I hate magic

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Cisco was checking the future and it's still the same, Peter bleeding, Barry trying to save Iris and failing.

"Everything's stillthe same. The future has not changed." Cisco tells them.

"All right. Well, we have two months to make sure that it does." Barry says.

"Okay, well, we should approach this the same way we approach any other problem. Start with what we know." Caitlin tells them. "Problem can't be solved if it's not understood."

"Therein lies the rub. I feel like we can't understand any of this until it actually happens. It's like Savitar's prophecies." Cisco says.

"And just like the newspaper headlines, they've all already happened or have been changed...all except one." Peter says looking at the last one.

Killer Frost still at large

Peter swore that he would change Caitlin's fate, no matter what. And there is nothing that's going to stop him from saving her.

Barry and Joe get called in to a crime scene and leaves the couple and Cisco.

"Oh, Cait, before I forget, I got us tickets to the Central City opera." Peter tells Caitlin.

"The opera?" Cisco asks.

"Yeah, Cait and I talked about it once and she mentioned she never gone before, and it seemed since I've finally got more money than I really need, I can afford them." Peter explains and pulls Caitlin into a quick kiss before leaving.

"It's nice to see the two of you patched things up." Cisco tells Caitlin.

"Yeah, it's great to have things back to normal." Caitlin says when their phones go off and they're a robbery in progress. "Looks like it's time for Spider-Man to get back into action."


Peter swings over to Korg Industries where Barry meets up with him.

"Hey, I beat you by the way." Peter tells Barry.

Barry just laughs when they look up and see some old man walking down the stairway.

"I don't think that's yours, buddy." Peter tells him.

"The Flash and Spider-Man?" He asks them.

"You thought we didn't want to be the welcoming party to the newest resident of Iron Heights?" Barry asks.

"No, I assumed you two would show. I just didn't expect the two of you to be so...young and working together. Barry Allen and Peter Parker." He says and shocks the heroes.

"How do you know our names?" Peter asks and sees he's holding a device in his hands.

"I'm from the future." He explains and pulls out a hanky. "You don't believe me? Let's see, 2017. How are things going with the two of your loved ones, Iris west and Caitlin Snow? Or as I know her, Killer Frost. Or your greatest foe, Savitar?" He asks and makes the device in his hand disappear.

"You know Savitar." Barry sees.

"I know everything about him, and the two of you." He states and Barry speeds at him but when he grabs his hand, it comes off to reveal a fake hand.

"What the hell?" Barry asks when he flashes a light in front of Barry and a breach opens and Gypsy steps out before blasting their crook.

"Still seeking revenge, I see, Gypsy." He tells her.

"I'm gonna get it this time." Gypsy promises.

"We'll see." He says and pulls out a stack of cards.

Peter shoots out a web at him as Barry races to him through the cards but the web hits the doors and Barry misses as he vanishes.

Flash & Spider-Man - Book 2 of the SpiderverseWhere stories live. Discover now