City of apes

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Caitlin checked on Frost and it seems she's suffered from head trauma and sees she's in a small coma while Jesse explains what happened.

"It's been two weeks since he disappeared. I mean, no ones seen or heard from him since." Jesse tells them.

"Okay, why did your dad go to Gorilla City?" Peter asks, completely confused to why Harry would do that. Why anybody would do that.

"We received a mathematical cryptogram at our Star labs. It was highly complex. Took a week to decode it, but my dad and I did. It was an invitation from the gorillas to my dad." Jesse explains to them.

"Why Harry?" Barry asks.

"They wanted to meet him. So he mounted an expedition with ten other people, including Frost, and they went into the jungle. But they failed multiple check-ins, and a search party went in after them. But all they found were the bodies and the unconscious Frost...they were all beaten to death." Jesse explains and now they're worried about Harry.

"Oh! There you guys are." HR says as he exits the med lab. "Did anyone else see...Killer Frost in the med lab?" He asks when Jesse almost thought that he was Harry.

"So what are we gonna do?" Peter asks as they all remember the headline of the city and the gorilla attack.

"This can't be a coincidence, right? Harry lured into Gorilla City means Grodd must be planning something." Barry says.

"Seems like he's planning to come back to this earth." Caitlin agrees.

"And not alone by the sound of it." Cisco adds.

"Ha! If Grodd is coming to this earth with a monkey army, Peter Parker is not on this earth." Peter warns them, sick of the telepathic ape. Forgot an army of them.

"If we rescue Harry, maybe that stops whatever Grodd has planned, and maybe changes the future?" May guesses.

"Or maybe going there is what causes this." Peter says...but he isn't going to leave anyone behind. Harry's a friend. Yet again, he's in a city of his most feared animal.

"Harry's our friend, I'm not abandoning him. I'm going back to Earth-2." Barry tells them.

"And I suppose you'll want somebody to come with you who's gonna open those breaches for you?" Cisco guesses. "I'm in."

"Sorry, no thanks. My mind can't stand one overgrown monkey, let alone a city of them." Peter states to them.

"I'm gonna come too. I have a connection with Grodd. Maybe we can use that to get through to him." Caitlin tells the team.

Peter freezes for a second and now is completely on board with going. He wants to keep Caitlin safe, and he wants to save Harry. "Fine, I'm going. But if I don't get use the stinkin' paws line at least once, this whole trip is ruined." He warns them and Caitlin laughs at that pun. "I'll tell Miles I'm going out of town and ask him not to blow up the city while I'm gone.


Peter explained to Miles that he was going to a secret city of gorillas and he asked Miles to keep the city safe while he was gone.

"Okay, and make sure Wally doesn't-" Barry was telling Iris.

"I will." Iris promises.

"Because you know, sometimes he can be a little-" Barry was saying.

"Barry," Iris said firmly, rolling her eyes up at him. "I am very good at bossing my little brother around. Okay? Don't worry. Just don't do anything stupid."

"Okay," Barry sighed, giving her a hug.

"This is the dumbest thing we've done, and that's saying a lot." Peter tells May.

Flash & Spider-Man - Book 2 of the SpiderverseWhere stories live. Discover now