Thinking ahead

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The next evening, Harry, Cisco, Peter and Caitlin got down to business.

They spent the entire night looking for DeVoe.

Eventually even Barry gave up trying to get them to go home, but the next morning he was extremely sympathetic.

Caitlin was hugging her coffee mug, staring off into space.

Cisco was half-asleep in his chair.

Peter in fact was asleep with his arms spread across the monitors.

Harry was still searching incessantly for DeVoe.

"Ouch," Barry winced. "All-nighter, huh?" He asks, which caused Peter to wake up.

"I haven't been this tired since Killer Frost decided to go to Burning Man," Caitlin groaned, rubbing her eyes.

"Yeah?" Peter raised his eyebrows, looking forward to hearing that particular story at a different time.

Well, how is our search for the mysterious DeVoe coming?" Barry asks Harry.

"Allen," Harry snapped. "We're searching for an evil mastermind and the only clue we have to go on is his name but there's literally thousands, so how's the search going?!" He picked up something from the desk and chucked it at Barry, who ducked. Cisco lazily followed the object with his eyes, before looking back at Harry, who finished with a harsh: "Fantastic."

Cisco giggled deliriously. "I missed that."

"I feel like I should know who this is." Peter admits while he's trying to think where he's heard the name DeVoe before. "I feel like it's on the tip of my tongue but it doesn't want to come off."

"If we're gonna find DeVoe," Harry continued, ignoring Cisco. "We're gonna need more brainpower."

"Well, why didn't you say so?" Ralph Dibny strode into the Cortex. "One master detective, ready to detect." He picked up Harry's coffee mug, but the genius grabbed it back from him.

"I said morebrain power." Harry says as Ralph rolled his eyes and put his hand down on the keyboard.

Almost immediately, a robotic voice started to speak. "Initiating emergency oxygen purge."

"Remind me, why do you even have that?" Peter asked Caitlin and Cisco blearily as Ralph began to freak out and try to turn the countdown off.

Cisco and Caitlin shrugged, smirking as Harry pushed him out of the way and calmly stopped the imminent oxygen purge with one press of a button. "Like I said. We need more help. Maybe I should call my friends."

Cisco's head lifted, and Barry frowned. "Your what?"

"My friends," Harry repeated.

Confused, Peter spun around and exchanged glances with Caitlin. "Did he say friends?"

"I think he's being sarcastic," Caitlin told him.

"No, this is delirium," Cisco countered, looking alarmed as he sits up from his chair. "He's cracked from being awake all night. Hey, Harry, your friend are in this room!"

Caitlin waved at him.

"I have other friends!" Harry protested. "You asked me to make new friends, I made new friends. It was a task. I complete tasks."

Caitlin beamed. "That's so great!" she said happily. "I can't wait to meet them."

Cisco wheezed out another giggle. "Harry you listened to meeee...I'm so proud of you!"

"There's no pride-" Harry started. Cisco and Caitlin exchanged touched glances, and Caitlin put her hand over her heart. This was too cute! "My friends are smart," Harry continued. "They'll help us; I'll call them."

Flash & Spider-Man - Book 2 of the SpiderverseWhere stories live. Discover now