Hold onto the light

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Barry is speeding down the streets, trying to catch up to criminals who are robbing a store, making their getaway.

But in reality, the team at Star labs are using holographic technology to make it look like the Flash is still around.

Barry was able to stop the criminals as the cops arrest the group.

"I need a breather." Barry states.

"I didn't think this hologram thing was gonna work, but so far, so good." Iris says.

Cisco just laughs since they all thought it would be easy.

"I mean, I figured if they could get 2Pac rapping again at a concert, we could definitely get the Flash running around Central City." Cisco states as Harry enters the room.

"It's not gonna last." Harry tells them. "It's not gonna be long before someone figures out, you never say anything. You never touch anything, or go indoors."

"Okay, well, without Barry's speed, and Peter not being his usual spider self, this is as good an idea as any." Iris says, but Harry thinks their time is better spent helping Barry get his speed back by using the particle accelerator explosion.

"Your little entourage video game isn't going to stop Zoom, it's not gonna get Parker back in to the suit, and more importantly...it's not gonna save Snow. It's not gonna bring Caitlin back. And I have a feeling when Zoom returns, you should have all hands on deck. And as of right now, you have a hand missing." Harry tells them and they know Peter hasn't been himself since Caitlin was kidnapped as Harry leaves them to think.

"He's right. We could really use Spider-Man, and the city is already questioning where he is." Cisco says, sorta agreeing with Harry.

"I'll talk to him." Barry offers, since he knows it must be difficult for Peter with Caitlin stuck with Zoom. "Where is he?"

"I think he's still in the workshop." Cisco tells him and Barry leaves to find him.


Hunter has Caitlin in his lair back on Earth-2 and changes out of his suit since Caitlin doesn't want to talk to him with the mask on.

"Does this make you feel better?" He asks her.

"Nothing you could do would make me feel better." Caitlin tells him, wishing she was back home with her friends.

"You don't need to be afraid. I'm not gonna hurt you." Hunter assures her. "I care about you too much."

"You only care about yourself...Hunter." Caitlin states and watches him go through some flashback.

"I know you think I'm a monster. I understand why. But that'll change." Hunter tells her.

"Why are you keeping me here? You're cured." Caitlin asks him. "You don't need me for anything."

"You're here because Peter loves you, and I plan on using that against him." Hunter promises and all Caitlin paid attention to was what he said about Peter loving her.

Hunter then removes her restrains. "Make yourself at home. You're gonna be here a while." He promises and leaves.

Caitlin looks around for anything she could use to get away and comes across his prison cells, then comes across the man in the mask and a familiar face.

"Well, hello, doppelgänger of mine." The voice of Killer Frost fills the room. "What do you know? I can still pull off brunette." Frost jokes while Caitlin is surprised to see the woman who kissed Peter.

Yes, she's still hung up on that.


Back on Earth-1, Peter is as Cisco said, in the workshop tinkering with the web shooters attached to his suit. He was so focused on it, he never even sensed the ex-speedster walking into the room.

Flash & Spider-Man - Book 2 of the SpiderverseWhere stories live. Discover now