I know nothing

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Savitar explained to Barry that it was his fault that he was created and he was a time remenant that was the only one left after the future Flash created him to fight Savitar and he was left alive to become Savitar and was abandoned.

The two fought but it became a stalemate as they both left with their lives and Barry informed the team on his discovery.

"This explains...everything." Peter admits.

"I don't understand. How could Savitar be you?" Joe asks Barry.

"He's all the worst parts of Barry. Like in Star Trek when the transporter splits Kirk into good Kirk and bad Kirk." Cisco tries explaining and looks to HR. "You have Star Trek on your earth, right?"

"I've only seen Voyager." HR admits.

"I hate spinoffs." Cisco states.

"So, Caitlin decided to follow him because he looks like Barry?" Miles asks, trying to make sense of this.

"And it explains the message that the Legends found on the Waverider when the future Barry said don't trust you." Peter puts together.

"Oh, it's all coming together...in the worst ways possible." Cisco says.

"You said you made Savitar? How? He was supposed to be around forever, isn't he?" May asks.

"Like this." Cisco says and draws a line. "Four years form now, future flash creates time remnants to fight Savitar. But Savitar lets that time remnant live so that it can later become Savitar. So once Savitar is imprisoned, this remnant starts going crazy. And he goes back in time to the past and becomes Savitar."

"Using the timeline to create the lie of him being the first speedster, spreading the myth of himself and recruiting acolytes throughout the rest of time." Peter finishes.

"So which came first, Savitar or the time remnant?" Joe questions.

"It's a closed loop. No beginning, no end. It's like who came first, chicken or the egg?" Peter explains.

"But if the time remnant is basically a second version of you, why would he want us dead and kill Iris?" Wally asks and nobody has an answer to that.

"If Savitar is Barry, and he remembers everything, how do we fight someone were working with?" Miles asks and that means they can't use Barry to come up with any plans.

"I just came up with the best idea ever." Cisco states. "Either that, or the worst idea ever."


They go to the medical wing and see the device Cisco wants to use on Barry.

"You wnat to give me a perm?" Barry asks Cisco.

"It's not for your hair. This is for your brain, okay? I want to stop you from making new memories." Cisco explains and that just raises more questions.

"Wait, you can do that?" Miles asks. "And, follow up question, why would you do that?"

"Savitar is a Future Barry, he remembers everything. So what if Barry can't remember what we're doing now?" Cisco asks.

"You wanna mess with his brain?" Joe asks.

"Just a little bit. It's a minimal procedure. It'll still be the same Barry, except he won't be able to hold onto any new information." Cisco explains.

"There's two types of memory; short term and long term. There's the part of our brain that retains new information before sending it to the cortex to be stored forever." May explains to them, being a medical professional but the technology is out of her zone.

Flash & Spider-Man - Book 2 of the SpiderverseWhere stories live. Discover now