Can't lock up the darkness

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Peter was taking a stroll through the park while the team was working on the tachyon enhancer when he runs into someone who looks exactly like Jay. He then thinks it must be his doppelgänger from their earth.

"I'm sorry, have we met before?" The man asks Peter, since he's looking shocked.

"No, I'm sorry. It's...Have we?" Peter asks him.

"Hunter Zolomon." The man greets him and holds his hand.

"Peter Parker." Peter greets to him.

"The name help ring any bells?" Hunter asks him.

"No, I'm sorry. It's just I know someone, his names Jay. Kind of a...there's no nice way of describing him." Peter explains to him and he understands.

"Yeah, I've been told I have one of those faces." Hunter tells him and they laugh.

"Oh, I've gotta go. I'm meeting with some friends." Peter apologizes and leaves and wonders if he can find out more about this guy.


He returns to Star labs and sees the group trying to figure out how to open a breach back to Earth-2, and judging by the boards and equations it's not going well.

"Wow. I'm guessing you guys are running out of ideas?" Peter asks his friends.

"Well, the best we have come up with so far is to set off a nuclear warhead next to the city's electrical grid, so..." Cisco tells him.

"Yeah, were not doing that." Barry tells them, stating the obvious. "But I think I thought of something." He tells them and they look to Harry. "Tell us everything you know about Cisco's doppelgänger."

"Reverb. He could tap into the multidimensional energies between Earths. He could see through dimensions. Find breachers, like Ramon." Harry tells him.

"We saw Reverb do more than that through, right? I mean, we saw him shoot vibrational bursts out of his hands." Barry tells them.

"Yeah, very painful one's." Peter states remembering the blast he was hit with during that fight with Frost.

"What do you mean?" Caitlin asks Peter, just hearing this now.

"It means Reverb had the ability to somehow manipulated that multidimensional energy. If his powers are linked to the energy that ties together the multiverse, and manipulate it. Maybe he can open to any earth he wants." Barry explains, and they see some idea.

"So if Reverb could do it, maybe Cisco can too." Says Peter, seeing the idea.

Cisco is a little skeptical, but decides to go ahead and see if he can.


They're in the basement and trying to help Cisco control his powers enough to open a breach and he doesn't think he can do it.

"Come on, Cisco, I know you can do it." Peter encourages his friend.

"Maybe were just not in the right place." Barry tells them.

"Or maybe I'm not the right man for the job okay? Let's go." Cisco says and leaves.


Later on they find a building with the most trans-dimensional energy, the perfect place to try opening a breach easily.

"For real? In this Patch Adams nightmare right here?" Cisco asks looking around the abandoned hospital.

"Look, if this doesn't work, I'll stop asking you to do this, all right?" Barry promises to him and he's ready.

Flash & Spider-Man - Book 2 of the SpiderverseWhere stories live. Discover now