Savitar's wrath

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Peter and Miles were doing their morning routine of crime fighting while Barry, JQ and KF are training for Savitar when he finally shows up to kill Iris.

"I thought the whole point of this was to make sure we don't need to fight this God of Speed." Miles says when Peter explained what they're doing.

"Yeah, but if I'm right, we're not going to be able to change events as big as his Wraith as Savitar once put it." Peter informs him when he gets a text. "Hey, I've gotta call it a morning. Gotta get to the labs."

"Yes, sir." Miles says while solutions before running off the edge of the skyscraper while doing a backflip before swinging off.

"Showoff!" Peter shouts as he heads for the labs.


Peter just gets off the elevator with a cup of coffee in hand and is greeted by Caitlin.

"Peter, how was your morning?" Caitlin asks him while pulling him into a kiss.

"Pretty standard. Taught Miles a few things, beat up some criminals." Peter tells her. "Hey, did you hear from Fox about him going out of town?" He asks her.

"Yeah, said that he needed to do something, and would be back when he can." Caitlin says as they join the others in the cortex.

"Hey, does anybody know what's going on?" Jesse asks as they've all been wondering why Barry called them in.

"I was hoping to ask you guys that." Peter says when Barry and Iris come in and start whispering to each other with smiles on their faces.

"What's going on with you two?" Joe asks them.

"Do you want to?" Iris asks Barry.

"This is all you." Barry promises Iris.

They just look to the group with smiles and Iris raises her hand and reveals an engagement ring.

Everyone then upon seeing the ring looks in shock and cheers as Joe and Peter are confused for two different reasons.

Joe walks over to them and is happy for them and he pulls Barry out of the room to talk privately.

"You broken there, Pete?" Caitlin asks him.

"What?" Peter asks, now finding the wording as he's really confused to what just occurred.

Barry and Iris were dating even shorter than Peter and Caitlin have. Half the time, Peter would forget they were even together.

And now they're engaged?

But his questions get interrupted by an alert going off.

"We've got a fire." Caitlin tells him and he rushes to get his mind off of what just occurred.


Peter took the cycle and while the speedsters were on their way, Wally was seeing Savitar and was getting thrown around.

Luckily, Miles was the first out of all of them to get there and was able to get everyone to safety as Peter used his foam webs to put out the fire while Barry attains to Wally.

"Where'd he go?" Wally asks looking around.

"Who?" Barry wonders, not knowing what he's talking about.

"Savitar." Wally says and now Barry is concerned.


They later return to Star labs to learn what it is Wally's seeing.

"So now Savitar's mind-punting you?" Cisco asks Wally. "Oh, boy. This never stops never stopping."

"How long has this been going on, Wally?" Barry asks him.

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