Blast from the past

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Barry has been at Star labs doing everything, reading anything that he could find in order to become the fastest man alive so that when they find a way to Earth-2, somthey can end Zoom.

"Can we please get rid of Jay's helmet? It's giving me daymares." Cisco asks his friends.

"Sorry, it keeps me motivated." Barry tells him.

"Yeah, even I find it creepy we still keep it around." Peter states to Barry.

Cisco carries all the books he could carry. "This is all I could find even remotely related to increasing speed. How are these supposed to help apply the speed equation to you, or help Peter?" Cisco asks them.

"The answer to getting faster has to be in here somewhere." Barry answers.

"And I've been updating my suit so I can fight off the dark speedster." Peter tells Cisco as he enters the labs to start experimenting with a new web formula to keep a speedster as fast as Zoom trapped for good.

Caitlin then enters the cortex from her labs. "I think I found something interesting." She tells them.

"Is that a good interesting, or bad interesting?" Cisco asks her.

"After running some comparative data, it appears that you, Reverse Flash, and Zoom are moving your legs at essentially the same speed." Caitlin explains what she was able to put together.

"Then why are they so much faster than him?" Peter asks, just when the web fluid explodes onto his face.

"Best I can tell, with each stride their feet spend less time on the ground, this propelling them forward much faster." Says Caitlin.

"Well, I gotta make up that difference somehow." Barry says and goes to dinner with Joe.


Peter is just pulling off the web fluid off of his face from another chemical reaction as Caitlin approaches him. "You need some help?" She wonders as he just sighs.

"Yeah, there's a bottle of the web dissolver over by my suit. I keep a bottle on me just for emergencies like this." Peter tells her and she starts dripping it on some of the webbing and it starts dissolving off of him. "Thanks, Cait." Says Peter.

"No problem." Caitlin replies while smiling when they hear Barry and Cisco approach them.

"You mean the old Harrison Wells? As in Eobard Thawne?" Cisco asks and that's getting their interest. "Oh, that's rich. Hey, guys, Barry here wants to go back to last year to talk to the Reverse Flash to learn how to get faster."

"How are you gonna do that?" Caitlin asks him.

"By running to a time last year. And to avoid any Back to the Future paradoxes, I'll knock my past self out. It's not like he'll see me coming." Barry explains his plan.

"That's the craziest plan I've ever heard. And I have had my fair share of crazy." Peter states to him.

Barry explains that Thawne is his best chance of getting faster and they don't have any better ideas and decide that they should go through with it.


They put together when would be the best time for him to appear and decided to go with when Hartley showed up.

"Okay, you're going back when Wells was distracted by the return of Hartley Rathaway. This is the first time we found out wells knew the accelerator might explode, and we were all angry with him, so anything that might seem odd about your behavior, he should understand why you're acting that way towards him." Peter explains to him.

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