"Five...more...minutes..." I panted as I ran along the winding path through the garden. I had been running for about a half an hour now and it was only 7 am.
"So when did you get on this running kick?" Harry said as he ran up beside me effortlessly.
"Holy shit you scared me." I gasped as I clutched my heart and stopped to put my hands on my knees. I looked up at him to find him not in a suit but a white t-shirt with some athletic shorts and tennis shoes. The most casual I had seen him this entire trip.
"You need to carry a water bottle. You're going to pass out one day and I won't be here to help." He said as he handed me a water bottle for the second time in under two days.
"Well where's yours? You need to keep hydrated too." I said as I cocked an eyebrow at him as I took a sip.
"I've been running all my life I think I can manage." He replied as I rolled my eyes at him.
"You haven't been running that hard anyways so I don't see why you'd need it." I smirked as I put the cap back on and began my run down the path again.
"Don't go out on the street in those clothes. The men won't be able to keep their hands of you." Harry said as he I ran away giving him a perfect view of my ass. I flicked him off before turning the corner and running down the boardwalk to the beach. I ran along the beach for about 20 minutes before running back up to the house to take a shower. Right as I reached the front steps Harry bumped into me on purpose.
"Well perfect timing." Harry said as he took the water bottle out of my hand and chugged the rest of it. His forehead was glistening with sweat signaling he had gone on a run after I had left. "I'll meet you for breakfast after I shower." He said as he opened the door for me and walked in. After reaching my room I set out some clothes and hopped in the shower. About 20 minutes later I was fully clothed and heading downstairs for breakfast.
"Hello Maddie! Where were you this morning?" My grandma asked as a servant came in with my plate. It was full of scrambled eggs, bacon, and pancakes making my stomach growl from excitement.
"I went out on another run. Sorry for not telling you this time, I just wanted to get out before the sun." I said as I shoved a forkful of pancake in my mouth.
"How's Eric doing? Have you talked to him lately?" My mom asked as Harry walked into the doorway. Hearing what my mother just asked he glared at me and walked back out. I knew he was still waiting behind the wall just to see what I was going to say.
"I-uh...well..." I stuttered slowly not sure how to word it. "At the last party we went to...I saw Eric kissing another girl." I said as my mother looked at me with wide eyes.
"I didn't know if it was just a one time thing, but Edward told me he had seen him there multiple times before with other women." I said making my grandmother growl.
"Well did you break up with him? Are you coming to live with us now?" My grandma asked furiously.
"I haven't broken up with him yet. I didn't have enough time and needed to know it happened more than once."
"Morning ladies." Harry said as he came in and sat down in his spot at the end of the table.
"Morning Edward." My mom and grandma said as they looked down at their plates obviously frustrated with what I had just told them. I looked over at Harry and we locked eye contact for a moment before he looked towards my mother.
"Do you have any plans for today?" He asked my mom making her look up from her plate.
"No I don't believe so. What did you have in mind?"
"I was wondering if I could take you all down the street a bit. It's in walking distance. I have a little surprise."
"Sounds lovely!"
"Oh! Excuse me! I have a missed call from Megan, I need to call her back immediately." I said as I looked at my phone before standing up and walking out into the hall.
"I'm going to use the bathroom quickly." My mom said as she stood up and exited out of a different door. When I was trying to find Megan's number I heard my grandma and Harry talking. I quietly snuck up beside the door like Harry had done earlier.
"You're the bastard that kidnapped Maddie six years ago. Aren't you?" She asked making Harry cough and me gasp.
"You're not going to lie to an old lady are you?" She said in a menacing tone as I covered my mouth.
"Yes...that was me." He fessed up making me want to run in and strangle him for telling the truth.
"I have every damn right to call the police and turn you in you know that right? You must be out of your damn mind to put your cover in such danger of exposure by inviting us down here."
"I needed Madeline to trust me. Even if that meant the possibility of my exposure."
"I will say that I didn't know right away but when she messed up and called you Harry I had a feeling it might be you. I'm not as dumb as I seem, I still catch the little things." She said as Harry chuckled a bit, a mix between a nervous and an amused chuckle. "What exactly were your intentions of bringing her down here? If you wanted to kidnap her you certainly wouldn't have allowed us to come. But if that is what you wanted to do then you're an idiot." She said bluntly as my eyes went wide.
"Two years ago when I let Madeline go I realized I needed to change. I feel like I've changed the most these past two years than I have in my entire lifetime." He started as he cleared his throat, "I brought her down here because she's the only thing I think about anymore. How I stole the best years of her life right from underneath her and hell has that put a burden on me. I brought her down for closure and invited you to make sure she knew I was serious about it." He said as I stared at the floor intently trying to comprehend everything he just said.
"You're the only one I know that she will let her call Madeline."
"She wouldn't let me at first. It's habit now. She's the only one I'm letting call me Harry." He said as my grandma pushed her chair out.
"I can tell you love her." She said making me choke on air. "No man goes through that much trouble unless they love someone. I will tell you right now that I know all the stuff you've done to her and I don't know if I'll ever forgive you, but if you take good care of her I may be able to, and now that she's lost Eric she's going to need it."
"I'll do what I can."
"I never liked that Eric boy anyways. He was such a twat."
"I have to agree."
Current voting scores for the next book I'm going to write:
Liam- 15
Louis- 10
Zayn- 15
Niall- 8Only open for 2 more chapters! http://w.tt/1HvgkfH

The Life I Want to Live ~Sequel to On The Run~
FanfictionMadeline has her life back on track now...or at least she thinks she does. Little does she know of all the twists and turns coming to her in the near future...