"Maddie where are you going?" My grandma called from the living room as I walked towards the front door.
"I was thinking I'd go see dad today!" I said as I picked up the pot of flowers I had bought yesterday and grabbed onto the the doorknob.
"Will you be seeing Edward? We still need to talk to him about the paperwork." She said as I mentally cursed at myself. I had purposely been trying to avoid him for the past four days because I couldn't get what he said that night out of my head.
"Uh yeah...I'll talk to him today." I said as she waved me off. I quickly clambered into the car and backed out of the driveway before pulling into Harry's driveway like I had planned. I decided I would take him up on his offer after almost 96 hours of time to think about it. I knocked on the door and one of the servants answered. "Uh is Harry here? Tell him it's Madeline." I said as the servant nodded his head and left the door partially open as he retreated upstairs. I turned my back to the door taking deep breaths as I thought about what I was going to do and say.
"Madeline?" He asked as I turned around with a nervous smile.
"Uh hi..." I said as I teetered back and forth on my feet. "Uh I've given the whole 'going out on a date thing' a thought..." I said as I tried to avoid eye contact, "and I decided that I'd be willing to try it." I said nervously as I closed my mouth and looked up at him for an answer.
"Alright, uh great! When can I take you out sometime?" He asked with a smile.
"That's the thing-I was wondering if I could take you somewhere first. If you're not busy." I added quickly as I just drove over here without warning.
"No I'm not busy, where?" He asked making me groan as I really didn't want him to ask that knowing he wouldn't come.
"Somewhere..." I said as he looked at me with a 'seriously' look.
"I'm not going unless you tell me where." He said as he crossed his arms.
"Uh well...to my father's grave." I said quickly as I clasped my hands together behind my back tightly.
"What? No. Madeline I can't do that-"
"No Harry please-"
"No Madeline, I've hurt your family enough. He's not going to want me there-"
"No. I'm sorry." He said making me stop fighting him and nod my head solemnly. I took a deep breath as silence fell between us.
"I just know he'd want to meet you before we started dating." I said quietly as I looked up at his green eyes before walking down the steps. "I'll catch up with you later." I said as I walked towards my car leaving him standing there alone.
"Madeline! Wait!" He called as he stuck his hand out but groaned to himself as he pulled it back and put it on his face, "Give me a minute alright?" He asked as he turned around and walked up into his house. A few minutes later he came out wearing an entirely different black suit making me wonder why he couldn't just wear the one he had on. "Want me to drive?" He asked as he neared my car.
"You don't know where we're going."
"Right." He chuckled as he climbed up into the passenger side of my SUV as I climbed into the driver's seat.
"You don't have to come-"
"No, no Madeline, I'd want to meet the fella my daughter is possibly going to go out with too." He said as he tapped his fingers on the console barely able to sit still.
"I'm sorry it was so far away I didn't think-"
"Madeline it was only 45 minutes, we've driven much farther before." Harry said as we climbed out. I grabbed my flower pot from the back seat as Harry came around and looked at it with wide eyes. "Shit, I should've brought something-"
"Hey watch your mouth we're at a graveyard." I scolded as I shut the car door and locked it.
"What is there a rule that you can't swear in cemeteries?" He smirked as he elbowed me.
"Yes...no! But I don't think these resting souls would like to hear that language coming out of your mouth; especially my father!" I exclaimed as I elbowed him back and lead him around to my father's headstone. "Here it is." I said as I looked down at it solemnly. I kneeled down and placed the pot next to it as I rested my hand on the stone before standing up and taking a deep breath. My eyes started to well up a bit as always making me mentally curse at myself as I didn't want to cry in front of Harry.
"So are we supposed to talk or-" He stopped and looked down at me with a concerning look.
"You can do whatever you want." I chuckled as I looked down at the stone and wiped my eyes.
"Well first off we need to get a larger headstone than that, it's so tiny he deserves one at least larger than Dawn." Harry said making me roll my eyes. "Hello Mr. Scott." He said after a few moments making me furrow my eyebrows up at him, "My name is Harold Edward Styles and I am here to take your beautiful daughter Madeline out on her first proper date." He said while wrapping an arm around gently my waist and pulling me in.
"Harry what're you-"
"Shh. I'm talking to your father." He scolded making me wonder why on earth I had brought him here. "If it is alright with you I would like to see her more in the future as well beyond this first date. Yes? Is that all?" He asked as if he was actually talking to my father making me slap his chest and pull out of his grip.
"You're crazy." I said as my tears went away as I was now focusing on Harry trying to lighten up the situation.
"Oh yes and buy her a new dress? I agree."
"I'm leaving. I love you dad!" I said as touched the headstone and started walking towards the car.
"But we weren't finished talking." He pouted as he stood in front of the grave.
"Take as long as you need. I'll be waiting in the car." As soon as I sat down in my seat I looked out to see Harry bowing his head at the stone while staring at it intently. I could see his lips moving so he was still talking but he had a serious look on his face, completely different from minutes before. After about two minutes Harry finally nodded his head at the stone before pretending to shake his hand with my father as he walked back to the car making me shake my head at him. "You're insane Styles."
"And you love it Scott."

The Life I Want to Live ~Sequel to On The Run~
FanfictionMadeline has her life back on track now...or at least she thinks she does. Little does she know of all the twists and turns coming to her in the near future...