Chapter 11

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The lightning outside was terrifying. It was so close to the house I was sure I was going to be electrocuted. I looked over at the clock and it read 1:30 AM. Great. Only six more hours till light.

I had always been afraid of thunder storms when I was younger. It went away for awhile but always came back. Since I was already afraid to be inside the house, it didn't really help that I was afraid of the out-CRACK! Another lightning bolt struck making me cover my ears and roll towards the wall. I could hear my heart thumping loudly as the door opened and the light was flicked on.

"Maddie? You awake?" Someone asked making me sit up slowly and nod. It was Louis and his hair was in a gnarled mess. "Zayn dialed into a local radio station with an old radio we found and it said we're in some Tornado watch or something so-" CRACK! The lightning struck again, making me jump and shut my eyes shut. "You're afraid of storms?" He asked with a smirk on his face making me glare at him.

"No-" I started as a huge roll of thunder came in making the whole house shake with a clack of lightning right behind. "No I'm-" I started again but right before I could finish my sentence, a streak of lightning shot across the sky and the power went out. "Yes I'm afraid dear lord don't let us die." I said quickly as Louis chuckled in the now pitch black room.

"As I was saying-Zayn said we should all go sleep downstairs just in case. So let's go and find a flash light." He said as I crawled out of bed quickly and rushed towards the door. We went down the hall and into the bathroom. Louis searched through the medicine cabinet and eventually found the flash light-which he then had to replace the batteries in. Just as we started down the stairs another streak of lightning sounded making me jump. "You're so fidgety. Calm down." Louis said as he placed a hand on my lower back and led me down the stairs. Once we reached the bottom, the others were already gathered there sprawled out on the couches and the floor.

"Well looks like the couches are taken." Louis stated as he looked around at Harry and Liam; the two on them. "I'll just kick one of them off."

"No you don't have to-"

"Shut the hell up." Harry grumbled beside me as he rolled over. Louis pointed the flashlight at him before speaking.

"Oi be nice you inconsiderate asshole." Louis said as he pulled the pillow from underneath Liam's head and chucked it at Harry.


"What the hell Louis-" Harry said as he chucked the pillow towards Louis-which ended up hitting me square in the face. I stumbled back slightly as Louis grabbed my back steadying me out.

"You asshole why the hell-"

"You know I meant to hit you Louis-"

"Awh bullshit."

"She didn't do anything why would I try to hit her?"

"She didn't do anything so why did you kidnap her?" Louis retorted making Harry glare coldly at him.

"I didn't mean to hit her." He said through gritted teeth.

"Work on your fucking aim and go sleep on the floor. Let Maddie sleep there." Louis said, dropping his question and moving on.

"No-no he can stay there-" I started as I backed away quickly.

"No-no Madeline. Louis' right. Please sleep here. Take my spot." Harry said slyly as he stood up and walked to the other side of the room. I looked towards Louis with a look of worry on my face but he just shoved me towards the couch anyways. He picked up the pillow and handed it to me as I laid down uneasily.

"Hmmm why is it so bright?" I groaned as I turned over and tried to pull the cover up to shield myself from the sun. "What the-" I grunted as the blanket wouldn't budge. "Probably stuck under the couch." I groaned as I turned back over and reached my arm off the couch. As I tried to locate the blanket I grabbed something that most definitely wasn't the blanket but someone's arm. "Ahh-" I yelped as I tried to pull away but was pulled down forcefully by a hand.

With half my body off the couch I looked down to see Harry clutching my blanket-and my arm. "Harry let go." I whispered frantically as he turned over to look at me.

"What the hell?" He said as he let go of my arm and sat up slightly. "What are you doing? It's not polite to grab people in the morning and make them think they're being mugged."

"I was trying to grab my blanket. That you stole." I said as I pulled the rest of it up onto the couch. Harry rolled his eyes at me before laying back down on the floor. I stared at him angrily thinking of all the better places I could be.

"Are you going to stare at me or actually say something?" He grunted with his back turned. How did he know I was staring? "Well?"

"Why are you over here? You slept on the complete opposite side of the ro-"

"Niall was snoring. Let me sleep before I put a gag on you." He said as I swung my legs over the couch ready to get out of there. I stepped over him carefully-but obviously not careful enough, because next thing I knew I was on the floor.

"Oww-" I groaned as I looked back towards Harry to see him sliding his foot back under his covers with a smirk plastered on his face.

"You think this is funny? You're such a-"

"Watch your mouth hostage." He said dryly as I stood up to walk out of the room. But before I could even get past his head, he abruptly grabbed my ankle almost making me fall for the second time today.

"What're you-"

"Still here ey?" He said as he glided a finger over the tattoo on my ankle. "Good to know." He said as he recoiled his hand and let me continue on my way.

"Ugh you're such a jerk." I mumbled as I walked towards the stairs.

"What was that?!" Harry yelled obviously hearing what I said. "If I were you I'd keep that little mouth of yours shut unless you wanted to end up in the basement again. Got it?" He said as I glared at him before walking up the stairs.

"That's what I thought. Hostage."

The Life I Want to Live ~Sequel to On The Run~Where stories live. Discover now