Chapter 48

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"That was the most fun I've had in weeks!" I exclaimed as we walked back inside his house following that exciting jeep ride. I immediately trotted over to the mirror on the wall and fixed my disheveled hair. Harry walked up behind me and pulled his hair out of his bun and flopped it around with his fingers. "Why'd you let it get so long?" I asked as I watched him drag his fingers through his hair.

"No reason really, it just grows. No desire for a cut." He said as turned and walked away from the mirror and looked down at his phone. "Oh the security system is up at your house now." He said as he looked up from his phone and to me.

"Great! I'll move in later today after I pack up my suitcase here." I said as Harry nodded his head and returned his phone to his pocket. "Want some lunch?"

"No not possible." I chuckled at the outrageous story Harry had just told.

"Of course it's possible. I did it. Didn't I just tell ya' that?" He smirked knowing his story was a flat out lie.

"No, you can't jump a 20 foot river on a motorcycle. I can't believe you expected me to fall for that." I said as I rolled my eyes and took another bite of my cheeseburger. "These are the best." I said with my mouth full of food as I took a drink of water. After our thrilling ride downtown we came back and Harry ordered Tim to make burgers on the grill. We then went and sat outside on the porch to eat them.

"Just like your pancakes were the best." He said as he took a bite of his burger.

"Do you ever use your pool?" I asked as I looked out at the glimmering blue water.

"No not really. Not as fun when you're alone." He replied making me nod my head sympathetically.

"Were you serious when you said I was your first house guest down here?"


"I don't get it. You could've invited your co-workers or the boys-" I stopped realizing what I had just said.

"Nah love, our times of talking are over. I don't need more people in my personal life. You were the only I was ever going to let back in again." He said making me stare down at my burger in contemplation.

"What about your mom or dad? Have they been down here yet?" I asked curiously.

"No. They don't even know of my grandfather's passing." He said making my eyes go wide.

"What? How?" I asked incredulously.

"Well it's my father's dad and my grandfather said he wrote to him but never got a response. And I wasn't going to be the one to reconcile the connection between them."

"You wouldn't want someone to reconnect you and your father together?"

"Not in a million years. He has no idea what he put my mother through when he left and we still don't know why he left." He sneered making me push my plate away suddenly losing my appetite.

"I think I'm going to go get my stuff together so I can bring it over to the house." I said as I stood up and grabbed my plate.

"No leave it here. I have people who clean it up." Harry said as I set my plate back down on the table and walked inside. Once I reached my room I looked at my phone which was now fully charged and found a message from my mother.

Hey honey, I tried calling but you didn't pick up! Your grandma and I want to fly down on Saturday if Edward is able to book our tickets! Love you x

I replied back saying I would ask as soon as possible and starting packing my bag. I zipped up all of my travel makeup into a bag and cleaned the bathroom out. My clothes were still in my suitcase so I stuffed them down enough so I could finally shut it. After about 15 minutes I was finally packed and rolled my luggage to the door.

"Uh-Madeline. Oh! I was just about to knock." Harry said as he pulled his hand away from the now open door. He had changed into one of his formal suits again.

"Oh sorry! My mom just messaged me and said she my grandma want to come down on Saturday if you're willing to book their tickets."

"Oh sure no problem. I'll do it right away." He said quickly as he looked down at my bag. "I'm sorry if I was a bit harsh outside-"

"No you weren't. Stop apologizing, you're completely fine." I waved him off as I rolled my suitcase out into the hall.

"Well at least let me carry that down for you." He said as he took it from my hand and carried it all the way down the stairs and to the front door. "I can call Barry-"

"No I want to walk." I smiled as I took my luggage back from him and placed it beside me.

"Well I'll walk you over then, I need to tell them to unlock the gates for you from now on." He said as he opened the front door for me and I walked out onto the driveway. "If you need anything just remember I'm always across the street. And I left Barry's number on the kitchen counter for you so if you need to go somewhere you can call him. I'll be hiring staff for you within the next week after they complete the interview process."

"Interview?" I asked as we approached the front gates.

"I'm not just going to let some random people off the street come serve for you." He said as the gates opened and he handed a slip of paper to the guard standing next to it. We walked up to the front door and stood on the marble steps as Harry rummaged through his pocket. "Here's the key." He said as he handed it to me. "Go ahead and try it." I took the key out of his hand before walking up and placing it in the slot.

"It won't budge." I said as I pushed the handle down with all my body weight.

"Here let me try." He said as he came up right behind me reaching overtop of me for the door. His chest was lightly touching my back as he pulled the key out of the slot and inserted it into a different one. "Oh that's right, you have to unlock both first because there's an extra chain lock inside." He said as he pushed the door open and pulled the key out.

"Thanks Harry." I said as I turned around to grab the key from him but had to turn my head up to face him in such close proximity. I quickly took the key out of his hand as he looked down at me staring intensely at my lips. My heart started beating rapidly as I could feel him getting even closer as he leaned down towards my face. "Uh-Thanks for letting me stay at your place for the time being, but I have groceries in there that I don't want to spoil." I said quickly as I grabbed my suitcase and backed away from him.

"Uh-of course Madeline." He coughed as he snapped out of his daze and looked into the doorway at my eyes.

"I'll see you around." I said quietly as I slowly began shutting the door.

"Have a nice evening." He mumbled as he turned and walked back down the marble steps and out of sight behind all of the brush.

Sorry I haven't updated for a bit! I unfortunately had 2 funerals to attend last week, had 8 tests, and I'm sick AF so I haven't even had the chance to open Wattpad.

And One Direction is officially on their this the part where I'm supposed to go get an actual life?

And yes, Harry's suit was the exact same pattern as my grandma's couch.

I leave you with the only quote that makes sense now.
"So what happens now" -Liam Payne 11/11/14

The Life I Want to Live ~Sequel to On The Run~Where stories live. Discover now