Killer Frost

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Peter is helping Joe fight off Alchemy's men as Barry is still being held up and Joe grabs his gun and Peter raises his web shooters trying to figure out what they're supposed to be doing.

"Shoot him!" Barry tells them.

"I can't see it." Joe says as even Peter can't see it.

"Just do it!" Barry says and Peter throws a web grenade as Joe starts shooting and the grenade gives them an outline on what Savitar looks like when Alchemy grabs the stone and starts trying to escape.

"Oh, no, you don't!" Peter says and tires webbing him but Alchemy uses the stone to vaporize the webbing.

"Let's go for a run." Savitar tells Barry and the two disappear.

On Peter and Joe's side, they were able to stop one of the followers from getting away but they turn to see Barry is gone.


Barry gets pulled out of a blue vortex and thrown onto the ground as Savitar appears to beat Barry down and brings him through the portal multiple times, making him appear in several different places.

Savitar finally throws him at the water front and looks at the beaten down speedster.

"Had enough?" Savitar asks Barry.

"Not even close." Barry sates standing back up but as soon as he runs at Savitar, he sends Barry flying after punching him so fast, when Barry got whiplash from the speed as he's getting thrown around constantly.

"Still alive down there?" Savitar asks Barry. "You are only a shadow beneath my throne. You are the past, where as I...I am the future Flash." Savitar informs him before grabbing him by the face and pulling out his blade again when a breach opens.

Caitlin and Cisco exit the breach and see Barry held up by a chokehold of what seemed to be air.

Caitlin bit her lip, hard. "I can't see it!"

"Just do it!!" Cisco yelled, on his knees with a hand at his head from the strain of creating a breach.

Caitlin lifted her hands, concentrated, and sent a stream of ice towards Barry's invisible foe. Soon enough, a shape began to form: large, hulking, and inhuman creature.

However, the ice cracked and there was a flash of white lightning before Barry crumpled back to the ground.

"Ooooh!" Cisco stood up with a groan, rubbing his head and taking off his goggles. "Whew-y! I'm gonna feel that tomorrow. That was a new and painful use of my powers."

Barry lay on his back in the pile of ice chips.

Caitlin walked up to him, followed by the hobbling Cisco, and helped him up. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay," Barry breathed, wobbling on one foot and a knee, hand still on the ground. "Just cold. Thanks for coming."


The team returned to Star labs and brought the Wally cocoon with them, not knowing what else to do and Caitlin started a quick checkup on the team.

"Barry, you're already healing; you should be fine soon. Uh, Cisco, the MRI that I did of your brain shows changes in the capillary morphology similar to that of a mini stroke," Caitlin recapped, coming over to stand by the bed where Cisco was lying, hand on his forehead. "I wouldn't try and inter-dimensional breach like that anytime soon."

"Okay, okay," Cisco said, sitting up with a worried look on his face. "You can't just gloss over that, okay? W-w-what does that even mean- am I gonna have this migraine for for the rest of my life?!"

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