see how long his hair had actually grown since last time I had saw him. At the parties he had it gelled back a bit but now he'd have to run his fingers through his hair and flip it over to keep it out of his face.
"You call this a house? More like a fucking estate." I said as I glared at him making him smirk. My mother and grandma then walked up beside me wanting me to introduce them.
"Uh H-Edward," I stuttered a bit almost calling him Harry, "This is my mother Melissa and my grandma Shelley. Mom, grandma, this is Edward. We met in...high school." I said glaring at Harry to make sure he followed my lie.
"Pleasure to meet you both." He said as he shook each of their hands before returning them into his pant pockets.
"It was quite nice meeting up with Madeline again, I didn't think I'd see her for a very long time, well till class reunion that is." He said while nudging my shoulder making me breathe a sigh of relief that he was keeping the secret.
"May I show you around my house?" He asked us as we all nodded our heads eagerly. "Alright follow me this way." He said as he opened up the 15 foot tall doors that led to the most beautiful entry way.
"Oh my gosh." I said as I looked at the dome shaped ceiling in awe.
"This is lovely." My mother said as her eyes darted from corner to corner.
"I think we'll start back here if that's alright." Harry said as he beckoned us towards the back of the hallway. "Here is the servant's quarters. All who work here live here to prevent tardiness." He said as he pointed to a series of rooms that took up much of the back of the mansion.
"Over here is the kitchen and down here to your left is the grand dining hall." He said as we looked in at the table that was at least 20 feet in length. "Back here is the patio and the lanai." He said as he pointed to the backyard.
"Oh well I'll definitely have to make a trip back there soon." My mother commented as she looked at the pool and the sunbathing chairs.
"Alright there's more up the stairs." Harry said as he guided us up the stairs onto the next floor.
"All together there are seven rooms. Three of them already have your suitcases in them and are ready for you to enter so you are free to go in them any time you'd like. Each room has a connecting private bathroom with a full shower and bath. If you need any towels or other necessities there is a button by the door which calls room service. Over here is the library, this is my office, and right here is the grand deck." Harry said as he opened the glass doors for us so we could walk out onto it.
"Oh my your gardens are just beautiful!" My grandma exclaimed as she looked down onto the winding paths between the shrubs.
"Oh and there's a pond! How gorgeous!" My mom said as she pointed over towards it.
"If you'd like I could get Ian to show you around them, he takes care of all the gardens. And if you wouldn't mind I was wondering if I could keep Madeline here to catch up."
"Oh that'll be delightful!" My grandma cheered as Harry went into the hallway and called Ian up.
"They'd like a tour of the gardens Ian." He said as Ian nodded his head fast.
"Follow me please ladies." He said as he held the door open for them.
"Now you two have fun catching up!" My mom said as she disappeared down the large staircase and out the front door.
"Mind stepping into my office?" Harry asked as I followed him back inside.
"Not at all."
Question of the Chapter: What do you think Maddie and Harry will talk about?

The Life I Want to Live ~Sequel to On The Run~
FanfictionMadeline has her life back on track now...or at least she thinks she does. Little does she know of all the twists and turns coming to her in the near future...