The Hawks

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The team have been busy with Cisco looking for ways to close the breaches, harry and Caitlin have been looking for a way to help Barry get faster, Peter's been working on his suit so it's harder to penetrate, especially with Zoom/Jay's claws.

But as of now, Cisco is on a date with the girl he met at Jitters, Kendra, when it got interrupted by a psycho knife throwing man. Barry had to go in to save them and brought them both to Star labs.

"I can't believe you know the Flash and Spider-Man. And that you work with Flash and Spider-Man." Kendra says to Cisco.

"Well, to me, it's something you don't bring up until your third date in my opinion." Peter quips while Barry looks over the knife Cisco was almost killed with.

"This is the same knife that was used to kill the men at the docks. The residue is a perfect match." Barry informs the team. "But the interesting thing is, these blades are old, centuries old."

"You have any idea why this man would be after you?" Caitlin asks Kendra who says that she hasn't seen him before and how he called her princess Shieara, an Egyptian name.

"This guy, he's clearly incredibly dangerous, so you need to at least let us protect you." Peter asks Kendra and they know someone who might be happy to help.

You know, maybe. It might take some convincing, to be honest.


Star City, team Arrow are in the middle of fighting Damian Darhk, that team being Felicity Smoak, Oliver Queen, John Diggle, and Oliver's sister Thea. As they're fighting Darhk, Barry comes in at the last second and saves them.

He comes to a stop near Peter, and Diggle throws up as he stops and the team sees the Central City's heroes.

"It's the Flash. And Spider-Man. Did I know we knew the Flash and Spider-Man?" Thea asks them. "Okay, I didn't know we knew you guys." She admits, a little embarrassed.

"Thank you. But I don't think that you swung by to protect us." Oliver guesses.

"No, not to protect you, but someone we know does need protection." Peter tells him and fills them in on the way to their base.


They make it to their new base of operations, and it's amazing.

"Nice new digs." Barry says, seeing how they've improved from a small basement below a club.

"Hey, I just noticed with the no sleeves. Don't you ever get cold?" Peter asks his friend.

"I spent the better part of 5 years on an island in the North China Sea, I don't get cold." Oliver informs him as Felicity approaches for a hug, then she smacks him.

"How come you never told us Zoom broke your back?" Felicity asks him and then hugs him again.

"So, this is what it's like dating her?" Peter asks Oliver.

"More bruises from her than Deathstroke." Oliver tells him as Cisco goes on about how bad the place is designed. Then they go past introductions through everyone.

"Wow, first the flash and Spider-Man, now the Green Arrow." Kendra recaps the night so far. "You got any other surprises for me?" Kendra asks Cisco.

"Please, I hope not." Cisco replies to that.

"They said you need our help." Oliver asks Kendra and Barry speed draws a picture for them.

"Okay, this is him." Barry says and hands the picture to Felicity.

"Let's see if our facial recognition software can find a match." Felicity says and runs it through and gets a match.

The only thing wrong is the picture he's found in was taken in 1975.

Flash & Spider-Man - Book 2 of the SpiderverseWhere stories live. Discover now