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The team come back after a failed attempt to make Barry faster while Peter was giving Jesse a bit of information to get around her new home when they return. They complain to Barry he they've been at this and they all really need a break.

"And the best way for us to have fun, is for us to go out to the club." Cisco suggests to them. "Am I right, team Spider-Flash?" He asks them and they're all confused on the name.

"You know, Peter's Spider-Man, Barry's Flash. So to not leave anyone out, I combined the names. Let's get turnt!" Cisco explains before leaving.

"In all honesty, he's right. We need a break." Peter says, agreeing with him.

"You know, they're right, and if I'm saying we need a break, then you know it's serious." Caitlin states to Barry.

Barry sees that everyone is tired and deserve a break.

"All right, lets go out tonight. We'll go out tonight." Barry agrees to them.

"I wish I could join you, but I've got the night shift tonight, covering for a friend." May tells them and leaves for work.


They go to a dance club in town and take a few drinks.

"I'm really glad you came, Jesse, even though this place is less than ideal." Caitlin tells her over the music.

"Hey, we could've gone to a karaoke bar." Peter suggests and gets angry looks from Caitlin remembering their karaoke night.

Peter quickly stops Jesse form taking a drink. "Sorry, miss underage. None of us plan in getting murdered by your father tonight." Peter states to her.

"Oh, whatever, he's all talk." Jesse informs them when Iris and Wally join up with them.

"What's up, Wally?" Barry asks him.

"Hey, interesting choice of venue." Wally comments on the place.

"Peter picked it." "Barry picked it." "Cisco picked it." The men all say pointing at each other.

"Okay, I picked it. I don't get out much. It had four stars on yelp, so.." Barry explains.

"So who's this?" Jesse asks since none of then have been introduced to Wally yet.

"This is Wally. He's my...foster...step brother? He's my new friend." Barry explains and points to the group. "This is Cisco, Peter, Caitlin, and Jesse." Barry greets them and Jesse leaves to stop the watch from beeping every time she's around Barry.

"Hey, I know I'm practically your only outside of work friend, and your not drunk out of your skull, and that the last time we dance we were interrupted. But you wanna give my club dancing a shot?" Peter asks her.

She thinks and sees a minute alone with Peter is a plus on her and decides to see what he's got.

"Sure." Caitlin agrees and he leads her onto the dance floor.

On the sideline, Cisco and Barry are watching them dance together.

"You think they like each other?" Cisco asks Barry who obviously knows they like each other after the Weather Wizard time travel incident last year.

"I can't tell you how I know, but I already know they like each other." Barry tells Cisco who's actually not as surprised as he expected.

"I ship them." Cisco states to him. "What do you think? SpiderFrost? No, SnowParker. How about SnowSpider?" He asks Barry trying out ship names for the two of them.

Suddenly a flash of lightning comes in and attacks them and starts stealing everyone's purses and money. Peter senses them coming and punches them in the face before they could steal his or Caitlin's money.

Flash & Spider-Man - Book 2 of the SpiderverseWhere stories live. Discover now