"Wake up!" Someone shouted as I was roughly shaken awake.
"Wha-What?" I stuttered as I sat up and rubbed my head. I looked to my left to see Ryan sitting up with his hand on my shoulder. I screamed immediately and fell out of the bed onto the white carpet. "What's going on?!"
"You were talking in your sleep." Ryan said as he looked down at me on the ground.
"What? What was I-OUCH!" I screamed as the door swung open hitting me in the face as I toppled over.
"Oh shit. What the-" A boy cursed as he looked around the door at me on the floor. I looked up clutching my head and my eyes went wide immediately at who it was.
"Oh wait are you the girl that tried to call me on Saturday? Why the hell are you up here?" He asked obviously not recognizing who I was as the lights were still turned off.
"What? Dude turn the lights on, I can barely see." Ryan said as he rubbed his eyes. Josh turned the lights on and looked over at me nodding his head obviously recognizing who I was.
"Oh yeah now I remember you. You're that girl Harry had some obsession with."
"You're a fucking traitor." I spat as Ryan looked over at me with a raised eyebrow. "So you're ok with him working for Harry and you at the same time?"
"Josh doesn't work for me. We're just friends. Went to school together when we were younger." Ryan explained as Josh smiled innocently at me.
"I'll believe that when pigs fly." I grumbled as I stood up. "Where's the bathroom?" I asked as Josh pointed down the hall. I quickly walked towards the door but turned around before I left. "Oh yeah I forgot something." I said as I punched Josh on the arm.
"Ouch What the-"
"That's for kidnapping me." I said as I then went over and punched Ryan on his arm. "And that's for lying." I made a quick exit to the bathroom as I heard the boys grumbling to each other. "Idiots."
After Josh and Ryan were done chatting Ryan took me to a room that had some girl clothes in it. He told me to pick whatever I wanted out of the closet and that I could wear it today. They were quite skimpy and I didn't feel comfortable putting any of them on. I asked whose they were and he said they were a girl's who was coming down here sometime this week.
"You told me you'd explain why I'm here today." I said blankly as Ryan sat across from me at the kitchen table. He grumbled slightly before looking up at me from his paperwork and sighing.
"Ok. What do you want to know?" Everything.
"Why am I here?"
"Because you weren't safe in Wisconsin." Yeah right.
"How did you know I was in Wisconsin?"
"You told me when you got here. I didn't pick you up, one of my friends did."
"How did they know I was there?"
"I don't know why don't you ask them?"
"Why are you in a gang?" I asked slyly making him frown at me.
"I'm not in a gang."
"How did you know the London Lowriders escaped?"
"I didn't. Was a pure guess."
"How come you didn't let me go home to my mom? That's where they were sending me."
"They weren't sending you home." He chuckled as he looked down at his papers.
"Oh and how did you know that?" I said obviously winning this battle because if Ryan wasn't in a gang he wouldn't have known they weren't sending me home.
"We're here!" A girl's voice screamed from the front door with the sound of luggage being set down.
"That'll be Sharna." Ryan said as he stood up and walked to the door.
"Wait-who?" I asked the name sounding familiar, as I stood up and followed him.
"Ryan! It's so nice to see you! It's been like months!" She squealed as she hugged Ryan. "I can't believe the weather! It's so much nicer than-OH EM GEE!" She screamed as she came over and bulldozed me into a hug. "I remember you! You were that Zayn boy's girlfriend! I met you when I went over to Harry's house!"
"Oh no Zayn is not my boyfriend. To be honest I don't even know why he said that." I said as Ryan looked confusedly over towards me.
"See Ryan! This is the girl I was telling you about over the phone! You didn't think I'd see her when you sent me there but I did!" She said making me cross my arms and shake my head at Ryan.
"You fucking sent her there?!" I questioned furiously as I looked over at Ryan. "How idiotic can you get? She could've been fucking killed!" I screamed making Sharna look confusedly between us.
"Wait do you two like know each other?" She asked idioticly.
"Alright Maddie you got me. I'm in a so-called gang." He said motioning air quotes when he said gang. "But I don't go after innocent people. I go after other gangs who deserve it. So you can call this whatever you want but know it's all for a reason."
"You really are the enemy."
I updated because it's 3:00 pm on a Sunday and I'm bored af. And I start school Tuesday. Yay.

The Life I Want to Live ~Sequel to On The Run~
FanfictionMadeline has her life back on track now...or at least she thinks she does. Little does she know of all the twists and turns coming to her in the near future...