Chapter 27

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"Madeline." I could see him mouth my name from across the room. Until I heard people gasping beside me I hadn't realized I had dropped my champagne glass. I looked to my right to see George running towards me.

"Awh Ms. Scott please let me help you." He said as he bent down to pick up the glass.

"Oh my I'm so sorry." I said as I bent down to help but looked up to see Harry making his way through the crowd towards me.

"Uh please excuse me for a moment I need to get a breath of fresh air." I said quickly as I stood up and ran as fast as I could towards the nearest door. My heels were not allowing me to move fast however and I could hear Harry getting closer by the minute.

"Excuse me-Madeline! Move! Madeline!" I could hear Harry yell as he pushed his way through the crowd as I exited through the nearest door onto a deck.

I looked and saw the deck was 20 feet above the ground so there was no way of escaping without a broken limb and I was too late to turn back because he was already out the door. He grabbed my arm spinning me around as I breathed heavily.

"Haven't I given you enough years of my life?! What else do you want from me?!" I screamed nervously as the thought of him kidnapping me again ran through my head.


"No! I just finally graduated college! I can't leave now! I finally have a normal life! Harry I can't do this anymore, you letting me go was the best thing you've done for me in your entire life and you're ruining it all right now!" I screamed trying to pull away from him as we backed up towards the railing.

"I didn't come here to kidnap you! I didn't even know you were going to be here!" He said looking directly into my eyes with a strong glare not letting go of my arm.

"How can I believe that if you have a tracker planted on me?!"

"You still have that?! Zayn said must have you got it removed cause there wasn't a signal-FUCK!" He screamed making my eyes go wide as I backed away from him.

"No, I'm sorry." He apologized as he put his hands up and looked deeply at me.

"What do you want? Can't we just live our lives? It's apparent we're not meant to be together." I said as I tried to catch my breath, making his eyes shoot down to mine.

"I needed-I still need to tell you-" He started as the balcony door opened causing us both to turn our attention away from each other.

"Oh Maddie! I was looking for you!" Eric said as he walked over towards me.

"Is everything alright?" He asked looking in between us as he pulled an arm around my waist. Harry looked at his arm around my waist and I could see his shoulders tense.

"Uh-yeah he's just an old friend. This is Ha-"

"Edward, Edward Styles. Pleasure to meet you." Harry said as he stuck his hand out towards Eric and gave him a firm shake. I looked at Harry confusedly as to why he called himself Edward but Harry wouldn't look towards me.

"Eric Mosser. Delight is mine, Edward." Eric replied as he retracted his hand and placed it in his pocket.

"Your father owns the place right?" Harry asked as Eric nodded his head.

"Took years of planning the design, beauty ain't it?"

"Very." Harry answered looking again at Eric's arm wrapped around my waist. "

Well I'll leave you two be, nice catching up Madeline." Harry said as he glanced at me quickly one last time and stalked off into the club without another word, as if everything that just went on never happened.

I stood there looking at the door where he exited until he disappeared into the crowd of people.

"Hello? Maddie? Earth to Maddie." Eric said as he waved his hand in front of my face making me jump.

"Who was that guy?" He asked confusedly.

"O-old friend. From years ago." I said still looking towards the door where Harry exited.

"You sure?" Eric asked curiously.

"Y-yeah." I stuttered still looking inside.

"Kind of chilly out here, want to go inside?" Eric asked as I nodded my head.

"You know what, I think I might just go on home. I've had enough for one night and I should really be catching up on some sleep anyways." I said as I clutched my forehead, it spinning from all the stress and alcohol tonight.

"Ok I guess we can go-"

"No, no. You don't have to go you can stay as long as you'd like I'll just get a valet to drive me home." I said feeling bad that I could be ending his night short.

"No Maddie I can drive you home. I myself am quite tired from the work I've done this week. How about we go on home and watch a movie in bed?" He asked genuinely as I smiled up at him.

"Sounds lovely. I can't wait. Let's get home before I fall asleep." I said as we kissed and walked inside. As we walked past the bar I saw George's head pop out as he looked concerned towards me. "Hey thanks for picking up my drink, I'm such a klutz!" I waved to him as he smiled a bit.

"Are you okay? You ran out pretty fast!" He said making Eric frown at me.

"Yes I'm fine I just got a little overwhelmed from all the music and alcohol, don't worry it won't stop me from coming." I said calmly and mumbled a little "But something else might." At the end.

Question of the Chapter: What do you think Harry wanted to tell her?

The Life I Want to Live ~Sequel to On The Run~Where stories live. Discover now